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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Dave C has left a new comment on your post "The Other Obama Point Of View":

I'm posting here because I didn't want this message to get lost in the negative comments posted on Joe's early thread:

President Obama Comforted This Republican

Seriously? We aren't Americans here...we're nothing but a bunch of whiners and complainers. Pride is gone! Every single person on that post had an opinion about what Obama is doing, but ABSOLUTELY NOBODY, offered up an alternative solution despite Joe asking several times.

I have a an enormous amout of respect for ANYBODY and EVERYBODY who attempted to lead this Country during this toilet bowl economy! Who would want to take on this task at all? We are at war, we have the worst economy ever, we have the greatest national debt ever, we are plagued with pollution, we have an energy crisis, we have a mortgage/lending crisis, we have a plummetting stock market, we have failing health care, we have a failing automobile industry, we have higher crime, we have immigration problems...if it's bad, we have it!

So I ask all of you folks out there complaining about what Obama is doing to help solve these problems ALL AT THE SAME TIME: What would you do? You sit at home in complain, but you provide no insight. Anybody can take the coward way out and just complain, but offer up a solution instead. Use your mind and quit being ignorant. I respect this post tremendously because Joe offered up his opinion and solutions; he didn't simply criticize.

There are very few people, if any, who post on this blog that are truly effected by any of Obama's tax hikes to the upper class. The majority of us are middle class citizens. We, the middle class citizens, unfortunately carry the most burdens. We carry the burden of the lower class needing government assistances and we now also carry the burden of some of the poor CEO decisions that helped drive our economy into the sh!t hole. So let me ask you, who do you try to help out with your policies? Do you help out the upper class who have money to spare but help drive the economy? or do you help out the hard working middle class (the majority) so they don't slip into poverty? or do you help the lower class so that they can get back into the productive working class of America? How would you solve ALL of these problems? Its not so easy-I certainly wouldn't want the man's job!

In addition, WE ARE IN DEBT!! We are in debt as a nation! There's not such thing as free money. If you have bills that you need to pay off, what do you do? You take a little bit of money out of each pay check and pay them down. We CAN NOT pay off our national debt without a little bit of taxes from EVERYBODY! I by no means have alot of money, but I have enough to get me by with some extra to spare. I would certainly be willing to give some up to HELP MY NATION AND MY FELLOW AMERICANS! Sure, government spending needs to be cut back, but the less taxes that we pay in, the longer this is going to last! The longer it is going to take to get back to the "good times". Have you ever paid off a car payment early? Remember that good feeling you had when you could take that money that you would have normally spent on your car payment and bought something that otherwise wouldn't have had? We got ourselves in this debt, whether directly or indirectly, we have to get ourselves out now.

Nothing is a guarantee. It's like the stock market-a big old casino, everything is fine when you're winning, but when your cards stop coming everybody wants to blame the dealer! If it was a guarantee they would call it "winning" not "investing". Obama's plan might not work, but you got to give the man a chance. He's only been in office for 2 months. Give the guy a chance! I'm not going to say that I agree with everything he has implemented thus far, but I step back and look at the big picture and begin to see how it could work. His policies might not make sense yet, but it's going to take time to get them to work. Although Obama has a great chance of failing because of the cards he was dealt, he also has a chance to be great. Let's get some national pride and see where we go in the next 4 years.


Anonymous said...

It is easy. Cut all taxes, esp. corporate and capital gains taxes. get rid of Fannie, Freddie and the community reinvestment act. Stop legislating banks to give loas to people who cannot repay them. Also, bring in the fairtax or a flat tax and watch trillions of dollars hidden overseas to come back into the US.

Anonymous said...

Flat tax I can see. But the blaming of the poor for the problems of America is just a lie.

Get rid of programs ans practices that encourage greed. WallStreet was making money hand over fist and then it got greedier. Now when it falls apart its someone else's fault.

That is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you look closely, you can say the welfare state is the most greedy as they take money who earnit to give it to those who do not earn it. they pay people to stay poor. No one is blaming the poor, but the poor in this country have to wake up and see the truth or they will allow themselves to become like the poor and middle class of other countries, a much lower standard of living than they already have. freddie and Fannie helped bring down our housing market.

Anonymous said...

i believe the problem here is not the crisis that we are having but the one we are creating
we do not have an energy crisi we have evironmentalists who refuse to allow us to use our own resources
we do not have a health care crisis we have the greatest health care in the world and it would be the most affordable if the government would just get out of the way
we do have an ecomonic downturn which was created by the very people that say that they are the only ones that can fix it, ie frank, dodd, geitner, jim johnson, raynes etc.
their solution is to create more panic and create such huge debt that this country will collapse, look at what is happening in europe

the very people that made this country great are being demonized by the government so the middle class will hate them. well when there are no more people willing to risk everything and create work because the government has destroyed them where will be then????????

Anonymous said...

if you want real solutions to the economic problem try what has realyy worked in the past

cut corporate taxes in half. we have the second highest corporate rate in the world.

cut capital gains taxes in half.

it is a proven fact that when you cut taxes the income to the government goes up not down

let the companies who got themselves into these situations restructure. it will be difficult but all the government is doing now is stalling what will eventually happen. if it was not running right in the first place throwing money at it wil not solve the problem. the government running it will tuly run it. the government trying to save anything will destroy it.

Anonymous said...

Dave C,

Very well said!

Anonymous said...

Get your heads out of the sand Americans.
The new president has an agenda . It is to ruin America as we know it to bring in the New World Order. Then all of those communist and socialist countries that put big bucks in his campaign can take over America without firing a shot.
Look at what they are trying to do.
1) Ruin our economy and financial system
2)Take our guns away so we cannot defend ourselves. If that don't work the bill is already in place to tax our ammo so we cannot afford to buy ammo for our guns
3) Another bill to stop the term limits on the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES then Obama can remain our dictator forever. Gee sounds alot like communism doesn't it. I hope all you Obama fans are getting this. Check it out all these bills are already in congress to be voted on. Get your heads out of the sand and lets take our country back. The home of the brave and the land of the FREE.
Yeah there is your change and the little bit of change left in your pocket after Obama raises your taxes to pay for his spending bill.

Anonymous said...

12:23 you are PARANOID! Not a bit of sense in the entire post. Get off the Glenn Beck, he's making a killing on your fear.

Two Sentz said...

"The new president has an agenda.It is to ruin America as we know it to bring in the New World Order."

Really? Now who's head is in the sand?

Good post btw Dave C.

Anonymous said...

if you don't blame the poor, who do you blame. People with money aren't the problem

Anonymous said...

Tax cut??? Why is that always the answer no matter what the question?

Anonymous said...

Agenda or not, Obama is turning us into a third world country. He knows there is no way to pay this money back, and so does China. Countries are now saying they will not buy anymore of our debt, we are printing money like crazy, inflation is around the this the change people voted for?

Anonymous said...

Concentrate on the things you can control and try to stay positive about them. Trying to control things that are out of your control now, will turn your attitude negative and thats not good for the people you support or Love. No matter who is running the white house we all have to stay positive, its all we can do for Now.

Anonymous said...

This poor person does not understand that the national debt is a CRIME. It is not natural or necessary. These people have control of our government and they are slowly bankrupting the nation. Our National Parks have been placed in lien for collateral for this bogus debt. These folks are criminals, that's why we can not offer to help them "solve the country's problems". These are the criminals who created the problem.

Anonymous said...

"We CAN NOT pay off our national debt without a little bit of taxes from EVERYBODY!"

Really Dave??? So how will we pay off the debt when 50% of the population pays no income taxes?

"tax the rich, feed the poor...
til there ain't no rich no more."

Remember that song??? We are about to see it happen!


Anonymous said...

Hey dave,

Did you, or any democrat ever say "just give the guy a chance" when W was in office?

Hell no you didn't.

If someone is pointing a gun at you, will you try to stop him, or just give him a chance?

Plenty of people have offered plenty of solutions other than Obama's. Why don't YOU give THEM a chance. And they are offering solutions that worked here in the past, unlike socialism, which hasn't ever turned around a negative economy.

Dave, are you ready to have 25% of your paycheck disappear before you ever get it, to cover Social Security and Medicare. It's only a few years away. Bush tried to fix that. Why didn't you give him a chance????

All this "let's give him a chance" stuff is BS!!!!

To paraphrase Dennis Green, "He is what I thought he was!" A socialist, leftist, liberal with little to no understanding of what made this country so great so long ago. I'll give you a hint - it wasn't government!


Anonymous said...

Lets just give Obama the chance to mess America up for once and all....

Anonymous said...

You say that President Obama has a chance at failing because of the cards he was dealt...He chose to sit down at the game, nobody made him run for President.

Anonymous said...

Obama wanted the chance to fail....he is crushing all others at failing the fastes at being president..........he will go down as one of the worst leaders in our history..

Dave C said...


Bush had plenty of chances and Bush made plenty of mistakes. I think everybody can agree with that one; however, I wasn't knocking the guy two months into his Presidency. I started getting sick of Bush's BS and stupidity going into the second term. So, yes, I did give Bush a chance-perhaps too many chances!

I agree that EVERYBODY needs to pay taxes-folks shouldn't be exempt especially when the exempt people are the ones that utilize the government services the most. The thing is that people b!itch about the economy tanking, which in large was due to your good ole republican BUSH but you guys don't want to blame that idiot, and then you complain about taxes. Its one or the other folks. If you want this economy to turn around then you have to pay into it. You want your retirement back? Then these financial firms need the money. Do I always agree with these things? of course not, but if it gets us back to where we were then I'm along for the ride.

You all talk about Obama and turning this country socialistic; new flash folks we've been stealing from the rich and giving to the poor for decades and its not always monetary. Unemployment, Medicare, social security and welfare-Even "No child left behind" robs good students of an education. It has been going on all along-so start singing a new song. Get off the bandwagon, quit listening to the media critics and get YOUR OWN opinion, because all I hear these days is what I like to call the "Republican Opinion." Its the "we lost the election so let's trash this guy anyway we can."

So quit complaining, pay your taxes and shut up! You get alot more for your tax dollar than what you think-it defends your freedom. I bet the mother that lost her son while fighting for your freedom would gladly pay your taxes for life just to have him back.

You all are a bunch of selfish, whiney assholes! I hope Obama does turn the county socialist-because atleast then we will know that we are all equal and you can't think that you're better than everybody...

Anonymous said...

sure we will all be equally destroyed
the only thing i will blame bush for is not stopping the liberal agenda.
you need to go back to the clinton administration and look what barney and dodd did with the so called fair housing laws which basically told the banks that you had to make loans to anybody and freddie and fannie will buy any loan good or bad and themn mix the bad it with other equities. eventually the bad took down everything. even when warned barnie and dodd said everything was fine. well guess what it wasn't and the whole financial mess began. now all you hear is crisis and we have to socialize this and socialize that because we are in a crisis.
Dave C if someone does not agree with you that does not make them an asshole. there are still people in this country that believe that hard work deserves to be rewarded. that the government is there to protect us not run us. there are still people out there that can stand up on their own two feet and raise a family without obama and the rest of the gang. unfortunately more and more people act and sound like you. its all bushes fault?????

Anonymous said...

Dave C,

How many different taxes do you pay?
Do you know?

I can name about 10 to 15 you probably paid this month!

Do you know how much you paid in sales taxes last year? How bout phone taxes, electricity taxes, water tax...

We are taxes enough. This country was great when we didn't tax the hell out of the people who worked hard.

Give it, and they will take it.

And really dave, I'm a libertarian, not a Bush republican. Didn't vote for him either. But he didn't tank the economy - his tax cuts just kept it afloat a little longer. Without them after 9-11, the economy would've tanked then.

Finally Dave, if we split all the resources of this country equally, and said one half is run by republicans, and one half by democrats, do you really think the Dems' half wouldn't be bankrupt in 5 years. Which half would you live in. The half where everyone was equally poor, or the half where everyone was unequally rich?