You will notice Jim Ireton is supported by the everyday, concerned citizen and a few local politicos. However, Comegys financial report reads like a list of special interest groups. Same old, same old, nothing new. Just like his tenure as mayor would be if we were unfortunate enough to have him elected to this position. Bob Caldwell is off to a slow start. I'm confident he'll gain more support as time goes on. Hang in there Bob, you are a good man. Mike Della Penna, it is sad to say has nothing to declare. Has Mr. Della Penna done any campaigning, other than speaking at forums or fundraising?

For more info on Jim Ireton, click here Friends of Jim Ireton

For more info on Gary Comegys, click here Gary Comegys
Don't be fooled by this short list. Richard Insley, Mike Dunn and Bill Gordy didn't gain their wealth by being stupid. If Gary Comegys should make it through the primary they'll make sure his war chest is loaded. Even if Gary doesn't make it through the primary you can expect this to be the nastiest campaign to be held since Barrie Tilghman vs Duke Shannahan.

Bob is a good man and has worked hard for the citizens. Bob lead the tax referendum petition recently and was nearly successful in stopping Gary Comegys 14% tax increase. When Bob makes it through the primary and he is the man you support, please show your support via campaign contributions and volunteerism.
For more info on Bob Caldwell, click here Elect Bob Caldwell
Although Mike Della Penna had nothing to report, it is only fair to list his website as well. For more info on Mike Della Penna, click here Mike For Mayor
Thank you, to the anonymous person that sent us the link to Mike's site.
try for a good laugh!
Here's the poop on some of Bubba's backers:
King Burnett is a law partner of the City Attorney, Paul Wilber
Bob Gladden was on the City Council when Bob Caldwell pushed thru the first landlord licensing and inspection, that Gladden then helped to kill. I believe that Gladden or his wife had some rental homes at the time.
M. W. Tilghman is Barrie's husband
T. J. Maloney is a rooming house landlord
Philip Tilghman is up to his eyeballs in the PAC14 takeover scheme.
Many of the others are local luminaries of the wrong kind with big vested interests.
The primary next week is our golden opportunity to bump the landlord's and developer's "golden boy" -- Bubba Comegys.
We can vote for two candidates -- Bob Caldwell and Jim Ireton -- and the two with the highest vote then run in the general election.
Besides stopping Comegys at the primary, it will also make for a civil and reasoned discussion during the month before the general election about the best way for Salisbury to undo the damage caused by 11 years of Barrie and 5 plus years of Comegys.
ok, so what, your point. why are you so worried about it.
Prepare -- bye-bye Bubba!
There goes your cash cow.
Please read the 10:59 post and vote for Caldwell & Ireton!
Ireton and Caldwell Supporters:
Don't waste your 2nd vote in the primary!
I don't think he is worried about it, but it is important to see who is supporting the candidates. Comegys has support from the folks who bring you Richard Insley as head of the Housing Board. Gee, I wonder who Gary will appoint to the housing board?
Everytime I see a list of supporters I bust out laughing. These are suppose to be intelligent high society people that are listed Salisbury's upper crust, at least in their eyes. How can these high rollers openly support such a poor candidate. He has proven time and again that he's dumb as an anvil and yet hes still chugging along. The term Trojan Horse keeps coming up. These slum lords and political cronies are riding this jackass into the barn to set up shop. Their riding his back to get what they want. The shame of it is he's to stupid to see they are using him and wouldn't give him the time of day if he wasn't running. Thats how the world works I guess. I feel sorry for Salisbury if he wins.
Cash Cow? No Deep pocket "slum" lord here, just your average joe, but why bring up people names and state that they are, the and I quote, "the wrong kind" and then be anonymous?
Tim Chaney was the only one in District 1 with enough class to even file a report.
It's a poor district so small amounts are no surprise.
But I wonder if Shanie's landlord benefactors from the the 2005 race are just holding off or if they see her for the lost cause she is.
If you have no insights about the candidates besides the list of donors and amounts given, Mr. Ireton is clearly the everyday citizen's candidate. Be wary of candidates supported by a few influential citizens.
From the sign's on Truitt Street, gary has some support...or does he? One of the houses is vacant!
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