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Friday, November 14, 2008

The Proposed Head Of The EPA Under Obama?

I just read that Robert Kennedy is on the short list to head the EPA under the new administration. I hope you can find the excerpts of his speech a couple of years ago on Delmarva as the guest of a meeting I believe was held in Delaware. I would imagine that within 5 years the poultry industry as we know it would have moved to Mexico, Brazil and Venezuela. The cost of municipal services such as landfills, water and wastewater will increase significantly due to new mandates in the name of saving our health. I hope you have time to research this and alert your readers as to what is awaiting with the new administration. It would be devastating to lose the poultry industry.



Anonymous said...

Interesting that NOW William Ayers revealing in his new book that he was indeed a family friend of the Obama's, not "just some guy in the neighborhood" Interesting how Obama lied to country over and over about this. Interesting that William Ayers dedicated one of his books to Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert Kennedy Sr. The USA is terminally ill.

Anonymous said...

If you have ever heard Robert Kennedy speak, you will come to the conclusion that he is out of touch with reality.
Robert Kennedy is Al Gore on Lithium.
I hope that story is just a cruel joke.

Anonymous said...

People, you can't have it "both ways." Every one is complaining about how nasty the Wicomico River is, but no one is enforcing the policies that were established to PREVENT all the yuckiness running into the river.

It's NOT all due to the poultry industry, but the people raising the chickens sure aren't following the regulations -- how many times have you seen equipment stored under the roofs that are supposed to be covering the litter from the chicken houses so that all the ammonia, etc doesn't settle into the groundwater?

And how about all the stupid GOLF COURSES around here? You think all the weedkilling products and grass-greening products are just evaporating???

There's so many things that need to be improved -- why do you immediately try to start a panic that the poultry industry will be leaving????

How about the builders who decided to fill in some of the wetlands, or the builders who dig a pit and bury their paint cans and other hazardous materials because they're too cheap to dispose of things properly?

We've already seen proof of how poorly our wastewater treatment center is run, so which is more important -- lower taxes or good health???

Anonymous said...

Jim Perdue backed Biden with bucks and look what he's getting.

Sorry, no refunds!

Anonymous said...

9:05....You are an idiot.

Robert Kennedy is a rich jerk who did a wonderful job inheriting his money. He has no problem pushing a radical agenda that will prevent others from being successful. His thoughts and idea's are at times laughable are not backed by logic or facts. "He has his" and he could care less about who gets hurt while he pushes his agenda.

Your precious government in Salisbury is polluting the river.

You are obviously not a builder nor understand how the building process works. Good luck filling in wetlands without a permit and burying paint cans. That is so 1960's.

The poutlty industry is extremely important to our local economy. They can be priced out via regulation and taxes. We will all miss them when they are gone!

I agree with 8:59... this better be a joke.

Anonymous said...

Id rather be sick and golfing then sick of golfing.