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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congratulations President-Elect Obama

I had hoped to put this up first thing in the morning, but I had to go to Crisfield.

Last night was an historic event. America elected an African-American as our next President. While I have long predicted that the first woman, and the first African-American Presidents would be Republicans I am obviously wrong on at least one count. There were no riots in the streets. The sun rose this morning. Our flag still has 13 stripes and 50 stars.

On January 20, 2009 Barack Obama will be MY President. He is to be congratulated for this great accomplishment. He and his people ran a nearly flawless campaign. Whether we agree with his policies or not, he will be OUR President - worthy of our support and respect.

Does this mean that I won't be criticizing a President Obama? Of course not. Whether we have a President Obama for four or eight years, I will be an outspoken member of the loyal opposition. As President-Elect Obama floats trial balloons and President Obama attempts to formulate and implement policy these proposals will have to be analyzed and either supported or opposed.

In all honesty, I am more worried about the Republican party right now than I am a future under President Barack Obama. Here in my own little corner of the world, I can joke with my friend Ernie Leatherbury (Chairman of the Wicomico Democrat Central Committee) and congratulate him on a job well done. I can call up my friend Jim Ireton (another Democrat Central Committee member) and congratulate him. Yet, the First District election is not even decided yet and I am seeing mean spirited attacks on fine people from within my own party (in print and in person).

There are people in the Republican party who I disagree with on certain things. That's fine. I disagree with my Democrat friends on almost everything EXCEPT - we all care about the future of our country. We just disagree on the best way of going about it.

On November 14th we should know who won the Congressional race. If Frank Kratovil wins, I will congratulate him. If, as I hope, Andy Harris wins I will congratulate him. In either case, I will respect both men (and their staffs and volunteers) for waging a hard fought campaign.

In the meantime, we need to accept the fact that those who supported a winning candidate will want to crow about it. We shouldn't take it personally - unless the attack is personal. Even then, we should be a little more forgiving.

Campaigns are (relatively) easy. Governing is hard. The real battles begin in January.

Starting tomorrow, I will begin boring you with a series of thank you's, along with the normal banter.


Anonymous said...

Remember the days of John Wayne, Nathan Hale, John Paul Jones, Ronald Reagan, and the Founding Fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Great men of vision, and intestinal fortitude to boot.

But on November 4, 2008, the once free United States of America committed mass suicide with spoon fed socialist strychnine by exalting Barack Obama, a known confidant of terrorists Bernardine Dorne and William Ayers, to the "presidency".

If any indication of his "presidency" is like what the Black Panthers did at a poll in Philadelphia, America is doomed. Thuggish behavior such as this is killing America.

So what do we have left folks? Spineless politicians who are not statesmen. Prostitutes who sell their souls for power. And the average everyday Joe? Screwed right where the brown comes down. And the real Americans? Thrown out as yesterday's newspapers. Spat upon by the communists, and other thugs who are about to kill Liberty.

So where do we go now? It is time to regroup, and weed out those who sold out America. It starts locally, and we must take back America, or what is left of it.....

Obama will eclipse Jimmy Carter. And I will predict Obama will be the worst "president" America, or whatever is left of it, has ever seen.

Keep the powder dry, and pray to God we can survive the socialist Tsunami that is about to hit us.....

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100% G.A. Thank you for this great post. I am a republican but agree we must try to get past our bitterness over losing and try to work toward a better place to call home.

Anonymous said...

G.A.: Remaining a member of the loyal opposition is the responsible characterization of your work. Ignore idiots like Anon 10:11. They will be insignificant. And for folks like that, just so you know that Obama's supporters are diverse, and include red-blooded, gun-owning, military officer folks like myself and my family. Thanks for the patriotic post.

Anonymous said...

excellent post, but let us get one thing straight right from the beginning - this is something that I have only heard one single TV commentator report correctly - this man is not African-American, at least not 100% - he is more correctly demographically categorized as bi-racial, maybe then in our PC world a Bi-racial-American - how conveniently he is labeled an AA because of his skin color - why does his Caucasian mother's heritage become lost? - JLJ

Anonymous said...

Dear 10:11 PM

You can substitute the words Barack Obama with George W. Bush and that's pretty much how I felt in 2000. Of course, I was proved right, and hopefully, Obama will be a better president than you foresee, for all our sakes'.

Anonymous said...

Got to congradulate Obama. He pulled the wool over everybodies eyes and got the liberals, blacks, and impressionable youth to vote him in. American media says its a day of history because the first black or African American was voted President. Trouble is Obama isnt black. He does have African decent but hes not black nor is he white. America voted in the first interacial President which isnt a suprise because sooner rather than later all people will be brown like it or not. Welcome to the United Socialist States of America. God help us all

Anonymous said...


"keep the powder dry"???


Anonymous said...

Spoken (written) by a man of true character, you are indeed honorable, and a patriot, G.A.

We must save this country, do our part, and let those naysayers wallow around in their own muck.

Soon, they will realize how very misguided they are/were.

Inspirationally,taken from a speech from our president-elect
"we are one people, we are citizens of the United States of America",
those who would devide us should understand what just happened in this election. " WE THE PEOPLE" finally means something again.

Republicans fought the fight, and will continue to put forward a more conservative agenda, it is good, it is a balance, and now that we are finally free from the salvery of GWB and his policies, I do believe that this country will be better for it. But, it is going to be difficult to get out of the mess we are in. I look forward to working and watching this Country stand on it's feet again.

I once heard a prominent politician say..."You may not be responsible for being on the ground, but you are responsible for standing up."

Thanks G.A.

Anonymous said...

Look at all the posts from the Kool Aid drinkers, LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

I think you and the media are not reporting the biggest result of tuesday election that is the election of the first truly Socialist president!

Anonymous said...

Would be so much venom among the losing side spewed forth if these "unibombers" had to sign their names. Sometimes I wonder how many weirdos are living out in the woods, with nothing but some jerky to chew on...they must go to the public library to use the internet and "enlighten" the rest of us as to how things really should be.

I'm far more worried about these guys somehow getting together and forming a pack. Then we would, as a society, have a REAL problem.
(BTW, most of us don't care what you predict. Just take a shower before you go out in public, somehow. That would be a good start.)

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me that democrats think by voting for Obama have gotten rid of Bush's policies they are now going to get them in spades. Bush was no republican he expanded govermemt, spent more money on the poor, education, social programs and got us into war(a democrat tradtion)the only thing Bush did that was not democrat he cut taxes for all working americans.

Anonymous said...

To play on the words of michele obama, For the first time in my life I am NOT proud to be an American.

You Obamacans are in for a rude awakening. The Russians are already preparing to capitalize on Obama's weakness' and so many of us are going to say I told you so.

Wake up America, it is not about skin color or party affiliation.

Anonymous said...

Anon 707am,

The pot calling the kettle black!

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you that we MUST rise above the pettiness and verbal assaults. However I cannot agree with you on congratulating those who willingly promoted falsehoods and lies.
Remember something of city politics? Isn't that what we are all screaming about? Or is honesty so dispensible a tool, used only when it's convenient, and shelved also when it's convenient.
Maybe to many the end justifies the means, but to me the means is the real measure of character.


Anonymous said...

So . . . you think Republicans ran a totally clean race, Honestaby? Really? No, really?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:52
Really, why so defensive????


Anonymous said...

Excellent post!!

I agree...this was the "easy" part. It was like a race to the altar, not knowing who the groom would be. We had the wedding it's time to work on this marriage. It's not going to be a picnic. Let's brace ourselves for more hard work!

- signed, Happy Obamatard

Anonymous said...

To James Jester:

As a bi-racial American myself, I think that is a question that needs to be asked of society, not of Barack Obama.

I grew up claiming all of my heritage, proudly and - probably like Obama - am more culturally identified with my white heritage. I always just told people I am "mixed".

It's the world that told me I was pretty much just black to them, or insisted my sisters and I choose. Most individuals like us just shrug their shoulders and move on with their lives as they see fit, and celebrate your own traditions as you wish in private - because you can't control what the world is going to say about you, and label you. I think that is what you are seeing here.

He obviously honors his African family, European-American family and his Asian-American sister, and Hawaiian-American upbringing. It is not that hard to grow up with such nuance.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! congrats to all White Americans!! You realize what Obama in the whitehouse means right? NO MORE RACISM...thats right we proved it. There is no more racism anywhere. Barrack has with one mighty swoop taken out all the racism and (white) guilt for slavery. Even though my and most of your fore fathers had little to nothing to do with it. And You yourself had exactly NOTHING to do with it. It dosnt matter now. There is nothing left to fear. Whites and Blacks, excuse me Blacks and Whites are finally equal! I feel like an idiot though, i had no idea this was the case. I had no idea the animosity blacks have over whites. I f!@#ed up and thought that all men were already equal, regardless of the color of there skin. But i was wrong, again. No big deal life goes on as usual until Jan. 20.

Anonymous said...

"we must try to get past our bitterness"

"Got to congradulate Obama"

As for me, Im taking a note from the DumbOcraps from 4-8 yrs ago. After all there mentality got us BO.
"He isnt my president".

Thanks to all the dumbOcraps for teaching me valuable lessons on how to truly bitch and moan.
by the way I AM INDEPENDENT.