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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

John McCain Concedes With Class

"Tonight, more than any night, I hold in my heart nothing but love for this country and for its citizens. Whether they supported me or Senator Obama, I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent, and will be my President. And I call on all Americans, as I have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties, but to believe always in the promise and greatness of America because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history, we make history."

--John McCain


Anonymous said...

I would have voted for this guy in a second (over W.) 8 years ago.During the last year or so, you could see this wonderful man get blown off his own course by his own party talking heads. If you watched McCain several years ago, he was not the same twitchy, uncomfortable sour-puss he became as November approached. Last night, I saw the McCain I want to remember return. Looking into his eyes at the podium, one could almost see relief as a tremendous burden was released off his back. His concession speech was outstanding,absolutely outstanding, and many of you should watch it again and listen to his true message. You may not like what you saw late last night/early this morning-but the time has come (my friends) to drop this bitter divisive bullshit that is the factor TRULY destroying our nation. I hope Obama reaches across party lines to embrace McCain as a part of his cabinet...

Anonymous said...

Thats what he said in public, you can sugar coat this all day long and it wont change the fact that this is a mistake. Welcome to the
USSA,(united socialized states of america).

Anonymous said...

Sen. McCain indeed gave a very classy concession speech. I actually teared up a bit during it, and I'm an Obama supporter. McCain is a great man and an American hero. Too bad the moment was ruined by the classless sore losers in his audience booing every mention of Obama and Biden.

Anonymous said...

Harris could learn from him.

Anonymous said...

11:33. That is so true. In my opinion those types on the extreme fringes are like people who scream "You da' man" at every bloody PGA golf tee shot (even when the ball is clearly headed right for the lumberyard)to the point you don't even want to watch/care about the event. If you remember the lady in the town hall meeting who started to ask a question about Obama being an Arab and such and McCain was instantly put in a position where (because he IS such an honorable man) he actually had to spend valuable debate time defending the character of his opponent. That type of stuff (and some rallies where the crowd shouted inappropriate comments and sounded like drunken high-school juniors)was political rat poison to his campaign. 11:17 is a good example of why our country's main worry is not "possible socialism" but "definite ignorance."

Anonymous said...

I have to say that John McCain earned quite a bit of respect fom me with his concession speech last night.I have always considered myself a diehard liberal Democrat (much to the chagrin of most of my family) I realized as he was speaking that the only way to deal with all the crap our country has in front of us is to work together. Even though I did not vote for him I do respect him and hope that his followers will respect that he wants what is best for America. This election was fascinating to watch for me b/c there was such a diverse group of people involved. The bottom line is this: We have a new President and no one should say "Well I'm leaving!" Thats ridiculous! We should be saying "yeah, my candidate did not win but I'm still an American so lets work with our differences and see what happens" I know this probably sounds naive to many people, but hey, I'm only 27. I am still entitles to a bit of naive every now and then. Have a great day everyone and God Bless America!

Anonymous said...

I have decided to quit my job and sit at home doing nothing to better myself...other than making more babies in order to collect more welfare. I am going to share your wealth. Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!

Anonymous said...

John McCain has earned the respect of every American no matter what party affiliation. He is a true American hero and patriot. God Bless John McCain & Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

It's eerily reminiscent of JFK's election, when I was fresh off the farm and in the shipboard US Navy. We were scared shitless, what with Sputnik, the space race, really cold war/Communist Bloc, etc. He was a gifted public speaker with little political experience, too. Because of the Dallas moment we will never know what he might have done or failed to do in the normal course of events.

I never met the Senator McCain (a young air-dale at the time), but I did meet his father, then an admiral, while on the q-deck watch when he came to call on our CO with no special fanfare (a surprise visit, I believe, to say farewell because the Captain was retiring). It was below freezing and he made the Watch Officer let us don our P-jacs.

Those were the days. Soon afterwards I entered the Navy's college program. Back then I couldn't even spell engineer and now I are one!

Both the Senator's father and grandfather were career naval officers. The entire family is Bravo Zulu. When the Senator was a POW in the "Hanoi Hilton" his father was responsible for bombing that could easily have killed the son.

What a shame that Senator McCain didn't get the Presidency in the 2000 election -- it's our loss, already, and about to get much worse, I fear, as happened after JFK's election. Let's hope and pray that history does not repeat itself.

I didn't vote for Sen. Obama, but I'll give him a real chance to be our leader. It's time to stop the sniping and nit-picking about him and his family.

Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful speech and I am sure that people will remember it in our future and some will ask themselves..WTF did I do and why did I vote the way I did?

Anonymous said...

4:36. Read "Sailors To The End"-judging from the depth of your comments you may have already had this as required reading somewhere ..Author is Freeman?-might want to Google it...working on the road without the exact text in front of me now. McCain (and scores of his fellow support crew and naval firefighters who perished that day)was a genuine hero and respected friend long before that lucky Chinese SAM sent him to the "wrong" Hilton (the one, quoting Paris, that was "not hot").

Anonymous said...

He clearly took the fall for his party. They treated him like shit and he took the fall anyway. It wasn't their turn to win, and they made him be the loser. Some Republican had to lose. So there he is - pathetic, empty, and sad. He knew all along what was his ending. He at least had the style to go onto SNL the weekend prior to the rigged election and laugh at himself. Was that his way of saying secretly to the rest of us, I know it was my lot, and here I am laughing at myself anyway? What do you think? Wasn't it obvious?

Anonymous said...

Him conceding was the only class shown in his entire campaign, and its funny how the McCain supports all of a sudden change on a dime once the good ol boy lost. Unity with two faced in your face then stab you in the back gotta love this Country. Only place you can call someone names and try to discredit them on sydicated radio, TV, and and shake there hand and call them friend...God Bless America. LOL