
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, September 07, 2008



Anonymous said...

McCain: "Palin' by comparison."

Anonymous said...

if thats a sticker, I want some to put on my vehicles & if thats a sign, i want to line my property with them

thomas augustus littleton said...

Hillary said it best to Governor Richardson, "He can't win, Bill."

Anonymous said...

It's the economy, stupid.

Anonymous said...

Speaks volumes

Anonymous said...

Like it or not the Democrats are going to win big this election season. Too many people are fed up with the Republican party as it stands. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

Who is the #1 political blog in MD this week?

Anonymous said...


A vote fore EITHER of these guys is a vote for business as usual in this country. Rule by and for the major corporations.

Vote for a different path then the present one that is leading us off a cliff! Break the two-party stalemate.

Ralph Nader, the life-long consumer advocate!

Anonymous said...

Its the Democratic congress thats been strangling the people of this country. People want change and they will see that Palin is the change...with the track record to prove it, she stands for whats right dispite party affiliation!

Anonymous said...

11:57, uh, the Republicans controlled Congress under a Republican president until early last year.

Check your facts.

For that matter, check your history...this country is more prosperous under Dem prezes.

Prolly cuz Republicans invest in the wealth of a few while Democrats invest in the wealth of the many.

For a bunch that bitches about the money boys who run Salisbury, you're sure in favor of lining their pockets at a national level.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

According to his own VP pick, Biden, Obama desn't have the experience to run for president.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that!

And try to be thankful the Democrats, unlike the Republicans, believe in the rights of the minority - which will be white conservatives ere long.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Anon 9:23 said,
"It's the economy, stupid."

The economy is most certainly an important issue. But the economy will do what it always does it will get better and worse and back to better in a perpetual cycle.
In this presidental election there are two issues that outweigh ALL others: Racism and Patriotism to The United States of Ametica.

Senator Byrd, is a highly respected senator, but his past racist, un-American associations prevented him from ever being a viable candidate for president or vice president! Barak Hussein Obama wasn't held to the same standard, but will be thwarted by that standard in the general election!

Obama's own words, choices, actions and associations evince an unpatriotic racist. He is not fit to even be on the Democratic ticket for president. To be fair, the Democrats were brilliantly manipulated into selecting Obama, who "can't win," by the best politicl mind of our time, Carl Rove!

When Hillary Clinton spoke these prophetic words to Bill Richardson, "He Can't win, Bill,) she knew that in the general election, an informed electorate, and they will be informed of the abomination of the Obamanation, will never elect an unpatriotic racist, as President, at this important stage of our nation's development and advancement towards the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

A recent poll shows Obama 44%, Mccain 42%, with 14% undecided. I predict that on election day, almost all the undecided will vote McCain, and Obama will lose a few % of his current numbers. McCain will win the presidency, overwhelmingly, with close to 60% of the vote:)

Anonymous said...

1:07 p.m., and George Bush said John McCain was mentally unfit to be president because he'd been a POW, yet you stupid Republicans voted for Dubya over your war hero. So what's your point?

And Sarah Palin thought Obama's energy plan was very good, but that got pulled off the state website.

Now, do ya THINK we could actually talk about the issues?

Oh, never mind, THAT's right...John McCain's campaign manager SAID this election is about image, not issues.

Another elitist Republican vote of confidence in the American people, right along with the Rudy and Sarah Show dissing community organizers, like the ones you find so often in, uh, small towns? No! Uh, cosmopolitan big cities? No, uh...

Anonymous said...

"But the economy will do what it always does it will get better and worse and back to better in a perpetual cycle."

Um... A perpetual cycle which always does better under a DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT. Do me favor, defend president Bush's spending record. Come on, do it. Can you?

thomas augustus littleton said...

7:10, McCain/Palin in "08"
Never the abomination of the Obamanation!

Yeah, things were really booming under Carter; I remember now:) Were you even around then?

Let's remember that while the economy was great under President Clinton, his very, very, VERY weak responses to the first attack on the twin towers and subsequent Muslim attacks on our interests abroad made gave Islamic enemies the AUDACITY to perpetrate the dastardly, catostrophic deed of 9/11/01!

Bush's economic record is a MOOT point! Let's also remember that President Bush is constitutionally prevented from being president again unless we can work together to overturn the 22nd ammendment:) And as for the economy: Future President McCain has alread promised, "Change is coming!" :)

No, I can't defend G.W.'s economic policies, but I like the way he's showed the Muslims in the Middle East that we will, at any cost, invade and crush their country or vaporize every stinking one of them if they pull another 9/11:)

Would Barak Hussein Obama have the same patriotic resolve against the Islamic religion of the image of his father? I don't think so! I certainly wouldn't bet or vote on it!

I know, I know! It wasn't Iraq. But they hated us, had been a major pain for a long time and cheered by the millions at our suffering of 9/11, so, f*** em! They served well enough as an example. Now we have brought them democracy & freedom, and everyone is happy & grateful:) If there is another Muslim attack on our soil, we should level or vaporize Iran:) The rest of the regional radical Islamic dogs will fall in line like Lybia did after the invasion of Iraq. I can't defend Bush's econimic policies, but they are secondary to protecting us from radical Islam!
Besides, I have no intention of voting for G. W. or any other Bush till Barbara and Jenna are old enough:)

McCain/Palin in "08" Palin, in "12" & "16":)
Never the abomination of the Obamanation! TAL

Anonymous said...

Come on, Tom, I had hoped for more from you. They've trained you well, it would appear. I ask for a legitimate answer, and you go DIRECTLY to inciting 9/11 right out of the gate?


Then you tell me that Bush's economic record is a MOOT POINT?!?!

FAIL, man, FAIL.

Come back when you have something other than bigoted, Republican rhetoric to throw at us. Until then, I'll consider your opinion to be moot, just as you consider Bush's economic legacy.

Seriously, do you really believe that nonsense?

thomas augustus littleton said...

anon, 10:30
First, allow me to thank you for not calling me Mr. Littleton. I am quite the simple plebian, and Tom is quite good enough.

Second, No living person has "trained" me. Plato taught me that understanding & revelation are superior to knowledge. Jefferson taught me to think & write clearly & patriotically. Socrates taught me to speak my mind in an unsophisticated, plain manner. Franklin taught me to write with humor and satire. And Nietzsche taught me to write with hardness and insanity. So, if that’s what you mean, I guess I have been trained well in my amalgamated writing style, however inferior that may be.

I received no "training" from Democrats or Republicans or their advocates on the nightly talk shows. I do my own reading, analysis, interpretation and writing. I don’t believe any organized group could afford to publically agree with the absolute correctness & plainly written hardness of my opinions. But many on both sides know that such supreme understanding goes beyond politics and enters the realm of absolute truth & revelation:)

And to your points:
The real question is not why I bring up 9/11 and the hundreds of millions of screamin Mulsims who chant "death to America," everyday. The real question is why Obama supporters treat it as a non-issue and try to keep it hidden. Is there any connect among you with the dangerous nature of the Muslim terrorist dogs who wish to destroy us. Obama: FAIL

Of course Bush's economic record is a Moot point. He isn't running! McCain is! The congress and senate will almost certainly be controlled by Democrats. They will write the laws that apply to trade and commerce. A democratic house& senate in addition to a liberal Democratic executive, I do not consider to be a good thing any more than I would consider Republican control of the executive & legelative branches a good thing. I like counter balance between these branches:)

And, yes, I do believe Barak Obama’s writings and racist & terrorist associations confirm that he is a dangerous un-American racist who shouldn’t even be on the Democratic ticket. OBAMA: FAIL
(See my earlier comparison to Senator Byrd not being viable as a presidential candidate because of his past racist un-American associations). Why was Barak Obama not held to the same standard? I maintain that he will be defeated by this standard in November. Obama: FAIL

I also maintain that there are NO bigger issues than racism and patriotism, (willingness to fight ALL enemies of AMERICA), for a presidential candidate. Obama:FAIL

As for 9/11, the importance of protecting America from future radical Islamic terrorist attacks is the most important threat any president will face in the foreseeable future.
And, yes, I think President Clinton’s weak responses to the first Muslim attack on the Twin Towers and subsequent Muslim terrorist attacks on our interests most certainly gave our radical Islamic enemies the AUDACITY of hope to perpetrate their evil of 9/11!
I don’t have confidence that Barak Hussein Obama would use necessary force, like Bush or Truman, or McCain against the Islamic religion of the image of his father. Obama: FAIL
I appeal to revelation & understanding, and I just do not believe he would, and I am certainly within my rights to publish that view for others to consider, and vote for McCain/Palin, who will get close to 60% of the vote in November:)

Look, Grasshopper, your response was polite but pathetically lacking in understanding! If you like, I will instruct you in Platonic understanding through revelation to the intellect. Then, equipped with true wisdom and understanding, you will not have to stand on the weak legs of knowledge gained through shadows and reflections of truth:)

Delmar said...

Mr. Littleton,

It would appear that you have confused me with 10:30. While I agree with his points, I would have presented them in a less juvenile way. He does kind of sound like me, though... :)

thomas augustus littleton said...

What is it, sir, that makes you think I confused you with anon 10:31? Please tell me.

I could tell, immediately, by
10:31's lack of perspecuity and elegance of presentation that he or she wasn't you:)

Would you care to address why
Obama isn't held to the same politically limiting standard for racist, un-American associations as Senator Byrd, also a Democrat?

And do you not agree that it was 8 years of weak responses from President Clinton that gave our enemies audacity of hope and set the stage for 9/11....They haven't done it again since we
busted Iraq's ass:)