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Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Debate

Look, for what it's worth, I've said it in the past and I'll repeat it again. We have been delivered two Candidates that simply don't belong becoming President of the greatest Country in the World.

That being said, I was certainly impressed with Obama as I expected a far less confident Candidate who I thought would be lost without a teleprompter, I was wrong.

McCain said some stupid things tonight, (IMO) and drifted away from the question by talking about how he met with YOUNG Soldiers who said we must keep fighting and we must win. Come on now, we have a Presidential Candidate trying to sell us on a trillion dollar war based on how some 18 year old Soldiers feel?

What bothered me the most was how they quickly drifted away from the most serious and critical issue facing us today and that's the $700 Billion Bailout. Yes, there are more debates to come and I'm confident GA Harrison will offer a more detailed Post about this Debate but putting it "simply" I believe America is screwed with these two Candidates.

In closing, Blah, Blah, Blah! I want a Presidential Candidate that will make me rise to my feet and say, YES, This Is America! That just didn't happen and I/We deserve better.


paz said...

I'm sure you know where we disagree on these couple points. But I agree on so many points that you have touched.

Nicely put.

Anonymous said...

Fact of the matter, we're screwed no matter who is President. The problem is bigger than either candidate and the power isn't with the President. Through our neglect, we gave away the country to big business and lobbyists long ago.

Anonymous said...

I think McCain dominated the debate and thought Obama was quite flustered and just gave the same old speeches.

Anonymous said...

"In closing, Blah, Blah, Blah! I want a Presidential Candidate that will make me rise to my feet and say, YES, This Is America! That just didn't happen and I/We deserve better."

Exactly, I turned that crap off after the first 15 minutes. They both dodged the opening "bail out" question, and each time i turned it back on to see if they were doing better, they weren't. These are the two most uninspiring people on the face of the freaking planet...

Jeez I ticked!

Anonymous said...

I agree one Billion % with that.

The saddest part of this whole election is the fact that "we, as a people" supported/helped these 2 candidates get there/this far.

WE are all in a sad state of affairs, not just financially but even more so when we can't even utulize our "own" natural resources and instead pay other countries for many (already previously aquired funds) as well as our daily needs such as ...gas, heating oil, etc... Thus getting us more in debt to ourselves and them.

grrr, this country is going to **ll in a handbag. Where is Superman when you need him. Lol

Tell ya what Joe Joe, hows bout YOU running for the big Pres. ??? I would most deffinately vote for you over either one of these 2. lol

Anonymous said...

lol obama said i got a bracelet too... but yeah... ron paul 08!


Anonymous said...

After this and that weak Katie Couric interview of Sarah, I live near Canada and Russia so I'm a foreign policy expert, Palin you've still got that McCain/Palin endorsement on your blog.

John, family values displayed by kicking my first wife to the curb while she's down, McCain has never had much to offer. He's been an active player in the deregulation that aided the run up to the financial disaster we're in right now. He also claimed to be taking time to rush to DC to see to the crisis yet the Senate Banking Commitee chair had not heard from him (unlike Obama who's been in contact with them daily).

Apparently McCain didn't learn much after being one of the Keating 5, exonerated yet scolded for poor judgement. He's mixing it up receiving campaign finance from the same corners as he did back then before the S&L scandal. You'd think his claim to more experience would have him avoiding the same old mistakes this time around.

The fawning over Palin should come to a screeching halt for all but the most vacuous minds after her performance with Couric.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

2009 will be the worst year most of us has ever seen, were all screwed.

Anonymous said...

So, Joe, if that's how you feel then why the McCain-Palin poster on this blog - or is that a revenue source, too?

joe albero said...

That's what's wrong with so many of you Idiots.

OK, let's say were sitting at a Washington Redskins Game and they're at home playing Dallas. Let's say, for the sake of argument that Dallas is a far better team. Do I sit there and vote/root for Dallas because there's a better chance they're going to win? Or do I stick with my team, (Redskins)?

I'm not at all happy with the Coach and Players but I will root for my team.

If that's too difficult for you to understand, go seek help.

Joseph smith said...

No doubt the VP debate will be more fun: the foot in Delaware's mouth versus the hottie dunce.

I love watching the show when Biden tries to say.....well, anything.

And I'm pretty sure Palin is slowly turning Jack Cafferty into Lewis Black...I can't tell which is which when Jack talks about her.

Good post, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I actually agree with you! I'm a huge Obama supporter, but I gotta be honest--neither guy lit it up last night. Look for Palin to stink it up next week, though!

Anonymous said...

Joe...that is admirable loyalty but I don't see that it makes much such. With the changing times, and the failure of the fundamental philosophies of your "team" to keep up, how can you root for them? A football game is one thing...if a subpar team wins the Super Bowl through subterfuge and dirty tricks, it won't go on to tarnish the hard-won dignity of an entire nation. This isn't a game.

Obama is a policy visionary in ways that can't be expressed glibly in a debate. This is widely recognized by those who care about such things. He has a phenomenally accomplished team behind him (or a "better" team,as you said in your above comment.)

Our country is going to be really different now,that is clear, and a lot of our lives are going to harder. The choice still comes down to whether we want to be ruled by fear and passive bitterness, or learn how to be positive and productive and move forward.

Do you really want to vote for your home team against your better judgment?

P.S. That debate was a godawfyl bore, in terms of what Obama can do sans teleprompter. To me, McCain was vaguely less creepy and rotted looking than usual...*runs away*

Obama/Biden '08

Anonymous said...

In the debate I watched what I saw was Obama looking very flustered. He looked like he was sweating bullets, stammered constatntly and looked like a fish out of water. He constantly referred to Mc Cain as John i guess to make everyone think he was equal. Being a conservative, I guess I am biased although four years ago I thought Kerry won most of debates with Bush. I honestly believe McCain won last nights debate.

Anonymous said...


I don't see how rooting for a favorite sports team that's not the best one is comparable to supporting a candidate that you deem to be unworthy. Can you explain -- I don't have the time or money to "go seek help" so please save me from my ignorance.

Do you get any compensation for that McCain & Palin poster on this blog?

Anonymous said...

I agree 11:19. America is gone and no one person can save it . The government gave it all away along with big business.
Get a job in china there are no jobs, or should i say gainfull employment left, unless your well established or hanging onto daddys shirttail.

Mardela said...

What most of you fail to realize is that 2009 will be one of our best years. Wake up and understand that their is a higher power than all those politicians. We will be righted.

The wonderful part about this is it's going to be the everyday american that starts to pay closer attention to what our elected officials are doing. Like I saud before, we need to stop the dividing and go back to the basics of just being Americans. We as Americans have the power to do anything. Turn off the TV, unplug the video game, stop paying the multi million dollar salaries of atheletes, and start organizing and attendind local movements to change the way we do business in our country. Start by handling your affairs at home with honor and dignity. Raise your children with values that will bring us together. Only buy what you can afford. Stop thinking credit is free money. Have only one car if possible. Buy a bike and ride that to things that are close. You will get exercise, your health will be better, you'll save money on insurance, gas and maintenance. Pay attention to the detail and the fine print. Don't accept terms you don't feel comfortable with.

Take time to find a church that you like. Let them find those who need and help out others through your church organization. Keep government out of the business of charity. When people see the goverment handing out money, they all come out of the woodwork. Gimme Gimme Gimme! This has to stop.

Is it any wonder that we are trying to help our economy with this bailout, and still politicians are throwing in pork for things that have nothing to do with the problem at hand. Dr Phil and all that represent his profession, or similar profession would go crazy if they tried to bring sanity to the crooks and croonies in Washington.

I hope to see the numbers at all the churches increase. I want to see everyone there tommorrow. We need to put God first, and then and only then will we reclaim this wonderful country that we were given over 200 years ago.

Anonymous said...

When I wake up the morning of Nov 5 and Obama is President of this country I'm getting my passport and medical records in order.

Anonymous said...

John McCain was very rude during the debate. He never made eye contact or even glanced at Obama, the rustled papers when Obama was speaking, the rolled his eyes whenever he was criticized. I kept waiting for him to tell the "boy" to remember his place. McCain was condescending and a grumpy old man. Looks like a turtle. Obama is gracious and polite, even when McCain does not deserve any gentility.

Anonymous said...

John McCain suffered multiple fractures of his arms and legs as a POW that were not treated correctly by the Viet Cong, he can't move his neck and shoulders very well you jerk. Obama has been using teleprompters his entire while McCain looks at his audience. Screw you--anyone that thinks they could handle 5 years of beatings and torture by the enemy why don't you step up at do it then?

Anonymous said...

We need more people like Ross Perot, Steve Forbes, Bill Gates and other wealthy icons working with the Treasury and Federal Reserve. People that know what to do with money beside blowing it on a study of the migration of the Turtle Dove or some other bullshit handjob when we have an economic collapse looming.

I hate to say it, but I do think Obama won the first debate. I'm saying he had a better schtick that night, not that he changed my mind to vote for him. He was calm cool and collective in a time when that is really what Americans need.

We need a solution not a panic attack. I'm really not happy that taxpayers are going to wind up handing over a blank check to the biggest idiot, the same idiot that has us $9,500,000,000,000 in debt. Sink or swim and it's a hell've a long swim.

Anonymous said...

Much has been made on this blog about Obama wearing a flag pin. Did anyone notice that McCain did NOT wear a flag pin?

Bob said...


I see what you meant in my post about united or divided America. It is time to unite and become America again. We can fix this. Call joe and get my number.

Bob said...

On your post, Joe, I gotta say that both of them looked like high school students during a class debate. I was like....tells us what you intend to do and make me believe it. Don't blow smoke up my a$$ - we're not idiots out here. Give us a strategy you intend to use that is feasible. Is this the best we could come up with for candidates?

Anonymous said...

As a proud conservative, I can honestly say that this election I am sitting out. Obama is a leftist and McCain is a lefty Republican. We don't have a choice this year, so I'm not going to go to the polls at all. Let America have it's leftists for 4 years to screw everything up and remind everyone what America will come back around to the real Reagan principles in 2012.

count me out in '08

Anonymous said...


Are you REALLY trying to use that tired old POW card to excuse McCain for not looking at his opponent? REALLY, man? That POW card is getting pretty frayed around the edges. Why don't you conservatives put it away before you dilute the actual experience of being a POW by politically exploiting it. Oh, wait, it's too late for that, isn't it? You guys have played it too much.

Anonymous said...

There can be no uniting without compromise, on both sides. I don't see Republicans willing to work with anyone. Let's unite, but you have to do it my way, is what I hear. I thought Bush was the "uniter." More empty words.

What is the truth about McCain as a POW? How much did he cooperate with the Vietcong? And do he get the apartment and prostitutes on the weekends? That's the rumor--address it!