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Sunday, August 10, 2008

What to do if your stopped by the Police


Anonymous said...

that is hillarious, but you try to defend your rights around here they will lie to bust you. cops lie all the time.

Anonymous said...

ROFFLMFAO! that's sum funny $hit there!!

Anonymous said...

I am a white,54 year old Salisbury business owner. My children are high achievers and successful. None of us have ever been arrested or charged. I would NEVER trust a cop, especially during a traffic stop!

Anonymous said...

since you started telling everyone on this site how good and honerable our police are, now no one trusts them.
And you should not trust them , we live in a police state.....

Wymzie said...

I am a white 46 year old woman, who has never been arrested and never been charged and I don't trust them either!

Anonymous said...

If you don't have anything to hide, what are you worried about?

Wymzie said...


You know that very question is the question that most modern day citizens are programmed to think.
Having nothing to hide is not the point.
In this country you are innocent until proven guilty.
But the institutionalization of our citizens has brought about this type of thinking.
Being stopped for violating the law is all well and good, and if you violate an obvious law then you deserve a ticket. However, in this day we are instructed to think exactly what you asked, and this very question only allows more of our rights to be violated.
If you have nothing to hide, why would you submit to a search? This is America, and we have the right to travel to and from wherever it is that we need to go.
An officer does not have the right to know where you have been or where you are going. Unless he is going to cite you for a violation, you do not have to answer any questions except for identifying yourself. A police officers job is to investigate a crime, if an officer pulls you over he is working, he is trying to find something wrong. They are trained to ask you questions that you may answer in a self incriminating manner. This is their job, this is what they do.
Your job as a citizen is to be a good citizen, obey the golden rule and don't commit crimes, but it is also your job to know your rights, and if you have nothing to hide you do not have to prove it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wymzie/Cruggley

Why do you enjoy bashing police officers and our justice system. I know it is not perfect but it's the best the world has to offer.

If you don't like the USA why don't you pick up and move to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. I sure you would enjoy that town run by thugs, gangs, and drug cartels. Or move to China, where you would be thrown in jail for making such Blasphemous comments online.

Oh, by the way, why don't you tell the family members of Detective Michael Smith Phillips of Virginia Beach PD, that "Cops lie" and " I don't trust them (cops) either". I am sure they would like to hear that. He was murdered this week doing a job that goes unnoticed and unappreciated by people like you.

Maybe you should go to

Your comments and posts are unwarranted and fictional.


Wymzie said...

Hey Ranger,

This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.

What diff'rence if I hail from North or South
Or from the East or West?
My heart is filled with love for all of these.
I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.

With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates.
My sould is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.

This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country! To have and to hold.

It is up to you and I and Cruggly and each and every one of this country's citizens to stand up for what is right, and goodly and what our forefathers spilled their blood for! Don't tell me to move to Mexico.

Anonymous said...


You still failed to answer my question in that endless rant. read my post again.

I'm sure as a 46 year old white woman, the Man has kept you down.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I am really shocked by the ignorance I see on here sometimes. I have been a cop for a little over three years now, and 90% of the men and women that I see on the job are really good people. They all want the same thing YOU and I want - to do my job and go home at the end of the day. I am not out there trying to trick innocent people into saying or doing something that I can arrest them for. I am not out there beating, abusing, and raping people of their civil liberties. I look for BAD people doing BAD things. Please, Please, Please - before you let your mouth runneth over with ignorance and diahrea, visit your local Police Dept, and go on a ride along with some of the officers. See what they are really like instead of rambling on about something that you have no knowledge of.

Wymzie said...

Question by goes:
"Why do you enjoy bashing police officers and our justice system"?

It's not enjoyment that I feel.

"I know it is not perfect but it's the best the world has to offer"

I believe that it once was, but is no longer. Non-violent citizens are put into jail every day for possessing narcotics of all kinds, and violent criminals get booted out of jail to make room for them. The drug war is a enormous failure is not doing what it was intended to accomplish. It is merely providing jobs to grow a police state that we don't need nor want. There is big money in prisons building and maintenance. For such a civilized nation we have far too many prisons and prisoners.

"If you don't like the USA why don't you pick up and move to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. I sure you would enjoy that town run by thugs, gangs, and drug cartels."

These issues would not be issues if the drug war would end. The profit would be taken out of the drugs, thus the violent motivations to protect their holdings would be gone.

"Or move to China, where you would be thrown in jail for making such Blasphemous comments online."

See my previous post... This is my Country! I am not a socialist, or communist. I believe in our God given right to individual Liberty.
The same beliefs held by our founding fathers, and they were very certain of the fact that once a democracy discovered their ability to vote for themselves more money and more power, civil unrest would ensue and the citizens should rise against it as it would quickly turn to tyranny.

"Oh, by the way, why don't you tell the family members of Detective Michael Smith Phillips of Virginia Beach PD, that "Cops lie" and " I don't trust them (cops) either". I am sure they would like to hear that. He was murdered this week doing a job that goes unnoticed and unappreciated by people like you.

While I am certainly saddened at the loss of the life of this man and feel terrible for the family.
This officer CHOSE to be a police officer quite some time ago according to his bio. Why would you equate an officers death in the line of duty to me pointing out the civil and constitutional rights of law abiding citizens?
Human beings, even officers of the law lie. This is a fact. Some more than others, and some to justify the means to an end.
I understand the frustration that law enforcement feels in their attempts to deal with drug dealing thugs. However, I do not believe that the war on drugs is the answer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ranger,
Sounds like Wymzie likes to partake of the illegal side of life and doesn't want some sort of order in the Country. Apparently she doesn't understand that the Police are the front line between she and her illegal substances!
This Country was built on morals and standards, not do what you want when you want and how you want. If that's the Country you THOUGHT you were in, head to Amsterdam where I'm sure you can find what you need in their culture. If you don't want to go there, move to Mexico.

Wymzie said...

You people are incredulous!
Because I recognize the failure of the drug war you accuse me of using illegal doesn't take rocket scientist to see the dismal failure of this operation.
Just go ahead and spout your socialist rhetoric and label me because I disagree with you, you will certainly be rewarded for being a good German.

Anonymous said...


The point is Wimzie you said you don't trust the police. That is a racist and blanket statement if i ever heard one. Its like saying 46year old women can't drive. Or woman shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are not educated. It is an ignorant in uneducated statement.

Yes people should know their rights but you don't have to be anti-police to convey this message by calling police untrustworthy.

Do you want to legalize drugs. See what happens then. Crack and meth from vending machines, sounds great. 80% of calls have to deal with alcohol/drugs. See what happens when we drug society with legal crack. See how many babies grow up without fathers. Are health care system would be over taxed and would fail.

Wyzy you are really out of touch with the world and your should not speak of things you have no clue about. I can't believe Joe lets you post you crazy posts.