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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Profit Margins

Mr. Joe,

Perhaps you have heard that Obama wants to tax oil company profits and give every one $1000 as a government giveaway. I did a little research on the profit margins of a few companies as a comparison. Taken from Yahoo finance pages from each company.

ExonMobil (the libs whipping boy) 10.85%
Microsoft 29.26%
McDonalds 19.20%
Dell Computer 4.76%
Google 24.63%
Walmart ( another bad actor to some) 3.33%
Walt Disney 11.95%
Molson Coors Brewing 8.39%
Dreamworks (Hollywood Icon) 26.03%

Do you think Obama will try to demonize his pals in Tinseltown for their "obscene profits" I think not.



Anonymous said...

The difference between Microsoft and Exxon is that Microsoft isn't making their profit from the sweat of and to the detriment of the American people.

Anonymous said...

McDonalds profit margin would have been slightly higher except that they have to pay everytime someone pours hot coffe on themselves....

But in all seriousness this does not make sense. Obama you suck. Next step is your gonna take money from EVERYONE and take us down the road to socialism

Anonymous said...

anon 12:11 you are a fool. Obama's tax plans benefit the middle class. Unless you are making over $250,000 you will get a tax break...

It is obvious that the economic policies of the Bush administration are a failure. McCain simply wants to continue these same policies.

McCain's plan for a gas tax holiday will only increase the profits of big oil and will not save you any real money. And offshore drilling even according to McCain is just a "psychological" effect... Meaning no change in the price of gas.
Obama has a much better handle on how to manage this country than McCain. His ideas are smarter and make much more sense than simply continuing on with the failed Bush politics. McCain knows this and that is why the only thing he has to talk about is Paris Hilton, Britney and Moses. Open up your eyes and realize that a McCain presidency will lead to the demise of America.

Anonymous said...

Obama has a much better handle on how to manage this country than McCain. His ideas are smarter and make much more sense than simply continuing on with the failed Bush politics.

Such as??????

Anonymous said...

Obama has not accomplished anything since being in the senate. He is long on rhetoric and short on action. His plan is a simple redistribution of wealth (ie:socialism or worse). I guess if your not smart enough to give everyone the opportunity to raise themselves up, you need to spend your time coming up with ideas to bring achievers down. Socialism has failed every it has been implemented. If you want to help the most people, you need to give them freedom and have them keep more of what they earn, not less.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:42,

McCain's tax plan - continue Bush's tax credits for the rich and big corporations. He actually wants to increase tax breaks to large corporations

Obama - tax break for the middle class while increasing tax rate for those making over $250,000

Obama - withdraw from Iraq to focus on the real problem, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Obama - try diplomacy with Iran before deciding on war (like what we did with North Korea)

McCain on health care - continue with the same system we have now, but offer more "competition"...senseless

McCain - drill for more oil in environmentally sensitive areas even though we wouldn't see a drop of oil or a change in prices for over 10 years

Obama on energy - focus on alternatives including clean coal, and nuclear. Also, raise EPA standards for mileage. He wants oil companies to drill in the hundreds of thousands of acres of already leased land that they have not explored.

McCain - gas tax holiday -- nonesense per all leading economists

Obama - $1000 to Americans financed by windfall profits tax

Eight years of republican nonesense by the Bush administration... They lied to us about the war in Iraq, they broke the law in domestic surveillance, they broke the law in outing a CIA operative, they broke the law when using political affiliation as a means of hiring in the justice department, and this is just the tip of the iceberg....
McCain has no differences in policy than Bush and yet you are still arguing -- is the country better off than it was 8 years ago -- no way... Come to your senses people!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:20
What exactly has McCain accomplished? If we're to compare apples to apples, then let's start with the long list of important legislation that Mr. McCain has put through...he's been there long enough to have done many many things. Name a couple.

Anonymous said...

3:20 socialism has not failed every time. There are many different types of socialism. I would not Great Britain, France and Canada have failed and they all have socialism type programs.

How much experience did Bill Clinton have at the federal level when he was elected president. None and he left the office with a surplus! BUT
You can also look at the case of George W Bush who had no federal level experience and look at the mess we are in now!

Experience at a certain level does not always mean much.

Anonymous said...

When asked how many states he planned to visit, Obama answered all 57.

You want this man for our next President?


Anonymous said...

12:32 - When Obama gets in and raises taxes on YOUR boss, Who will you blame when that raise doesn't come or even worse, when the business goes under and you lose your job? Keep supporting socialism and remember; NO complaining when you get what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Applause to 3:20
Obama is just a pain in the ass of the United States of America.
Go Away Obama. We need a president with knowledge and experience. This Obama charater is a joke, get real.
I don't believe that any American with half a brain can seriously contemplate voting for this loser.

Anonymous said...


Maybe Great Britain, France or Canada would love to have you as a new citizen (I doubt it though). Please pick one and don't let the door hit you on the @$$ on the way out! Socialism isn't welcome here. There health care system for one is an absolute disaster and people like you actually want to use their model to ruin ours. Amazing!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A couple of ?'s for Obama supporters.(and all other liberals, both with R's and D's next to their name.)

Why do you think the government knows better how to spend your money?

Why so you believe in the power of the state to take Fred's money and give it to Joe?

Why should you pay for Bill Gates health care?

How is your life made better by taxing those you make more money than you do?


Anonymous said...

Barb said...

When asked how many states he planned to visit, Obama answered all 57.

You want this man for our next President?


FYI, Obama was referring to the contiguous states, of which 47 remained. He slipped up starting with 5O, hestated, then completed the gaff saying 7.

This hardly puts him in W's league for fumbling words.