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Thursday, August 21, 2008


Obviously enough complaints have come in referencing this cross walk. You see, the light turns green and the sign turns white and tells you to GO. You get literally two steps into the road and it starts flashing a warning telling you NOT to go. By the time you get 1/2 way across the road, the light changes. Fortunately someone is finally listening and the City is going to install a new cross walk signal similar to the rest of the ones around town that count down and beep all day and night. So much for renting my apartments upstairs, let alone the other two apartment buildings across the street and even closer to this intersection.


Anonymous said...

So what would you rather have? Safety of everyone or your personal gain?

Anonymous said...

comon the beeping cant be that loud, iv never drove around town and randomly hear beeping..

but I am glad they are fixing this

Anonymous said...

"but I am glad they are fixing this"

Yea, you wouldn't want the crack dealers to get run over on their way back to the hood.

Anonymous said...

Joe are you ever happy about anything?

Anonymous said...

LOL!! @ d ruts