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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Wicomico Tax Dollars Supporting Marxist Doctrine

I know, it sounds a bit over-the-top. It also happens to be true.

While I seldom agree with Bill Duvall on matters of public education, he happens to be dead on in this post. The National Education Association (NEA) has always promoted a leftist agenda. Two of their latest forays into socialism are the notion that illegal immigrants should receive in-state tuition breaks and taxpayer-funded financial aid. In addition, the NEA will lobby for the establishment of a "Peace Academy". I feel like I'm back in the 1970's and 1980's with the same people that wanted the United States to unilaterally disarm. Of course once the Soviet Union fell these same people, whose core philosophy seems to be "blame America" had to keep their mouths shut - for a while.

Are you supporting Barack Hussein Obama for President? You are if you live in Wicomico County. Your tax dollars for teacher pay are working their way to the NEA. The NEA has pledged to spend $40 - $50 million this year to elect leftist candidates like Obama.

I fully support the rights of teachers to collectively bargain. I also support their First Amendment rights. I also think that Wicomico teachers need to either own the leftist agenda of the NEA and its state affiliate - the Maryland State Teachers Association (MSTA) - OR they need to refuse to allow their money to support groups that are promoting an agenda that wants to destroy our country.

You should remember this next year when teachers are whining about not being paid enough. IF they have not renounced the MSTA and NEA, which they will never do, we should remind them that we don't want our tax dollars going to promote a leftist, "blame America first" agenda.

Why should hard working, patriotic citizens want to ally themselves with a group like the Wicomico County Education Association (WCEA), when they are supporting groups that are anti-American and wish to indoctrinate our children with a Marxist agenda. That is precisely what the notion of a "Peace Academy" is.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...

i feel illegal aliens should be deported, no questions asked.

Bob said...

cruggs the man!

Anonymous said...

Drive down Church Street in Salisbury and you will find hundreds of these illegals living in rental housing. Most of these rental homes are overcrowded and the city won't do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

G. A. I don't know anything about this Peace Academy you say the teachers association is promoting, but I sure would question anything like that they would want started.
I also believe we need to get this illegal allien thing umder control, even if it means sending many of them back to where they came from. We surely have enough of our own people to support with our tax dollars and don't need any more "Free Riders" tagging along.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Education in the country is a most serious problem. If the US is to retain its leading first world status for the next 100 years, this is the TOP priority.

How do we reduce our dropout rate? How do we produce more and better scientists and engineers?

For every engineering Ph.D. that we award in the USA, India is granting 5, and China is granting 7, and these foreigner doctors are willing to work for peanuts. How can we hope to compete? Only by excellence. Only by excellence.

So, how do we remain competitive? Do we continue to import the educated from overseas, or do we do a better job at home?

The fact is, that the NEA is one of the few organizations that's actually trying to fix things (or at least not let them get worse).

As for aliens living here (legally or illegally), just educate them (with the tax money we collect form them). We're all better off with more educated people about. If they're going to be here anyway, might as well get them to help America be great...

The better they're educated, the less will be their cost to our society. It's as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Reference to Education in our Country is a most serious problem comment.

If the Federal Government had been doing its job. . . we wouldn't have all of these foreigners in our Country illegally to begin with. That is why they are called illegals. Thus, the classroom sizes would be reduced and this would cost our real taxpaying public less money. A NO BRAINER.

But no. . . the NEA now wants to brainwash our general public and youth by indoctrinating more Socialism into our culture. That is the bottom line.


Anonymous said...

There should be legislation created to force landlords to document foreign workers renting their homes. The very same process for acquiring a job legally.

Many businesses must do these background checks by law as it is these days. Doing background checks would also tip outstanding warrants, be aware of sex offenders before they are moved into a large area with a lot of children.

Getting criminal background checks would also benefit the landlord, do the landlords really want long time, habitual criminals moving into their homes? Money is Money to them I guess, sacrifice public safety for the almighty illegally gained money and paying no taxes.

Anonymous said...

"If the Federal Government had been doing its job. . . we wouldn't have all of these foreigners in our Country illegally to begin with."

Yes. I agree. But they ARE here, millions of them, and they won't go away (except in your dreams).

Look, Bush put out a BIG welcome sign on the border at the behest of his business friends. A lot of Mexicans (and others) accepted that invitation, and now they are here. Even now there's a serious GOP amnesty effort afoot (did you read the NY Times article yesterday?). They're not leaving...

The question is how should we treat illegals who are here? Shall we educate them, or let them join gangs and loiter on street corners selling drugs... ?

Don't let "ideal" be the enemy of "good".