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Sunday, July 06, 2008

I Need A Moment Of You Time

Folks, there are so many comments coming in every day it is VERY difficult to weed through each and every one of them and completely understand what they mean some times.

I'd like you to please take a moment and think about this. Some of you know your inside tips to one and other and even two letter names like, (for example) TM and so forth. For what it's worth, I don't know who that is, nor do I know who the others are that nickname themselves such two letter names. I'm sure you expect me to know but with all due respect, I don't take the extra time to figure it out.

Now you might be asking yourself, why is Joe making up such a Post? Because many of these people are Firefighters and or Police Officers and it saddens me because although you all think I know who you are, I don't. I do NOT at all intentionally allow comments up that may offend one or even all of you. Yet I get personal e-mail messages or even comments on here and at the end of the comment, (which happens to be a personal message to me) asking me not to post it. I don't bite and I do NOT post any comment anyone asks me not to. So just send me an e-mail and if there's something I've allowed through and it belongs being removed, believe me, I'll remove it.

Man, it's tough doing this but seriously, think about all the Posts, the running around I do for all the news and information and then fielding all those comments that come in. Certainly some are going to slip through and for that I'm truly sorry. I am absolutely PRO POLICE and PRO FIREFIGHTERS. However, if someone screws up, it's my job to post it, that's all there is to it.

I wish there was a way to set this u-p whereas I don't have to moderate comments at all. OMG, talk about saving at least 4 to 5 hours a day worth of work! Hopefully this Post explains my position? If you only saw the 100 comments a day, (or more) that I do delete! There are some very childish Anti Albero people out there that are truly so mental that less than a hand full spend time each and every day trying to get really stupid comments through. I'll give you 5 guesses who these people might be too. You'll probably get all five right too!

Anyhow, please believe me when I say I'm doing my best and I'll close with this. I could use your help too. I don't want negative comments on the SPD or the WCSO, so if someone puts something up here that you believe needs to be deleted, send me a tip on it, will ya? I'll work with each and every one of you as I believe BOTH Forces are doing incredible work. It's just a shame, (to me anyway) that not enough information comes out about the special work the SPD Task Force is doing!!!!! I can't put information out there that doesn't come from a Press Release and Chief Webster NEVER allows the work that Task Force does out to the Public. Why, I don't know? Just believe me when I tell you, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than most of you will ever know. That is, as long as Webster is their Chief of Police, anyway.

Thanks for your time and understanding on this matter. Joe


co3153 said...

I may not always agree with you or the other people who write on or to your blog. I will defend your right to express your opinion. If required, I will support these rights so that my rights will not be infringed upon.

Anonymous said...

i dont think it can be said any better than that.

Anonymous said...

I just hope the Police Officers and Firefighters respect the example you set Joe, and stop taking each other down. It's too bad a concerned citizen has to set a standard on a blog rather than their "Leaders".

Anonymous said...

The main reason for the sniping by Salisbury's fire and police personnel is the quality and nature of their organizational leaders - terrible -- that forces the troops to take sides and promotes internal dissention. In the military Webster, See and Gordy would have been cashiered long ago, if they even managed to get a command of any kind.

Baseplate Mcgerk

Anonymous said...

Well put Baseplate, that was exactly what I was trying to say. I am just not as good with words. I personally believe that poor pay and poor reputation attracts this kind of personnel.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt that anyone from the police department would leave even their initials. Just how many KM's at the police department? I welcome the comments from SPD and their wives, just try not to compromise your position, furthermore do not get yourself in trouble unless the department addresses it as a whole, unified and represented as one group, one team.

IMO the person that posted that is most likely trying to get the real "KM" in trouble. It wouldn't be hard to narrow that down to just a few people, hardly a secret, shouldn't take a Sherlock Holmes to figure that out. Then of course once the person is "exposed" there are the consequences of retaliation to suffer under the mare and her three little pigs. Let me retract that, Bubba and Shanie are far from little. Lmao

Anonymous said...

"However, if someone screws up, it's my job to post it, that's all there is to it. "

--Wrong. It's not your job.

" OMG, talk about saving at least 4 to 5 hours a day worth of work!"

---Wrong. It's not supposed to be work. It's a blog.


joe albero said...

I just looked up asshole in the Dictionary and guess what, it not only defined James, it has his picture too.

SunnyInOC said...

James must like the work you do for free. I wonder if he works for free.

Anonymous said...

Opps those "KM's" above should have been "TM's."

Anonymous said...

Well, I, for one, applaud the work Joe is doing. I definitely don't agree with his personal politics. I don't have to. What I do recognize is the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into this blog, and the community-centered reporting. Joe consistently scoops ALL of the local news outlets. Now, much of that has to do with the immediate nature of blog posting, but that just means that Joe is right there at a moment's notice, reporting the news as it happens.

As for the negative comments, I'll say that I've done my share of negative commenting around here, and have YET to have one of my comments left out or censored. What that says to me is that the comments to which Joe was referring must be WAY out of line. Kudos to Joe for having the good sense to leave the childish mudslinging out of this forum.

Anonymous said...

TM is a very proactive and respected officer at SPD. That is fact. No matter what others may try to belittle and degrade him on here. He is a great cop who tries very hard to hold himself and others around him at a higher standard. Those who seem to fall short of this standard have a problem because he speaks his mind and leaves himself open for the criticism, even on a blog where he doesn't fear putting his initials. He is a very tough man and by no means pu**y.
I'm happy he works in our community.
All agencies troops appear to be stepping up lately, great job to all Police in Wicomico County.
Joe, thank you for the support and keep us updated with the press releases.

Anonymous said...

"Kudos to Joe for having the good sense to leave the childish mudslinging out of this forum."

Joe, way to promote and uphold some integrity in Salisbury!
Thank You.

Russ Logan said...

Joe I enjoy your blog. I notice that you have been increasing the number of posts per day. That's a good thing. Is there anyway you can put a lead line and a link?? It's a long scroll and I don't want to miss a thing. It's just and idea. I couldn't do it, but I've seen it done on other blogs. Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

joe, was wondering when you would tell james<("mr word repeater"), to hit the road, thanks, hes an ass.

Anonymous said...

Well although I understand your point, I don't agree. If you only publish "positive" comments about police personnel then how is there a checks and balances system? I feel that all comments should be published reguardless. Now, only positive comments are published about personnel that have serious issues but now their stuff won't stink online because it is being filtered? Come on.

joe albero said...

I disagree Toimcat, I mean anonymous 10:39.

If you read the Post again you'd come to understand they are PERSONAL ATTACKS, not just negative comments. Hence the two letter names and so forth.

If Police Officers and Firefighters want to bash one and other they're not going to do so here. There's always the Watch Desk and other forums they can play those games.

Go back to your Anti Albero Blog and have at it there. Oh, that's right, you only get what, 20 hits a day?

Anonymous said...

Or even better 10:39, how about they become the men and women they were hired to be and do their negative bashing to each others face? Figures.

Anonymous said...

You see, Joe puts his believes and personal issues on here with his name and photo. The problem he speaks of is when an officers or others personal issues are brought on here for no other reason to discredit them or their agencies. I think it is hypocritical when someone else's "stuff" that may stink online is posted by an "anonymous" coward who is afraid to put their own name on here in fear someone else may do the same to them. Where's the checks and balances now? Fair is fair.
Keep it real Joe.

B. Wagner

Anonymous said...

Sorry, beliefs (sp)


Anonymous said...

10:27...TM was the subject of the bashing, not the aggressor. As an LEO I appreciate what Joe is doing here.

It's the personal attacks that come out of no where, (most of which have no truth behind them) that Joe is not going to accept. We commend you for that Joe!