The same Fire Truck that injured Fireman Dave Merritt and ultimately ended his career was inspected recently for its yearly certification and it failed!
The City, (who was supposed to order the other new Ladder Truck two years ago) is now down to only ONE!
You're doing a bang up job there Mayor Tilghman. You just keep praising See, Gordy and Comegys for their fine work in the City while the Fire Fighters read their handbooks and come to realize that ANY ONE of them can be FIRED if they injure themselves and can't return back to work within 3 months.
Where the HELL IS that new truck?
Jesus, Joe, when I read this sh*t, I get even madder that Tim Spies didn't get elected.
Because what a difference there would be in this city if there were THREE brains, and not just two, on the city council.
And to any idiot who'd think I am Tim Spies, nice try. Because I wouldn't be good-hearted enough to put myself through what Campbell and Cohen do. Spies not only has a brain, but a heart, too.
Tim, if you're out there, I voted for ya!
Not enough police.....
Not enough fire trucks.......
Joe, seriously, WTF???????? That's it. We're moving. Maybe since the liquor board wants to pay for a bunch of random crap, I can get them to pay for the moving trucks.
Its ok they can respond in the new car the chief wants to buy with the surplus money that went back to the city. He can get one with a sunroof and run a ladder out of it which then makes it an aerial device.
What about that firetruck getting towed, the one you posted about the other day. Seems like money needs to be spent much wiser!
Next thing you know we're gonna have the good old bucket brigade going to fight fires!
Lets start a poll to see how long it takes Gordo to blow the engine in this new car he's getting.
Question of the Day. Why are the city taxpayers buying a VOLUNTEER a new car to drive to DELAWARE?
Its not a big deal.. It fails every year..It gets repaired and put back in service.
BTW, Dave Merritt is still on the city Payroll.
I hope Dave sues the sh!t out of the mayor and everyone else!!!
Instead of moving, why don't all you firebrands get together and do something? Write a letter to the editor. Speak a meeting. Offer to work on a committee or campaign.
Thank you, Joe, for what you do. I don't know how you do it. I don't know Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen do either since people don't get out there to support them, except to get them in there to get thrown to the wolves. There were a few who spoke up during the budget hearings. Those few deserve a pat on the back. Where is everyone else?
Reading this blog has renewed my commitment to where I live (which is not Salisbury). There are problems everywhere. Fight them. Move, and they will follow you.
Joan Mitchell
Writing letters to the editor does exactly what? Nothing, especially if they don't print it.
Standing up to that bitch of a mayor in droves would make some quick changes in this city. Imagine if everyone that fears her showed up all at once at a meeting. She wouldn't know whether to shit or go blind.
Bitch because they're buying one, bitch because one's out of service. Come on people. You all want it both ways. And about David Merrit. Funny that he isn't able to work for Salisbury FD but is well enough to volunteer in Princess Anne. Sounds like a workers comp scam to me.
Another big mouth pussy afraid to put his name to a comment attacking someone. I'll tell you what big shot, why don't you call workers comp and tell them you think he's cheating the system? And why haven't you? Because he's not! BROTHERHOOD MY ASS!
Anonymous said...
Bitch because they're buying one, bitch because one's out of service. Come on people. You all want it both ways. And about David Merrit. Funny that he isn't able to work for Salisbury FD but is well enough to volunteer in Princess Anne. Sounds like a workers comp scam to me.
5:07 PM
This has got to be David See, Bill Gordy or Rick Hoppes. They have been out to get him for some time now and I have heard them talk about it. I would speak out but I don't want to lose my position in the vollies.
Standing up to that bitch of a mayor in droves would make some quick changes in this city. Imagine if everyone that fears her showed up all at once at a meeting. She wouldn't know whether to shit or go blind.
4:21 PM
Now 4:21, you've got the write idea. I suggested something small since people don't even seem to do that much.
But I agree with you -- turn out in droves. The point is, stop bitching here and go organize yourselves. But take it on instead of letting your officials walk all over you.
They dont care. They both retire next year. What have they got to worry about? What is the surplus car?
Anonymous said...
They dont care. They both retire next year. What have they got to worry about? What is the surplus car?
8:04 PM
Hopefully the Mayoral election in the Spring will put many more into retirement.
A new fire chief that will be appointed should be smart enough to erase any of their names from anywhere and everywhere in the department.
WHEN WILL ANYONE ASK, Who was the Dumb Ass who bought this piece of shit in the first place, PINKY Ta HE HE Fire Chief....
It was a piece of shit when it was bought and it was a piece of shit 5 minutes ago, Blame Chief See all you want, but the management of all city departments have been terrible for years.
Its not a big deal.. It fails every year..It gets repaired and put back in service.
If it gets repaired every year this says one of two things. Either the SFD that use that piece of equipment dont take care of it or whoever is doing the repairs is not doing it right.
Which is it. SFD doesn't maintain any of their equipment other than spit and polish or your mechanic is putting bandaids where surgery is needed?
For my money is something breaks I'll get it fixed, if it breaks again I'm bringing it back to you because you didn't do it right the first time, if that repair doesn't do the job I'm finding a new mechanic.
everyone in salisbury should go to the mare's house one night all carrying torches. like in that old movie all those people were trying to flush the frankenstein monster out
To the person 5:07...
David is Asst. Chief for the Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Company...As you know that is more
or less an adm. position.He does
fire reports, billing etc....His gear at the Fire House has dust on
it due to the fact he can't wear it.
My husband was told by
He has NOT !!!!!!!!!! Can he go to
a scene..YES he can.....If you see
his truck up there it is usually
me...I am now an EMT and also
the Vice-President of the PAVFC Ladies Aux.
So before you start running your mouth know
your Stuff..............
You or any of your idiots don't
know how hard it is to have your
life uprooted to not work or teach.. All of that is gone...
As far as Chief See, Gordy or Hoppes...out to get David they have no reason to...It was not
David's fault their ladder
truck is not safe/failed...We
want it to be just over with.
I am not afraid to put my name!!!!
Donna Merritt
(wife of Firefighter/Paramedic
David Merritt)
To the person 5:07...Enough is Enough !!!
David is Asst. Chief for the Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Company...As you know that is more
or less an adm. position.He does
fire reports, billing etc....His gear at the Fire House has dust on
it due to the fact he can't wear it.
My husband was told by
He has NOT !!!!!!!!!! Can he go to
a scene..YES he can.....If you see
his truck up there it is usually
me...I am now an EMT and also
the Vice-President of the PAVFC Ladies Aux.
So before you start running your mouth know
your Stuff..............
You or any of your idiots don't
know how hard it is to have your
life uprooted to not work or teach.. All of that is gone...
As far as Chief See, Gordy or Hoppes...out to get David they have no reason to...It was not
David's fault their ladder
truck is not safe/failed...We
just want this to end..so we
can pick ourselves up to figure
what David can do in the future.
I am proud to put my name down !!!
Donna Merritt
(wife of Firefighter/Paramedic
David Merritt)
Ok enough is enough. In regards to everyone wanting to know what is going on with me, here it is. My doctors have informed me that my chances of ever returning back to work as a firefighter - paramedic are minimal to none per a letter dated July 11 2008 (Dr. Jeng). I will be with the City of Salisbury Fire Department for 18 years the end of this month, if anyone thought that on August 2 2007 that I decided to take a year off that is bullsh*t. Everyone who knows me always knew that I was either teaching or working somewhere that has now come to a end. The injury that I sustained was due to a cable that broke from the inside out. The truth of the matter is the truck was a pos when the city got it but we got it several volunteers such as Assistant Chief Sheldon White had a low profile Sutphen that would have probably fit into old 16 but the administration would not go for it.This is the reason that jacks were installed in the basement to help hold truck 16. The city had engineers come in and install them they loaded the jacks with the truck in the building when it left they fell down.
In regards to Princess Anne yes I am the Assistant Chief, The Fire Chief knows what is going on with me and I have asked that if he wants me to step down I have no issue with that but he has stated no. I have been told that I can not ride or drive a fire truck or a ambulance which I have not done there are many times that I am out and I may respond to the scene. Most of the time I am there either doing fire reports or working on other projects, my gear has dust on it my fire gloves have been given to another firefighter. So do you think I am fighting fire NO! As to those who think that it is a IWIF scam it is not trust me I would love to be back with the fire department. But it appears that there are several individuals that must be jealous. I do not care what you think, I am looking out for my family they are number 1 and I do mean number 1. To those of my brother firemen and firewomen who have stood beside me I greatly appreciate it you are my true friends.
In closing I do not care what anyone thinks but you need to read section 7 of the City Employees handbook and pay attention to it. My days of being a firefighter-paramedic are now over and with that it also means that my days of being on the special operations team is also over, as being one of the original members of the team I wish them the best and I hope that everyone stays safe and can return home to their families at the end of their tour. I do not wish what I am presently going through on anyone and yes I do mean anyone.
David Merritt
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