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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Question of the Day, Sat 7/5

This question brought to you by Cliff:

Do you go to the movies? When and what's the last movie you saw at the theater? Do you buy sodas/food/snacks there?

and/or . . .

Do you rent movies? From who? (Blockbuster, Netflix, local rental store, etc) How often? How much do you think you spend a month on movie rentals?


Anonymous said...

we occasionally go to the movies, more so in recent months, you know to keep the economy going...last movie seen was wall-e w/ the kids, and no snacks were purchased...although we do partake in popcorn and soda on some visits...tonight we plan to go, just us, to see hancock.
as for rentals, we have a blockbuster card, but rarely rent...we do use our on demand coupons from the cable company and go that route sometimes...

Anonymous said...

the last time we went the cost was 13.00$ to enter and the snacks cost us 17.00$

Anonymous said...

Quit going to the movies long ago. When Hollywood decides they want to make movies that entertain instead of spouting off with their leftist agenda, then maybe I'll go back. But not until.

Anonymous said...

We have a home theater. We purchase all the movies we watch. No cable.

Anonymous said...

The movies are a rip off. I haven't been in probably a year. It's bad enough to pay $9 for a ticket, but the $15+ for a soda and popcorn? I use a service Verizon offers to it's internet customers. Called Stars Play. Unlimited movies for a month for 6 dollars and you can share this with 2 other people/households. Look into it, much better than Netflix where you have to remember to return the movies, and you can burn em.

Daddio said...

Did a pay-per-view on DirecTV last week, only because I had coupon for a free one.

Generally I don't rent movies, since you can borrow them for free at the library, or from the BookMobile. If you order one from the Bookmobile, you have 3 weeks before you have to return it, giving you plenty of time for casual viewing.

Regal has free movies on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings all summer, showing a G and a PG movie each day. Click here for the list of available movies. Scroll down to the Salisbury Stadium 16 on the list.

Anonymous said...

I have Blockbuster Online. It's about $20 per month for three out at a time, and 2 free game rental coupons which are worth about $20 themselves.

Stretch the 1 week game coupons into two weeks, before they get grumpy and charge you for the game.

I'll watch the mailed movies, then take them to the store where I get three more rentals. By the time I am done with them, new movies arrive in the mail.

Best that I ever did was 27 rentals in a month and the video games. I figure it works out to about $0.25 per hour of household entertainment. That's super cheap when you compare to most anything else.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to the theatre since Barbara Striesand made Yentl. Saw it at the Boulevard Theatre with a friend. After Hollywood and it's moguls overlooked Babs talents I now overlook them. Striesand did it all in that movie. Acted, sang, directed, produced and financed the entire ball of wax. Maybe that's why the movie was overlooked, it was done well without begging from the moguls AND it was done well by a WOMAN.

Besides all of that, I haven't seen anything advertised that I find worth leaving home to pay to view. I'll wait for it to come on TV, they always do.

Anonymous said...

the last time i saw a movie in the theatre was twister,("ive gotten a bit anti-social over the years"). i like current news better.

Anonymous said...

don't like em and never did.
there is a real world out there and you will soon find out.
the actors are dingbats and know
crap.last movie i saw was gone
with the wind or something like that , did see the wizard of odds.

Anonymous said...

black market, offline, up to date computer software to get it before anyone esle, usually see the movie before it hits theaters, dvd burner as well so i watch it on my big screen with my surround sound, gotta say a couple hours of my time, for something very worth it