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Monday, June 09, 2008

Substitute Teacher Charged For Sexual Offense

Substitute Teacher Freddie Prince has been charged with 3rd degree sexual offense with a 13 year old child. Prince teaches at Salisbury Middle School.

This is the second sexual offense charge with a Substitute Teacher in the past two weeks. Another one was charged in Mardella just recently by the Maryland State Police. There was a 13 or 14 year old child involved in that case as well.

The standards for Substitute Teaching must be raised to a much higher level. There should be coverage on WMDT 47 News at 11:00 this evening.


Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous? I have a problem with sexual predators, but I also have a problem with 10-15 year olds dressing so provocative, I have a 22 year old daughter we adopted when she was 9 and I never, well we never ever allowed her to dress in little bitty shorts/skirts or low cut shirts. Just because there are so many predators out there.

Just spend an afternoon in the mall you'll see what I am talking about! I've walked holding hands with my husband in the mall, and young girls will say he looks good, in my face, and he is 38! My 16 year old son, also, he had a girl text him promising to rape him! I made sure he locked that message on his cell. People, I'm just saying, not all the times its the male or person accused of the rape. I don't really know these individuals, so I am not referring to this case. I know you all are going to rebuttal with nasty comments, but if you took 1 afternoon and spent it at the mall, you will see how some of these girls approach these guys.

My Prayers go to both family's, this guy is innocent until proven Guilty, just like the Cop and the Sheriff!

Anonymous said...

These little girls want to be seen as hot and sexy and dress accordingly.They flirt and proposition older guys and unfortunately some receive sex illegally. Seek and you will find many times.It's only natural that the guys are tempted.Parents need to educate their daughters.

Anonymous said...

I find it completely disgusting that this is happening in schools. It is not a matter that he is 22 and the girl is 12 or 13 (Its still a major problem). The other problem is the fact that this guy has no respect for his job either. One thing about being a teacher is the professionalism. You do not conduct yourself in that matter. I substitute in the Laurel School District, and I attend Salisbury University. I am currently 19 and started subbing when I was 18. There are some students in that school that I am subbing for that are older then me! However, I would never have a relationship due to the professionalism involved.

These teachers, and substitutes need to man up and realize that they are now role models and are kept to a higher standard than people in other jobs. It may not be fair but we, as teachers, need to realize our lives are not dedicated to ourselves anymore. We dedicate our lives to the kids. We are their role models and we are trying to set them straight in this world.

People left and right are screwing up our children. It is pathetic. He needs to be punished as much as possible.

And P.S. To anon 10:28 I completely agree with you. Those little skanky 12 year olds need to stop. They should be their own age. I hate seeing a 12 year old and having them try to make me believe they are almost 18. Grow up and be your age!

Anonymous said...

Wicomico has interviews, fingerprinting, background checks and requires at least a high school diploma but prefers some college experience. The pay is incredibly low, and the kids (especially in middle school) are incredibly bad. It's a wonder anybody will take the job. That said, if the fingerprinting and background checks show no history of problems, the person will be hired.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Not saying that when a girl dresses sexy it is a green light to molest her, but there are cases where the girl is 16 or 17 and the guy is 20 and he gets a sexual offender label for the rest of his life when there is only a 3 or 4 year age difference. Girls do show alot more then they did when I was a kid for sure

Anonymous said...

Okay Anon 10:28, you may have something of a point. However, in the case mentioned IT IS NEVER NEVER EVER ACCEPTABLE FOR AN ADULT IN A POSITION OF AUTHORITY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A CHILD.
Kids grow up so much faster these days than we did, and are attempting to move into adult situations, both by their behavior and manner of dress. As adults, it is our responsibility to keep them from getting into situations over their ability to handle them. When we send our children to school every day we assume that they'll be safe. We assume that those charged with educating them are not predators. How can we be more careful than that? I'm not sure, but somehow something needs to change. Higher standards for subs?
More extensive background checks?
Parents, school administrators, other teachers must pay close attention.

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting is that sure you have the background check and the fingerprinting, but I could go out and smoke pot and snort coke and still have a job. There is NO drug testing.

Anonymous said...

I am Anonymous 10:28pm,

Anonymous 8:52 AM, LOL there probably is a drug test.

Anonymous 7:52 AM, are you serious? How much more back ground check can they do if they pass it? And I was not talking about this particular case!

The point I was trying to make is that, these girls sometimes come on to these guys, they get labeled for the rest of there life's, for something that was probably consensual, but because the guy breaks the friendship up, they girls report it as RAPE!!!!!!!! I know of another case were the kid got put in jail, and the so called victim went around and told everyone, she called it rape once everyone found out she had sex with the accused! SAD, VERY SAD!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact there is not drug testing for subs or teachers.

Anonymous said...

I never heard a thing about the teacher at Mardela. Does anyone know what the circumstances were? I have relatives that attend the school so I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

The situation at Mardela could have been prevented if the "Authority" people would have done their job the first time. This teacher was an on going problem in which my daughter went to the office on numerous occasions to complain to the vice principal (Mr. Green is a wonderful person by the way) and Bonnie Twilley, the secretary that thinks she runs the school, refered her and her friends to the guidance counselor, Mr. Finger, each time. After calling my daughter a "Fat Ass Redneck" and making other racist comments to children, and having another student do the grade books for him I went to the school myself to see the Vice Principal and Mr. Finger "the authority" had never brought the situation to his attention. We have too many school officials that just don't give a S**T anymore. Not all children are bad these days, the ones with discipline at home show respect at school. Some times it pays off to go the extra mile for your children (as I always do)! So, if this would have been reported earlier the long term substitue could have been replaced and the situation could have been prevented.

Anonymous said...

an adult should know better, and have self control, BUT, young girls these days do dress like little whores, walking thru the malls, and posting pics of themselves on myspace. we have britney spears to thank for that. making "SKANK" a fashion staement. and why do parents allow it?! i am in no way, trying to defend or diminish the severity of what these sickos do to our kids, but come on parents, take a good look at what your daughters are wearing.