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Monday, June 09, 2008

Daily Times on Wicomico Department of Law

The Daily Times' Susan Parker delivers another well written editorial this morning regarding the newly established Wicomico County Department of Law. While I don't disagree with her logic, I believe that emphasis was misplaced on two particular points.

The City Council in Salisbury, in its typical fashion of neglecting to take up issues that really matter in a decaying city, has been passionately debating the billable hours of its city solicitor.
No work of a city council is more important than making sure that taxpayers' money is properly spent. The "issues that really matter" to a municipal government invariably involve spending money. In order to make sure that this money is available, a council SHOULD make sure that they are not flushing tax dollars down one of the black holes so well known to exist in Salisbury.

Parker also states (referring to the creation of a full-time County Attorney's office):

They will have to be sure, however, that they prove to the public that they haven't created yet another money-consuming bureaucracy. Implementation of the county executive system has already added substantial costs to the county government; the public is entitled to see some benefit from that spending.
Susan is absolutely correct. And while she does mention the pension liability. which I have discussed so much recently, earlier in her piece, not enough emphasis is placed on the great unknown. The TOTAL cost of the department, including the estimated cost of subsidizing County Attorney Ed Baker's pension needs to be publicly discussed and debated.

While I would have preferred that Parker had chimed in on this matter PRIOR to the adoption of Wicomico County's FY 2009 budget, at least the public can benefit from such a well written argument, if only for future reference.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...


It's just more junk journalism from the worst newspaper in the Western Hemisphere.

As usual they could not resist taking a cheap shot at the Salisbury Council -- just what are those "issues that really matter in a decaying city" that they are "neglecting to take up" -- and why does the Daily Times never report about that, or such waste of City finds as the case that Barrie Tilghman had the City Attorney appeal against the man that she told she was going to "get even" with because he supported her opponent for mayor?

Don't you just love to read about things like the Pollitt-Baker pension ploy after it's a done deal?

Anonymous said...

The county and city governing body is indeed charged with spending the taxpayers money wisely, and making sure that the county employees are fairly paid and compensated for their services. why the issue over the pension? Many of you have a pension paid by me the consumer, just look at Delmarva Power how many people there are getting a pension as your electric bill increases every month, the pension is paid or at least supported by your electric bill. So why are we so bitter about the pension offered? Could it be that, some have no retirement? If so very poor planning on someones part, so now we are upset that someone who went to school, learned a trade, and now is offering his or her services, in exchange for a salery and pension. A younger person will cost us a pension, and well it should be I might add as no one worth their money would work for less. You get what you pay for and this person deserves to be rewarded for his service and education.

Anonymous said...

GA you have touched on a subject that is screaming for some relief.
It is good that the Disgrace did a somewhat possitive editortial today, but there are glitches in that editorial as already pointed out by Flyboy. And I certainly agree that it would be nice to get to comment on such budget expenses before the budget is set! Ed Baker is worth every cent we can pay him, pension or otherwise. I have commented on that before.

A. Goetz