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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Barrie Tilghman's Dog Ate the Spreadsheet

Now that Salisbury residents officially live in an authoritarian city-state, there should be no surprise that the Tilghman administration is in no mood to provide citizens, or elected officials, with information that isn't to Tilghman's advantage. I wouldn't be surprised to find that Tilghman has city solicitor Paul Wilber working overtime (using unappropriated tax dollars) trying to figure out how to get around pesky little things like the state's public information act.

If you listened to Tilghman apologist and protege Gary Comegys on Monday night you heard the party line that requests for detailed information on the proposed water and sewer rate increases were submitted too late by Salisbury Councilwoman Terry Cohen to be delivered in time for the June 2nd work session. Unfortunately, Comegys was proven to be wrong, and possibly lying about it.

Cohen made her initial request for information on May 15, 2008, not June 2 as Comegys asserted. City Administrator (Tilghman henchman) John Pick refused Cohen's request claiming that the information she requested was "a draft report". Since the Tilghman regime never hesitated to release draft reports to council in the past - when it suits their purpose - Cohen questioned why not now. She was referred to Queen Barrie herself.

Queen Barrie wasn't too interested in providing information that may not justify the need for a multi-year series of double digit rate increases. Now she contends that "she doesn't keep drafts". Whether the dog ate the spreadsheets or she merely shredded them while depend on Tilghman's story that particular day.

Cohen, not one to be brushed aside by the great Queen Barrie, filed a PIA (Public Information Act) request. I can't wait to hear the Tilghman administration claim that the city can't comply because they don't have funds to pay city solicitor Paul Wilber. Of course there is nothing in the act that requires an attorney consultation UNLESS they choose NOT TO COMPLY with the request.

Expect a battle.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...

Don't expect the PIA request to be complied with in a timely fashion, or maybe not at all. It's happened in the past, and with no penalty! For shame, Barrie! And Pick and all the others involved in this cover-up. And kudos to Cohen again for TRYING to do right by the citizens of Barrieland.

Anonymous said...

Could Cohens fight for information have anything to do with the mandate from the mayors office? Remember when city employees were told to not give any information to Debbie? Remember the infamous "Oh my gosh" email from Mike Dunn plotting on how to restrict the flow of information? Looks like they've added Terry Cohen to that list.

Anonymous said...

And the dance goes on GA. Another very good posting! I sure have to give it to Terry and Debbie for persisting like they have always done - in the face of adversity, And the name of that adversity is the city administartion, headed by our queen mayor and all her lackeys. Can't wait for the spring and the change that has to come!!

Anonymous said...

Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing in the next election. We've all been bitten by that wolf Louweasel. Let us all learn from that lesson.

Anonymous said...

Fact is Barrie has met her match-and then some. Terry is educated, informed and an independent thinker. Barrie is not used to that--someone who knows more than she does, and who does not 'Yes maam' and blindly follow the leader.
God bless you, Terry, and all the others that speak up---I can't wait to find out what all lies below the tip of the iceberg-because I do believe we are just scratching the surface. I hope this house of cards come crashing soon.

Anonymous said...

You mean Gary ate the spreadsheet?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:35--Terry was added to the list a LONG time ago. The fact that she was one of the 4 whgo sued over the old mall and won had the mayor's hackles up from the beginning.
Nalagirl--you are so right. Terry (and Debbie) have more intelligence and education than the mare, Shamie, and Bubba put together, and just because Louise had an education doesn't make her smart or an independent thinker. She is a disgrace to the city and the citizens who voted for her.

Anonymous said...

1:04 -

(with some salt & pepper)

Anonymous said...

The rope around the Mare's testicles is getting tighter by the day. I'm glad I don't have to pay her liquor bill. Monday nights must be fun at the Tilghman house. “Hi Honey, how was your day at the GOB?” #*&&^$#%$@^%$$*^$&%(&*) I can almost hear her out here on the farm.

Farm boy

Anonymous said...

When the mare goes to Market Street Inn to drink, does she drink alone? Does Cathcart, Comegys, or Dunn meet her there? Is anybody stalking her to find out these things like they seem to stalk Joe, Terry & Debbie? Does anybody really care? ROFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

If Barrie and any of her cohorts came into an establishment where I was trying to enjoy a meal I'd get up and leave. My appetite would be lost just knowing she was in close proximity.