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Monday, May 26, 2008


Although it has no bearing on the City of Salisbury’s budget for the upcoming year, a comment by former Councilmember Cathcart at the recent budget hearing last week warrants attention as does the reaction to it by someone who was in the audience. It seems that Cathcart is no less a supporter of whatever Barrie Tilghman proposes than she was when on the Council from 2003 to 2007 as part of the “Dream Team” that also included Messrs. Dunn and Comegys.

At the hearing one of the speakers prior to her was a local resident who has a deep and sincere interest in the governance of Salisbury but does not live in the City. He presented a very succinct and serious criticism of Tilghman’s proposed budget, which received applause by the audience that must have triggered a mental synapse that caused Cathcart to defend Tilghman by attacking the transgressor, just like she often did when on the Council.

In her statement, which dealt mostly with matters of no budgetary significance, Cathcart pointedly observed that some of the speakers were not City residents and suggested that, for that reason, their comments had very little or no value. By that remark, Cathcart has once again revealed her habit of demeaning those whose view differs from hers, often engaging in absurd argumentation for that purpose – such as the notion that the value of a person’s statements depends upon where he or she lives.

Such conduct became her modus operandi when she was on the Council. Recall, for example, her response to the concern stated by local high school students about the increasingly overcrowded classrooms due the Salisbury’s policy of uncontrolled development during the days of the “Dream Team” -- “it’s always been that way.” Then there was the time that she told a City resident who was trying to ask a question at a Council meeting to “put your hand down.”

Cathcart has a right to belittle others, but not as an elected official. Never again, that is.

Those who missed the public hearing can press above to listen to Cathcart’s statement also listen to the response by ME who took umbrage at her inappropriate statement directed at another speaker.


Anonymous said...

What was ultimate slum lord tj maloney doing at that meeting..

Anonymous said...

What happened on the bypass/50 West?
Traffic was backed up as far as the eye could see.(this was at about 1:45 pm today).

Anonymous said...

Heard anything about the Ocean City ambulance accident from yesterday appparantly they plowed into someone....

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that Lynn Cathcart's buddy, T.J. Maloney, is sitting right next to her in that photo?

Funny how Lynn Cathcart didn't mind when her NON-RESIDENT landlord buddies got up to speak. She never complained about THEM!


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Mrs. Cathcart. I think she almost believes the garbage she puts out about who is and who isn't a city dweller. Many of the good people who take the time to attend these meetings and make straight forward and truthful comments may not live right in the city, but they do live close by, or may own a business or buildings in the city, and see nothing wrong with their having the oportunity to comment about city matters which are usually very well said and probably too intelligent for Lynn to understand the fact that the comments are intended to try to get the mayor and her three bobbleheads to see that what they are doing is bankrupting the city and causing many residents to seek better places to live! Wake up Lynn or just keep quite at these meetings. Your making a fool of yourself.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

come on Art let her make an ass of herself, it's almost as funny as trying to listen to bubba form a complete sentence

Anonymous said...

Lynn can't refute the accuracy of a remark so she is left with only an attack on the speaker. Is she saying the remarks would be perfectly fine if a resident said them? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Cathcart's hubby is a clear and present public danger (and nuisance), too. Apparently he's been muzzled of late.

Anonymous said...

......and I believe that the speaker pays city taxes, and probably plenty of them.

Anonymous said...

Have you all seen the latest Metropolitan Magazine. Look through the "social" pictures and spot T.J. Maloney's girl friend in a photo with Bubba's wife. Scan it and save it for election time. We need to remind the voters who these clowns are in bed with.

Anonymous said...

By moving to Salisbury, Cathcart has deprived some other village of its idiot - and then there's her husband!

Anonymous said...

They have cornered the market on stupid.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn and Don. We see you peeking.