Tattler readers may know that we have been trying to get the corrupt city government to enforce the law against one of its own, X-Councilman Honiss Cane for having multiple derelict untagged vehicles on his properties. The only reason we ask for enforcement with him is because the "law" is strictly enforced against others. February 28th 2008 Mayor McDermott publicly stated on the Pocomoke Tattler that:
The code allows for a person to store a vehicle in an enclosed building (such as a garage), but a vehicle classified as "abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, non operating, wrecked, junked, or otherwise discarded vehicle" cannot satisfy the code by simply being "covered".

Mr. Mayor in case the PCPD, "Housing Inspector", City Manager or yourself have not noticed, there is a cloth cover on the X-Councilman's car.

Councilman Cane's vehicles are being addressed by Councilman Cane. I expect to see them all dealt with soon. His business property on Fourth Street proved a problem since he had leased the property out to an individual who then went out of business (leaving the vehicles). In spite of this, it is being handled.

What is that we saw yesterday hiding in the 'overgrown' bushes but the very same vehicle on the very same property the Mayor stated "...would be dealt with soon..." as quoted above? There were only FIVE untagged vehicles in plain site from the Street on Canes "Commercial property" and the one at his former residence on Fourth Street we were told he was "noticed" on December of 2007.
It has just come to our attention that Pocomoke City resident Tom Ayres was improperly served notice to remove two "project cars" he was storing in his backyard on Laurel St preparing to register them when his twin sons turn 16 this October. Mr. Ayres is a lifelong resident has volunteered for PCPD events and recently suffered a stroke making it impossible to move his body certain ways. He stated the he immediately contacted the PCPD was told to ask the chief OR Boss Hogg Russ Blake for permission for an extension neither of whom returned his phone calls or e-mails.
On 3/25/2008, Robin Ayres was required to sign for what appeared to be a certified USPS letter (which we subsequently learned had been returned by the Post Office item #7006 2150 0002 6571 1292), that was hand delivered by Officer Frank Wright badge # 0101 of the Pocomoke City Police Department to my residence at 205 Laurel street Pocomoke City Md.
Since when did Pocomoke City Police Officers become federal mail carriers? This story goes from bad to worse with:
On 4/29/08 Captain Brumley and Officer Bratten arrived at my residence with a Henslers’ Towing rollback wrecker, at approximately 10:30 AM. At that point my wife Robin and I met them in the rear yard of the residence and said to Captain Brumley “You aren’t really going to take my boys cars are you? This is our father son project and they will be 16 in October and I had emailed Chief Ervin for an extension. That is when Captain Brumley said the grey/purple1992 Mazda Truck and the green 1974 Chrysler had to be towed. I have known Captain Brumley for over 30 years, and I was surprised at his aggressive demeanor he displayed.
Why does the city send two squad cars and a wrecker 34-days AFTER notice had been improperly served (at best) and a formal written protest had been made to the Chief of Police and City Manager?
To make a long story longer, Mr. Ayres agreed to allow them to remove the vehicles and wanted to move his pickup truck and mothers boat out of the way so the yard would not get torn up.
As I was twisting my 1987 Dodge Truck in my small yard to move it to gain access to the boat (so I could move the boat out of the way so I could jump start the 1990 Buick) so that the tow truck would have access to the cars that Captain Brumley was forcing me to tow. Officer Bratten was standing in the area in a way to make the maneuvering of my 1987 Dodge truck more difficult to accomplish in the limit space I was in trying to help the tow truck remove the two vehicles with minimal damage to the yard, fence and vehicles. I was then ordered by Captain Bromley to “stop and remove the keys from the vehicle”, which I immediately followed his order.
I did not have time to get out of the truck (as I am severely disabled from my stroke and nerve damage) Captain Brumley then aggressively opened my 1987 Dodge Truck door and said “Give me the keys you are under arrest” I advised Brumley that I have had a stroke and nerve damage, (which he knew very well), and I was handicapped and to please let me get out of the Truck on my own, at this point I was brutally snatched out of my vehicle by the two Officers, (which was on the private property that I have lived on since 1976), by my left arm and injured, I told Captain Brumley and Officer Bratten that this was very painful but they kept intentionally using excessive force (over the screams of my wife Robin), and I complied as best I could, and I never resisted them in any way, nor did I fail to follow any instruction that I was given.
When I was removed from my vehicle and placed under arrest I explained that because of severe nerve damage that my arms would not go completely behind my back and I requested to be cuffed in front of my body. At this point I was very forcefully put in an extreme arm lock behind my back by Captain Brumley and Officer Bratten with both arms and severe pain started at this point. I said “come on please you all know me I can’t run this is hurting me”!!!!!!!
Mr. Ayres provided us a very long & comprehensive statement submitted to the Court stating he asked for medical attention a number of times throughout the "arrest & fingerprinting" procedure and was denied. He asked for an attorney and was denied and told they were going to see the Commissioner in Snow Hill. He was then allegedly subject to Mr. Toads wild ride in the back of a PCPD squad car at speeds up to 80 miles an hour, without being seat belted as required by law. They ended up towing only ONE of the project cars but took the boat (whose tags were in the house) while he was a prisoner in custody of the PCPD for his heinous crime.
How can Mayor Mike McDermott or anyone involved with the openly corrupt Pocomoke City government look this man in the eye and tell him he is breaking the law, when they refuse to enforce THE VERY SAME LAWS against a man who is illegally and immorally retaining a city council seat?

Tell me again oh honorable governing officials of Pocomoke City how your actions honor these brave men and women, whose ultimate sacrifice is celebrated on this day?
I'm at least glad to say I'm happy to see that Rat droppings are behind other local politics and not just Salisbury. Sorry that it has to be at the expense of you good peoples.
Maybe we should plan a big "Who really gives a shit Party." We will are least know neither mare will show up. Anyone of public office will only be admitted to said party upon drinking a full 16 ounce glass of fresh low tide Wicomico River Water, with the exception of Debbie and Terry!
Gag me with a spoon, if you are old enough to remember that, you probably have gray hair O¿~
Hey that isnt right at all. It sounds like salisbury is connected to pocomoke some how? That was out right wrong to do that to a victim of stroke. IF an officer who which has swore to protect and serve, did that to me i would definitely sue. I hope people to wake up to our Local Governments brutality and total screwing all of us OVER.
Ofc Bratten--a worthless piece of sh*t!!!!
Capt Brumley is no prize either.....
I have said it before and will do so again-the PCPD was taken over the county before for this kind of crooked corruptness and it WILL happen again if enough people in PC wake up and make some noise!
No disrespect intended but my question is for the Mayor-havng experience as a police officer yourself,why do you tolerate such buffoonery from your citys police force?Why are some people subject to zoning laws and others are exempt?I dont live there and I am glad,but I do not understand why the citizens are not rioting in the streets over the injustices and improprieties going on in your "all American"city.And as far as the Cap goes-does it make you feel like a big strong supercop to forcibly arrest a crippled man?Go out to Walmart and bust some gangbangers!
The Mayor recently had his house painted by an unlicesned contractor with no tarps laid to the ground to collect the years of lead paint that was on the house.
You cna't blame a guy for wanting to save a couple bucks but shouldn't the Mayor of all people set an example of obeying the law?
Not only did he violate MD law how about Federal Law, now whoever buys his house is gonna have to have the ground cleaned with men in white suits and ventilation masks
Ouch you busted his cops there
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