Good Morning Joe,
I want to personally thank you and all your readers for the support. prayers and being on the look out for the girls. I also want to take this opportunity to thanks WGMD radio 92.7, the local Moms playgroups I belong to Just Moms of Delmarva and The Mommy & Me Club of Sussex County, Delmarva Moms & Delaware Moms. These ladies made sure they were in contact with me at all times and made sure my family had meals while we waited for news. These woman posted her flyer from DE to MD!
I have to say that I am a little disappointed about the way some things were handled. My family & friends had to do 95% of the work. In DE it isn't against the law to runaway and the police here really can't do much, except talk to the families. It's mostly a parent issue (this is what we were told). The Millsboro Public Library would not even take a flyer or her picture. They told us, that they would not call us if she happened to go in there, because it was a privacy issue. I almost fell in the floor. Can you believe that?? I spoke with a gentleman in the news room at WBOC and he told me to email news@wboc.com to asked for their help, they never even contacted me back. Not a return email or a phone call. I can't tell you what a let down that was.
As far as what happened with Susan. We got a call around 1:30 Monday afternoon they the girls had been picked up in Lewes, Delaware. They were stopped when a they were seen walking down HWY 1. At that time they had set up camp in an old abandoned trailer. Before that they were with some friends on and off. They also camped out in the woods for a night or 2. When the girls were found they were not harmed or hurt in anyway. The reasoning for them taking off was because Casey's Mom was moving to AZ and the girls just could not bare to be separated.
We have a lot of healing to do as a family, some counseling just a long road ahead of us. But she is home and I am having a hard time letting her out of my sight.
Casey's family did indeed leave yesterday for AZ and Susan spoke to her yesterday and she is ok.
I do ask that you still keep us in your thoughts as we try and heal from this. I also ask that if you have a teenager don't second guess their feelings for someone. We think as parents oh teenage love it will pass. These kids aren't like we were when we were 16. Emotions, hormones and all kinds of things I didn't know about came into play when they decided to run. Susan & I had a wonderful relationship, she came to us and told us when she came out about her sexuality. But she felt she couldn't tell us about their plans or how she really truly felt about Casey. So please, listen to your children, I mean really hear them when they talk. Take notice of all their actions, even the littlest things. Her Dad & I didn't see this coming, but it was the little things that could have told us something was slightly off.
I pray none of you ever have to go through what we went through for 5 days. Hug your children, tell them you love them and always, always have an open mind and give them your undivided attention when they talk.
Again Joe, I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your effort in the search and rescue of our Daughter. Your kindness and the kindness of others will never be forgotten.
Patricia & Dale
Dear Patricia & Dale,
It was our pleasure to help in any way we could. We're familiar with the Delaware System. We're simply pleased your Daughter is home safe and time will heal those wounds.
And people called us "mean spirited bloggers." Long live the blogs!
Patricia & Dale:
We are so happy to hear that your daughter has been found safe & sound.
I know what its like to have a friend move across the country and not wanting to see them leave.
After I turned 18 I visited for a couple months but wanted to go home.
We have kept in touch over the past 32-years and he called today because the storm in Suffolk, VA was close by (90 miles is not far when you live in Seattle) to make sure we were OK.
Give your daughter a big hug and a kiss...
God Bless,
The Burkes
I am so glad this had a happy ending for Patricia, Dale, Susan, Casey and their families.
May God bless them, help them heal and all be stronger for the experience.
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