During the first few months of Mayor McDermotts office Mr. Tucker the developer of Butlers Village had money set aside to build a 'tot lot' for the kids who lived there.
Unfortunately/Fortunately depending on your view Mr. Tuckers insurance company advised that he present the amount of money that he had set aside for the construction of a 'tot lot' and gift it to the city for the city's open space projects, and this way Mr. Tucker wouldn't have to bear the responsibility if anyone were to become injured on equipment that was on his property.
The city agreed to this and matched the amount I believe it was in the $25K range and held a meeting and decided they would put in a skateboard park.
To make a long story short the park is now in and will be open sometime this week.
According to the Mayors blog dated April 22, he stated the park would be opening this week. We still do not have confirmation on the opening date but will let you know as soon as we find out.
Here is the list of what you need to do in order to have your child participate in this activity.
1) Go to City Hall or download the Application Simple an Easy by clicking HERE:
The P-city City website has the application posted if you dig hard enough but you need a $400 program to open it, lucky we have that $400 special program.
Click here to download the rules and regulations in the government standard PDF format.
2) The application requires both parents to sign this form granting their child permission. If both parents are unable to come to City Hall during normal business hours you can take this form and sign it in front of a Notary and have your signature notarized.
3) The application also requires a signature by the child that they understand and agree to the rules and regulation set forth by the city.
4) Park use is free to all Pocomoke City residents. There is however a $25. per child fee for all non residents.

5) If you are having out of town guests it is suggested that you download the application and rules from the
6) Photo's are by appointment only at the Pocomoke City Police Department between the hours of 8am and 2pm Mon-Fri. A signed copy of your application will be faxed to the station and your child will be photographed by an officer in the basement where they process people who are arrested. (you may find some free drugs on the floor so keep a sharp eye out)
7) Angel said that they don't have the ability to make the cards right then and there so they will be mailed as soon as they are ready or she will call and let you know when they are ready so that you can pick them up.

8) Use of safety equipment is absolutely mandatory at all times while inside the fence of the skate park this includes, Helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. Skaters 18 years and older are allowed to wear only a helmet.
9) Children 12 and under must be supervised, and a child must be at least 8 years old to participate at all.

At this time this is the way it is going to be handled. We received a couple of phone calls this morning asking questions about the policies and forwarded them to the Mayor.
One of the questions was regarding the scheduled hours of operation. At this time the park is open on school holidays and weekends from 10am to 5pm, and after school 3pm to 1/2 hour before sunset.
In the summer from 6-15 to 9-1, the park will be open from 10am to 1/2 hour before sunset.
Winter hours (weather permitting) Weekends and school holidays only 12noon to 4pm.
Skate boards, in-line skates and old school roller skates will be permitted. BMX style bikes will be permitted on certain days at certain times but those have not yet been established.
We have heard a lot of negative comments and there are quite a few bugs to work out on the logistics of all of these previously mentioned items, but it is a start. We have a Skate Park, and the kids in P-City can move forward from here.

The Mayor, has been offered serveral volunteers on Saturday's if necessary to get people signed up like they do on the little league teams, and I'm sure there are many more who are willing to do the same.
Lets see what happens and make suggestions as we go. It's a new thing for Pocomoke, so let's give it a whirl.

Remember, to

It's Pocomoke...
Son of a Beep! They covered up our Sand volleyball Court for a skate park, what a bunch of goobers.
Damn, where are we going to hold our tournaments now!
The Cloud!
It is amazing to see what can get accomplished even with a dysfunctional government!! A small town like Pocomoke can make this happen but never in Barrieland. I hope the skate park commitee can come up with funding to make this a reality in Salisbury. Way to go Pocomoke!!!!
Salisbury should make the walkway in the city park a skate park. It would only need the black top and a few turns & whatever.. People could still walk on it, and it wouldn't cost that much with no procurement fees.
At least it is not like the skate park salisbury had?
There is an old skate board park ,burried down by the civic center. I think liability of injuries had it covered up a few years ago.
If you dont believe me go dig.
I think this is great, get kids of the street and give them some thing to do. I moved here from Annapolis MD and I ride bmx bikes for a living. I will see you at the skate park soon hopefully when the days get figured out for those who ride bmx. I guess this place dosnt really suck after all.
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