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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Expect Crab Prices To Go Way Up

State Announces Plan To Cut Crab Harvest

The state of Maryland will cut its Blue Crab harvest up to 40 percent this year to address fears the crabs are reaching dangerously low levels in the Chesapeake Bay.

"Maryland is only 60% for crabs."


Tim Chaney said...

I have been in seafood for about 30 years. What really hurt the crab population was when Maryland banned Sponge Crabs (Egg Baring) the state of Virginia kept on harvesting them by the thousands of bushels. Considering each crab carry's a million eggs or so I think that hurt the crabs worse than the pollution.

I hate the government getting into business too much, however I always thought the federal GOV should have stepped in and banned the harvest of sponge crabs so that Virginia would be in line with Maryland regulations. It's only hurt them big in the long haul.

Anonymous said...

Forget the crabs and start eating muskrats and nutria. Acquire a new taste and help reduce the populations that are hurting our environment. A new delicacy for the Eastern Shore has arrived.

Tim Chaney said...

Ain't eatin' no rodents. If they put a bounty on them I'll knock out a few and consider it target practice

Anonymous said...

the real problem is these so called experts think they can control the bays populations.the biggest problem is the over population of rockfish,cut open a fish and their stomach is full of crabs.they tried to play with the rockfish population and just created another problem,a crab shortage.wait and see what happens when the introduce the asian oyster!

Tim Chaney said...

Oh yeah that too, I have cut open rockfish and found their bellies full of peeler crabs. I'm not to keen on that Asian oyster either!