Salisbury after the 1886 fire. Lots of chimneys. Not much under them.
George Chevallier has updated this information with the following:
Photo was taken after the 1886 fire, not the 1860 fire. The Wicomico Historical Society is in possession of the original. Copies will be in the new Fire Museum.`
Yes, a devistating fire! And i believe that is part of the lake that used to sit in the downtown area and is now just the branch of the Wicomico, if my memory serves me correctly. I think I saw pictures of it in tghe library after I got there in 1978.
A. Goetz
Isnt that the veiw with the hospital at our back?
Wow! This is my kind of news...not slamming anyone acutal factual news. Thanks for the post! Everyone should find interest that live in or near the Salisbury area.
That picture is symbolic of what Salisbury is like today under DingleBarrie Tilghman's administration.
Nuff Said
This is a good example of the fire service not sending enough equipment on the first alarm.
farm boy
Yeah, not a lot of people know that the area of the current Riverwalk and City Park was all under water until the early part of the 20th century. In 1756 the Humphreys had built a dam and mill near the current library, and it finally gave way in 1907 I think... That's why there are such steep "hills" on either side of the city park along the stream. That whole area was filled with water. In fact, the railroad bridge that goes over Main Street was once a causeway (once again explains the steep embankments).
Roads throughout town haven't improved much since then.
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