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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Technical Difficulties Fixed, Somewhat?

Although some would would like to claim I had a virus in my camera, (stupid) they're wrong! Somehow I must have hit a button that put the camera into what they call a "RAW" mode.

This means the files were HUGE and I could not download them onto this computer. Heck, I don't know if I can download them onto any computer, we'll see? Nevertheless, I've possibly lost a day's worth of photos unless I can recover them elsewhere.

Moving on, I have some serious catching up to do. Sorry for the delays Folks.


Anonymous said...

RAW photos are just that, RAW uncompressed images. Most likely, teh software your camera came with can edit them.

With my NIKON, i use picture project to work with RAW files, and there are converters out there...

no big issue.

Anonymous said...

I thought you had it set on "blurry" mode.......

Anonymous said...

I don't know what type of camera you have, but the fact that you can shoot in RAW mode tells me you may be able to do this...try editing your photos while still on the camera, maybe just a small trim. They'll then be saved as JPEGs and can be downloaded to your computer. I had to rescue a batch of church event photos this way when I got a new camera and played around too much with the settings. Live and learn.