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Monday, March 03, 2008

Serious Accident On Riverside Drive

Riverside Drive is closed down this morning because of a very serious accident. I'm told by a friend that they couldn't believe someone could survive this crash.

All too often people try to pass others in a no pass zone and accidents like this happen far too frequently. I say, come back with the spike strips in the road that flop down when you drive in one direction yet puncture your tires if you're going the wrong way in the other direction. That will stop this crap. It's a bit severe but it may be a necessity around these turns. It may also save some lives.


Anonymous said...

I live on Riverside Drive just outside of city limits. Yesterday, not long after the run..A truck was passing a car over the double yellow line. The car was probably going close to the speed limit and the truck must have been going at lease 60 mph. I thought to myself that if they don't slow down on the upcoming curve before Riverside Pines they will such luck.

Anonymous said...

I also live on Riverside - however, I live further out of town. This road is extremely dangerous and I worry about the traffic. People don't care and speed up and down this road. The curves make it extremely dangerous and the speed limit of 30 mph has been posted for a reason. It's a miracle more accidents don't happen along this road. Maybe more speed traps should be set??? I don't know what the solution to the craziness is!

Anonymous said...

Is there also a bike path on that rode, if so, all the more need to regulate traffic. Scary thought.

Anonymous said...

The county and state have refused to do radar on Riverside in the past.

Anonymous said...

OOPS! Early morning>>> meant road!!!

Anonymous said...

Just tell'em theres alot'a seat belt vi'lators out there n u'll have'm out there n full force.

Anonymous said...

Do you know why the county and state refuse to do radar? They could make a fortune if they monitored that area!

Anonymous said...

that rode actually, as i biker i find it to be very friendly, people usually wait to pass and are very courteous. No, there is no bike path, no shoulders except for the city portion(where they have a bike lane sign yet its not really a true bike lane, more of a unnecessary shoulder with gravel/glass on it..also, lots of college kids use riverside fro smoking pot, so generally these vehicles are very aware of not going too fast haha! But yes i would think the cops would benifit from radar on that road..expecially closer to sloozbury

Anonymous said...

i guess i am the only one that has seen the county sitting doing radar at the church right by sharps point on riverside dr. I have also seen them doing radar at riverside and fountain dr.

Anonymous said...

The accident on Riverside involved two mature women going in opposite directions and within the speed limit. The accident happened in a straight stretch and it did not appear that either driver was aware that the other was approaching. Sometimes it really is just an accident.
But if you were to sit along the road near Pine Bluff about 5 PM you would see where the next Nascar drivers were training. From Pine Bluff to Shad Point is a racetrack.