I understand everyone is on EDGE now that an SU student wants to make drastic changes to ineffective policies that people have grown accustomed to over the last 10 years...
With that said I repeat THE FACEBOOK GROUP DIDN'T REPRESENT MY VIEWS ON THE ISSUES... It was a way to discuss issues students may have. 4-2 doesn't do anything now people. Do you really think every rental house in 4-2 is actually in compliance? NO!! I'm trying to address the issue and solve the underlying problem...housing prices/ rents being jacked up way above levels affordable to the average citizen.
I WAS COMPLETELY AGAINST A 14% PROPERTY TAX INCREASE and have said that needs to be repealed IMMEDIATELY; not after 2010(When the new mayor actually takes office). I signed the referendum petition last May...further evidence this isn't my first undertaking in Salisbury politics. The tax increase is a unnecessary burden on many people living in the city.
This allows police to charge people with either 90 days/ or a $500 fine...
I believe the police should have greater latitude in how they deal with these quality of life incidents...
Effective Resource Planning...
Overtime, Court, Increased Paperwork, Running Someone To Central Booking
I want a solution that better utilizes the resources of the SPD and OVERBURDENED TAXPAYERS we all are, while INCREASING QUALITY OF LIFE for everyone
The infrastructure of Salisbury is crumbling from roads and side walks to downtown buildings. It is time we begin a project of gentrification to address the sad state we now find the heart of Salisbury in.
The police force is now inadequate in manpower, equipment, and leadership. We need major changes over at SPD. LEOPS needs to be increased to a 75% defined benefit from its current level of 50% after 25 years of credible service. We will be able to better retain veteran officers this way. Work books with on board NCIC/MILES need to be in every cruiser. SPD is in dire need of its very own K9 unit. We need Code 3 LED lighbars on all marked cruisers to further enhance officer safety when engaged in a traffic stop or vehicle pursuit.
The hallmark of my effort is government transparency. We need AUDITS and on time. A forensic auditor should be mandatory especially with all the unallocated taxpayer money showing up daily.
People are now saying that a recall will waste $60,000. That's PESOS on the $ compared to the millions handed out to developers. The mayor famously said "the buck stops here." With that said, "BARRIE, I ASK FOR YOUR RESIGNATION EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY". Come Monday I'm expanding the Recall to include Gary Comegys as well.
We may have problems at our county landfill, but we never forgot how to take the trash out!!!
Thanks for the outpouring of community support I've received, I look forward to working with everyone to make Salisbury a better place for all.
-Jordan Reisman
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson
Jordan--I would love to throw my support behind you 100% HOWEVER I am still not clear on your stance in regards to the 4-2 legislation, just like the noise ordinance the ZONING laws were already in place to prevent student rentification of the single family neighborhoods that existed long before the need for student housing caused havoc. The 4-2 has proven to staunch the hemorrhage of student rental conversions that have occurred in many university areas that have experienced inadequate housing compared to admissions. And may I point out that the illegal over occupancy WOULD NOT HAPPEN IF STUDENTS DID NOT AGREE TO LIE ABOUT HOW MANY PEOPLE LIVE IN A HOUSE.Salisbury University dropped the ball and just assumed that the neighborhoods would absorb the influx of students despite the strict residential zoning. And the students have been accomplices with the landlords. Do you want the last owner occupied neighborhoods converted to "affordable' rentals for students or do you want to see the hardworking middle class families retain the neighborhoods that they bought into 15 or 20 years ago? Please clarify your stance on this because right now you sound like an angry immature college punk intent on advancing your own STUDENT oriented agenda.
I would hate to see many long term residents and "haters" miss their chance to clean house simply because the man who started the movement was a student.
Perhaps we should worry less about what Jordan thinks the laws should or shouldn't be and worry more about cleaning up the cause of the problems and poisons within our city government.
We can worry about Jordan's stances and the direction he wishes Salisbury to move in when he decides to run for mayor.
keep up the fight Jordan....don't stop there. there are alot of other areas of govt on the shore that needs to be cleaned up....PLEASE HELP take it beyond Tilghman.
6:29 sounds NOTHING like the mayor or Pick.
The Mayor sold 4 to 2 down the river and stacked the deck against the citizens from the appeal board on through the legal department.
It was a local 14% unnecessary tax increase and a state wide 5% to 6% Sales Tax increase. Enough Is Enough!
Jordan, if I may ask, if these are the issues YOU truly support, then why haven't you tried to get students as SU to UNDERSTAND them, rather than baiting them with the noise ordinance and overturning 4 to 2?
Why did you take offense at Campbell and Cohen saying Salisbury "isn't actually a college town." It's a matter of debate, sure, but people have been living here long before SU got big.
Those two have personally reached out to different sides of the fence on a number of issues out of FAIRNESS, including to students and even the bungling of the landlord licensing by the mayor.
If students want to "take over Salisbury govt." for the reason they commented on your Facebook page, then we're going to have a drunken, lawless, noisy place to live. It's scary. Most of you are here for four years, then you leave. You'd leave anyway. Most people I know didn't stay in the town where they went to college.
So why do you think you have more rights than the residents who have given their lives to this community?
These are serious questions. I hope you will respond in kind.
We can worry about Jordan's stances and the direction he wishes Salisbury to move in when he decides to run for mayor.
Is this his plan? Oust Barrie Tilghman and run for her seat against Bubba? He might as well hand the seat over to Bubba now.
Why would anyone go to college 4 years, study business finance to run for mayor in a town that only pays $25k to the mayor? Doesn't sound like he is very confident in his education or ability to work in the field of business or finance.
8:46...think who else's seat is open next election. Perhaps make a name for himself for THAT one, get organized and prepared for THAT one.
Just a theory, but as good as any bandied about the blogosphere.
Maybe I believe in giving back to the community...
-Jordan Reisman
Uh, the "new" mayor takes office in April 2009...
not 2010.
Signing a petition is not "involved in politics."
The issue isn't that you are a student.
The issue is whether you are for real and not connected to SAPOA.
A lot of what "you" stand for has been voiced by other people, including people attacked by your classmates.
Your tactics to get students involved by telling them what THEY want to hear, rather than what you claim to US you believe in, are scary tactics indeed.
Combination Louise Smith and SAPOA, since those lines are their b.s., too.
I've known many a fine college student who was politically involved. You don't fit the profile.
But make me eat my words, please. Let's see even a tenth of those "hundreds" in your group banging down the doors of this city coming up with bushels of signatures.
Then I'll believe.
Not to fear Jordan. Years of apathy is a plague here. We may sound harsh at times but we have been taken advantage of in the past, simply by trusting someone. The paranoia is normal.
I'd love to see throngs of students hitting the streets. I'm not going to get into the 4 to 2 issue. That's not the issue at this time. Right now we are allies for the same cause and lets hope that it does grow.
Now is not the time for infighting. If the students will help by getting signatures for the recall, the rest of us can stay focused on the issues we have been fighting and keep the accountability feet held firmly to the fire.
You never know the negative posts here my be from the administration themselves.
I hope this young man is successful if at nothing else than throwing Louise out the door. Change the face of the council and the mayors hands will be tied. Changed the 3-2 vote to favor the citizens of this community, including the students that live among us. Throw SAPOA and the developers out on their ears.
When I see throngs of students out pounding the sidewalks in this effort then I'll believe this is for real. Until then it's all smoke and mirrors.
comyges & smith have 3 more years to serve. if they would just resign & save us all the trouble...
the first issue is the recall. if it's successful, then, and only then argue the "fine" points.
first, 3500 or so signatures from bona fide, city residents registered to vote in our city are required. first things first. how to do that& how to be sure voters are qualified to vote come first.
Jordan you go do what you said you'd do, rid us of the current mayor and while your at it, take down Louise with her and Mr. "C" too. Don't let the detractors here bother your efforts to do what is right. Get the recall taken care of and then we can talk of other things behind a truely peoples city council!
A. Goetz
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