Louise Smith sure showed us her real priorities at last night's council meetings. Seems she's got a new "system" for asking questions. If you were good boys and girls and turned your questions in to the city administrator in advance, then you get to ask your questions first! Oh, boy! I can't wait to get home and fill in my extra credit homework, teacher!
Louise made it a point to repeatedly say how getting questions in, in advance, was "to be fair to the administration." Of course, when her own council members don't get to see information that's been around for a month until 3 days before the meeting, big deal. It's the Administration we have to worry about.
Louise thinks if she mentions the word "transparency" enough times, then people will believe she supports it. This is kind of like when she kept repeating the word "accountability" while she raised next to no questions about the audit, none about the account overdrafts, and votes against Debbie Campbell's reasoned recommendations to just DISCUSS measures to get the city's finances in some kind of sane order.
Louise scored one for the word "unity" tonight, too, but not like she'd like to think she did. While she worried about advance warning, er, questions to the administration, she didn't bat an eye about the administration tossing the infamous Northeast Collector Bike Trail bomb at the council at the last minute. Terry Cohen made a benign suggestion to consider the whole financial matter at the work session the city administrator wanted for explaining how the Administration suggests filling in the money gap on a property the taxpayers already gave a $450,000 right-of-way subsidy to on top of a TIF (hat tip to Debbie Campbell for remembering that little financial detail).
Louise and her two underlings on the council couldn't vote Cohen down fast enough. So much for an opportunity for UNITY, Cohen said. Terry, Terry, Terry...Unity means not making the Mayor wait a single second more for what she wants. Didn't you know that? Louise is AT ONE with the Mayor, Ohmmmm.
There were lots of great lines from tonight, but I just couldn't get Louise off my mind. A tell-it-like-it-is lady named Donna Ennis hit another home run in public comment on many points said it best when she talked about having stood out in the cold campaigning for Louise. "You lied to us."
Yeah, Donna. Louise lied to us. She's still pretending. And throwing in a little hypocrisy for good measure by reciting the Lord's Prayer just before she turns and Pledges Allegiance to the Mayor.
on another note, man you are up and down and in and out of that room so much you look like mah grandmother running to the b/r every 30 seconds. Gotta love pac14 :)
Also, need to thank Jordan for the nervous but well-worded speech! "YOU FAILED US LOUISE SMITH!"
I still see Hilouise voting on every issue. The chair should only vote if there is a tie. Or is she saving time, knowing how the vote will go?
This is a great post Joe, unfortunately it makes me sick that we have an administration like this.
Seems like every single day there is news of yet another corrupt politician,civic leader,or police--aren there just so very few people with any integrity left?
People with integrity won't run for office because they don't want to be publicly defamed, lied about and get filthy with the corrupt people around them. We need to clean house of all of them and then people of integrity might risk sticking their necks out.
Well, you see, you (council) must have something "on the agenda" prior to discussion by that same council. I so move. All those in favor, 2.
All opposed, 3
The nays have it!
That anything above board ever gets done is nothing short of miraculous!
So much for Weezies "ubity" efforts on council.
I think everyone should give Jordan a chance.
I personally hope he accomplishes what he has set out to do.
My thanks, as well.
I see the fire deparment just cost us another $1,000,000
Louise lied isn't all she said.
How is it you can throw the "H" word (hypocrisy) around when it suits your slant on a story but you don't post comments using the same word.
Would you kindly check with the Sheriff to see if it is OK to post a comment comparing the New York Governors situation with our very own States Attorney.
It seems like the frequency of Hypocritic politicians is becoming epidemic and they need to be "transparent." No amount of piling on by the citizen should be ignored in comparing Wicomico's States Attorney with New York's Governor.
Look at who they are, what their elected responsibilities are, what they individually did to others they each prosecuted, and now what each of them are begging for.
Your aggressive blog style attracts the interest of many, your willingness to suppress negative comments at the request of friends of Davis does you no credit.
And throwing in a little hypocrisy for good measure by reciting the Lord's Prayer just before she turns and Pledges Allegiance to the Mayor
Did anyone catch the mayor fumble the Lord's Prayer? Suggesting she was a little "testy" should have been a little "toasted".
This is on target. Louise Smith is a disgrace.
I don't know what to make of Jordan's recall yet, but I am glad he specifically mentioned Louise last night. If Jordan doesn't pull this off, then we should consider doing a recall later.
The mayor and her puppets on that council, both Scheme Teams, have ruined this city. If the next election doesn't change things, I'll move. I said that last time, but now I've got what I need to do it. Watching what those cretins have done to our town just make you want to vomit, kick, scream and cry.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I wish Jordan luck, he's going to need it. But I have also stated before and will continue to state it until it sinks in the thick skulls under Barrie's control. I am not now, nor have I been involved with this recall effort. I did, out of curiosity, to see what this kid is about, meet with him and made my decision at that point, to not be involved in this sham.
Neither I or anyone that I know of that collected signatures for the tax referendum are involved in this effort. I am quite capable and willing to stand up and take responsibility for my actions but I will not have the likes of Comegys, Smith, Tilghman and Shields state in the Tilghman Times that I or anyone I am associated with is involved in any way shape or form.
They (Tilghman, Smith, Comegys, Shields) owe us a public apology.
u couldn't be involved even if you wanted to...you live in the COUNTY
Joe, when does the meeting replay on Pac14? I didn't get to watch it last night and want to watch the replay.
Anonymous said...
u couldn't be involved even if you wanted to...you live in the COUNTY
11:36 AM
Exactly, and that is where I plan to stay. Why didn't the morons that sit on council figure that out before pointing their crooked fingers? Not like they don't know who I am or where I live, I've received mail from the office of the mayor.
Regardless of a recall or an election, these 4 criminals need to be charged. Total disregard for the charters and the law just cant continue. Can a Co. res. place charges or does it have to be a city res.? There's gotta be a lawyer out there just as disgusted as the rest of us, that can give us some advise. You just cant let these crooks continue!
You have to take your case to the States Attorney to see if he'll prosecute. Don't count on it though.
There is a lot of things someone in the county could do working on the recall petition. Organizing the collectors, for one thing, keeping financial statements for another. Because she lives in the county doesn't mean she or any others couldn't be involved if they chose to be. What they can't do is collect signatures.
Maybe you should contact Doug Gensler at the State Attorney General's Office and inform him of the misappropriation of funds. A mass calling, e-mailing and letter writing campaign ought to get the State's attention. Contact the Criminal Investigations Division. They prosecute criminal activity within State government (Salisbury is included). They deal with fraudulent misappropriation by public officials, misconduct in office by public officials, and falsifications of public records.
Contact them here:
Main telephone number:
1 (410) 576-6300 or
1 (888) 743-0023 toll-free in Maryland
TDD: (410) 576-6372
Mailing address:
Office of the Attorney General
Criminal Investigations Division
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
E-mail: oag@oag.state.md.us
Donna did a fabulous job of tearing up the scheme team again!
Thanks lady and who cares that she doesn't live in the city limits. She's too smart to live here. We definately have to get that petition going and signed by the required number of city residents. We are waitng for it to show up so we can sign!
A. Goetz
I just sent an email to OAG requesting an investigation....everyone needs to take 2 minutes to do the same. Nothing will ever change if you dont do your part, 20 r 30 emails will make it happen.
Even the indefatigable, unflappable Ms. Cohen had raised feathers.
OUT with the abominable idiots!
Please, where do I sign this recall petition?
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