A commenter stated the other day that someone should look into whether or not the Mayor allegedly had the deck on her home built by Public Works. They strongly suggested someone look into that and made it sound as if they were in the know and that she allegedly had done something wrong?
WELL, DO YOU HAVE RECEIPTS? Taxpayers want to know Barrie? I think that a person in your position should be accountable for such questions and you can clearly shut them up by showing you have receipts AND that the Contractor has one as well. You know, the kind with Invoice Numbers on it so they can prove they didn't just make it up and slap an old date on it. You know, the ones where they can prove other work was done around that same time and year so there's no conflict.
Shut these people up Barrie.
I'd be interested in viewing those receipts...the kind with invoice numbers on them....Oh and how exactly were they paid??? I hope she's not as crooked as she's starting to sound like she is...lol
If anyone can uncover it I know you can Joe!!!
I know it was done by public works, they like to brag about the work they are made to do at the mayors house. Send Mike Lewis over there with WBI to interrogate a few and you'll find out.
Joe i gotta say this picture is really crossing the line. You obviously snuck behind her house since the picture is taken through the woods. If you came around my property that way, you would be looking at the business end of rifle. You should stop before you get yourself jammed up.
JR IS BACK!!!!!!!!!
He has been trying to put up comments everywhere and it's driving him nuts that I've only allowed the one above. Can you say Grand Jury? BANG! ROTFLMAO!
Oh, by the way JR, I was across the lake and used a telephoto lens. I'll remember not to go by your home. Oh, you scare me to death, Idiot!
Isn't a Building Permit required in the city as well?
Maybe that could have been posted by Wayne Barrel. We all know he loves you to death
Well, let's investigate Public Works for that, too. Could it be the courts might have to take over her house?
Mike Lewis and the WBI do need to investigate this. They should ask who worked on it and have them give specific details about the materials, construction, dates, who directed them, etc.
It's perfectly legal to take a picture of someones property if you are on public property. There really isn't much that you can't legally take a picture of in the US. The things that you can't are usually on military bases and you won't be able to get close enough to take a picture of anyway.
Search "photographers rights" in google and click on the first link for a great document. I keep a copy or two of it in my camera bag in case anyone trys to tell me otherwise.
I know you're just dieing to use a gun again though after the incident in your store.
"Oh and how exactly were they paid??? "
And, more importantly, IF they were paid.
boy you really are on a witch hurt arent you? Do you have receipts for those clothes on your back? If not does that mean that you stole them? Not everybody saves receipts for everything. rumors and opinions are like azzholes we all have them...Talking about beating a dead horse!
Best look into who got the building permit and what contractor is named -- ASAP, before it goes missing or gets shredded! File a PIA request immediately.
JR, please stop commenting here. I'm not going to let them through, so why are you wasting your time putting up such nasty comments? Oh well, it is what it is and you are who you are.
You guys have beat me to it, that was going to be my question, was there a building permit?
Building permits should be on file for a certain length of time. And the invoices should also be kept in case there is a problem that would be covered under a warranty.
If it was public works they wouldn't need to guarantee it, she'd just have them come over, tear the old one down and have another built at taxpayer expense.
It was built during the week, during work hours. They were on the taxpayers clock. I seriously doubt you'll find a building permit or receipts for the materials. I'm not sure who actually purchased the material, she may have done that, I'll give her the benefit of doubt. She did not have a contractor do the construction, it was done by Public Works employees.
Anonymous said...
It was built during the week, during work hours. They were on the taxpayers clock. I seriously doubt you'll find a building permit or receipts for the materials. I'm not sure who actually purchased the material, she may have done that, I'll give her the benefit of doubt. She did not have a contractor do the construction, it was done by Public Works employees.
7:55 PM
Regardless of who did it I go back to my first question.
Isn't a Building Permit required in the city as well? The answer is yes and it will be on file if a permit was obtained. If not then the bimbo needs to be fined and have to tear the deck down until the proper permits are applied for.
Someone needs to file an FOIA as soon as possible. Building Permits and Inspections is where the permits are applied for. Check with Bill Holland or Henry Eure.
You're the man -- get that FOIA in fast, and ask the neighbors -- when and by whom it was built. Here's a list of the owners on Monitor Court, with the street No.
Name No.
***BARRIE”S HOUSE*** 1009
Will a City taxpayer be asking a question about this directly to Barrie at the Council meeting? Or will it be like usual--nobody has the guts to do it. Listen up, Jordan, now's your chance to appear at the Council meeting, ask the question and launch your recall! Let us know you're serious and do it.
Are you up to it?
Hey, Ray Lewis:
Eat your heart out, baby, and look how it's done by a real pro.
Anon 909, why don't you get up and ask the question? Don't wait for someone else to do it for you, ask it yourself. Grow a backbone.
Unbelievable! Jordan should launch recalls of the mayor, president and vice president of the city council, and now should ask a question for us. Can we breathe on our own?
It takes an official complaint to law inforcement, with somewhat credible evidence or witness, to launch an investigation into fraud and abuse/theft {not just cut n paste from a blog}"Somebody" from that public works crew needs to make a phone call and spill it before all of them are charged in an investigation.
There are witness protection phone numbers to call reporting such crime tips. Anyone know the one for WBI? Those public works folks should take advantage of this before its too late, I'd hate to lose my job if I were just doing what I was told/made to do. It's so wrong of her to risk the emploment/welfare of those folks and their families.
Wouldn't that just be the frosting on the cake? Employees losing their jobs for doing something illegal for the mayor when they probably agreed to build the deck so they wouldn't lose their jobs. I doubt the worker bees had ESP and just guessed the mayor wanted work done so they drove over there and did it. Someone told them to go there during the workday. Would Barrie think no one would see them while they were working? Would she think none of them would ever tell about the project? That seems arrogant even for her.
Offer them immunity! That will get everyone singing and the Mayor squirming, should all of this be true.
That photo is of the side of her house, not the back which faces the lake. You cannot get that angle from across the lake.
What an Idiot! The Lake goes around in a complete circle. Let me assure you, the Mayor would have already tried something against me if this were not a fact. She would have also sued me if I was trespassing. I was not, she knows it, end of story.
I wonder if they made it alcohol proof?
From a contractors perspective, that deck probly took several men better than a week to build,getting materials, prep. work, clean-up. The location and working around the trees took quite a bit more time. If they had to remove an old deck first, would of took a few more days. If it's pressure treated it was in the neighborhood of 10thou., composite would be several thousand more.Sounds like to me she gave herself one heck of a discount. Wic. co's fine for no permit is "the cost of a permit" Not sure about Salis.'s fine. I'd bet theres no permit though, hell, she almost ran off with 10m, you really think she'd worry about a permit?
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