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Monday, February 04, 2008

Congressional Candidate Andy Harris Points Out, 8 Days Left


Only 8 days remain until the election on February 12th that can change the way business is done is Washington. Each of you who read this, can help with that change.

Today I want to talk about our economy. The truth is our economy faces some uncertain times ahead. Families are finding it harder to make ends meet. Our elected officials must take action now to improve our economy.

I'm running for Congress because I believe it's vital to get our economy moving again. There is a clear difference between my opponent and me. Wayne Gilchrest thinks higher taxes and more government spending are the solution to improving our economy. He believes in big government - I believe in free market capitalism, less government and a lot less spending. Wayne Gilchrest is wrong. American free enterprise has created millions. I say, let's give free enterprise the chance to create opportunity for every family in America.

My plan for the economy is very clear. We must immediately make the Bush tax cuts permanent. Second, we need to cut wasteful government spending. Third, we need to lower taxes on every American.

Right now, Congress is talking about giving a little bit of our tax dollars back to us. If Congress believes it is a good idea to give us more of our money back; then they should permanently lower taxes so we can keep more of our money forever. I will vote to permanently lower taxes and I will oppose all new tax increases just like I have done in Annapolis.

I hope you will join my campaign to create a stronger economy.



Fightin' Mad said...

wait...we could have a 1st District Congressman who cares about the taxpayer? That would be something new...Gilchrest is a "hero of the taxpayer" like I can fly. He's a "Hero of the TaxMAKER!"

Anonymous said...

We need a change. Vote Andy Harris!

Anonymous said...

The only argument the "pro-Wayne" crowd has is that he is a nice guy. Well I am here to tell you that he is only in it for himself...if he gets elected one more time, his retirement will go from 40% to 100% of his current salary...yeah sure...he wants to "lead" us. But he hasn't been leading for 18 years. He's no hero of the taxpayer...he feasts off the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

How does Gilchrest represent this District? I moved here not that long ago, and I am aghast. He might as well be a Democrat...actually, I know he said "That if I could re-start my political career, I would be a Democrat..." or something along those lines. As someone who is starting a family, I don't want this guy as my Congressman. What an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Hey,Joe where are the signs promoting the Great Man Lewis,that were mentioned in the Daily Dissapointment today?

Anonymous said...

The sheriff's sign said R. Hunter Nelms. Since there is a new sheriff it would appear to make sense to the educated folks to change the sign.