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Monday, January 21, 2008

A Good Question Worth Answering

"Joe as a avid reader of your blog I have somewhere missed why you have such an issue with certain fire departments. Now with Salisbury FD I can understand to some extent because they have two idiots running that place, but not everyone that works there are bad people and all these posts you get from firefighters are probably the same ones every time and you are smart enough to know that.

As far as Hebron goes do you dislike them because of that accident in which one person in that fire department made a mistake. Granted there are other issues within that FD but you can't hold it against everyone there, there are truly people who care about the community and want to help and have no choice but to deal with the people that have been running the company for years, it takes a long time to throw over all those people.

Then there is Delmar the town in which you yourself live in, I know that Wayne Barrall can be a little difficult, but then again why take it out on the whole department. I myself am a volunteer in one of these little towns that really gets no real mention because we don't have enough calls to be worth mentioning we get our moment of glory sometimes. But if I am totally off base with my reasons please let me know maybe for all of us that enjoy your blog most of time you can write a little something up for us explaining what the deal is with all this negativity."

I think your question is very fair. We'll start with Salisbury. I have an issue with a select few Fire Fighters there as well as a select few leaders. I have the utmost respect for the majority of professional there and they know it. The ones that don't, they're the ones that need to be removed, (IMO) and ultimately will be weeded out over time anyway. Right now the SFD is extremely desperate because they are relocating and no one really wants to go there.

The funny part about many of those people who hate the idea of relocating to the new Station are actually going there because it's against what Joe Albero believes. ROTFLMAO! So the ONLY ones that will suffer is them. Now that to me is extremely funny!

If you look closely at the photo above, why do you think there is one group standing in one area and a single individual Fire Fighter alone and away fromm that crowd? I have more from that same day where they were seperated in each and every photo. Yeah, I have some REAL issues with Salisbury.

As for Hebron, YES, I have a major issue with the accident that is still being COVERED UP. A woman lost her life over the stupidity of one, yet that driver has a track record and reputation of driving like a nut job and nothing was done about it. Then there's the wanna be Chief. You remember, the guy who claimed he was the Chief and he LIED. The rumors of the alleged drinking and showing up to fires is yet another problem I have with that Station. Once again, many are punished for a select few.

As for Delmar, the only person I have a problem with there is Wayne Barrall. However, Wayne is everywhere, including the Western Shore. Wayne's Idiotic view of the "N" Word clearly shows just how ignorant that pansy ass is. I have yet to meet a single bad person from Delmar other than Wayne. They have ALWAYS been professional and I have only questioned why there are so many Fire Departments at small fires that to me seem to be overkill.

The excuse that comes back is that, (more or less) that's the Industry Standard to over do it at each and every fire, JUST IN CASE.

Now, does that reflect on Delmar? Nope, it reflects on everyone. I disagree with things like going all the way to Cambridge and three Fire Departments for an 800 sq. ft. home with a small kitchen fire, DON'T YOU??????

All that being said, do I respect what these people do? Absolutely. I have stated what I disagree with and when you think deep enough about it, it's MY OPINION. The idea that a select group of Fire Fighters are so worried and concerned about Joe Albero's opinion, well, maybe I should be running the entire Eastern Shore and everyone should do as Joe Albero says? You know, a mini Joe God. LOL

Come on now. These people need to get a grip and realize that this is a Blog and it is opinionated by me. That being said, YOU have the right to your opinion as well and I welcome that. I have proven that when Fire Fighters speak, I publish it, even if their comments are nasty. I don't like the idea of a Fire Boat for $400,000.00 or $800,000.00. If you don't like the fact that I disagree, those people shouldn't return, right? Instead, they come on here as if what I say is the final decision. It's an opinion.

This goes for See, Gordy, Barrie Tilghman & Chief Webster. IT'S MY OPINION! At the end of the day, don't you think Webster, Tilghman, Gordy & See goes home and says, boy, that Albero is a real a$$hole! Should I sue them for that, like some of them are attempting to do to me? NO! They have the right to their opinion and that's just something I'll have to live with.

So my advice is, roll it off your back. If you don't like what I have to say, don't return. If it offends you, don't return. Heck, if it bothers you that bad, start your own Blog and see if people are willing to listen.

My guess is that there are a hand full of people in each Station that have a problem with me. There are a hand full of bad apples in any business their size. It comes with the territory, as they say. In the mean time, I respect every Fire Fighter out there, just as I do the Police. I do NOT respect, (nor do I have to) the leaders locally, especially in Salisbury and Hebron.

So Sue Me!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe for the explanation. As far us at my little no name company we all think you are very funny, that may not be the way you want to be taken but we agree with your views at the Salisbury FD. I agree with also about the Hebron mess everyone in the fire service that knows anything about that company knows that they like to drink and there is no doubt in my mind that many have went to fires having had too much to drink, but when the chief does it why should anyone else do any different. I am not sure about a cover up because you probably have more information on the guy that was driving their EMS unit so I am not going to comment on that, it is surely a sad situation for all involved.
As far delmar I have never really met Wayne but I have heard he can be a butthead sometimes.
But Joe it is good to know that you are not against all of us especially us little volunteer companies you run only about 300 calls a year, we are truly here to help because if we were in it for the rush we would have to go somewhere else because our company would certainly not get a FIX for an adrenaline Keep up the good work Joe exposing all the bad things within the county. Someday the members for SFD that really don't like will realize that if they just shutup you will have alot less fuel for the fire but apparently they aren't that smart.

Anonymous said...

joe answer me this: what is going on at the old real estate building by leonards mill pond. tonight there was a bunch of fire truck up there again. this is the third time in about two weeks i've seen this. whats the scoop?