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Monday, January 21, 2008

Congresional Candidate Andy Harris Reaches Out


Only 22 days until the election. Tuesday is the last day you can register to vote in the Primary so make sure to go by the Board of Elections to register.

As I have been talking to families throughout the district recently, they tell me how worried they are about making ends meet. Families are wondering how they will pay bills and if they will still have their jobs months from now. They are wondering if they will be able to provide the economic blessings for their children, that they have experienced all these years. The truth is our nation's economy is feeling major strains and could take a major downturn in our elected officials do not take action. The Eastern Shore knows better than most around our nation and our state, the issues facing our economy. Jobs have slowly but steadily left the Eastern Shore and the result has been rising unemployment.

We need elected officials who understand how the economy works and how we can improve the economic livelihood of every American. Right now, our elected officials are discussing giving each person a $400, $800, or even $1200 rebate. If our elected officials want to truly help the economy, they will cut taxes for future years instead of only giving people part of their money back one time which would be the case with these rebates.

As your congressman, I will take a few specific steps to improve our economy.

First, I believe our nation must immediately cut taxes to stimulate the economy. Throughout our history, tax cuts have stimulated the economy and I believe they will work right now as well.

Second, I will help eliminate wasteful government spending, so we are able to give more money back to the taxpayers. The government wastes billions of dollars a year and it is time to reduce the size of government.

Third, I will work to help to recruit businesses to the wonderful Eastern Shore. Workers on the Shore possess some of the best skills and are some of the hardest workers in our nation. Companies will flock to the Eastern Shore when a congressman is able to help point out the great benefits companies will receive by coming to the Shore.

Don't forget to keep checking the website for updates.

God Bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is nice to know a candidate actually cares about getting jobs to come to our area. Too long we have been forgotten and I am tired of politicians ignoring all of the businesses closing.