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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Arrogance Abounds in Wicomico County Government

Don't criticize the Wicomico County Government. It doesn't matter whether you are an ordinary citizen, or a member of the County Council. This message was repeated again today, when the Wicomico County Tourism office dismissed County Councilman Joe Holloway's criticism of wasteful spending on gifts as "grandstanding".

For reasons unknown to the public, Parks and Tourism Director Gary Mackes and his crew are immune from any discipline. Back in December, 2006 Mackes publicly criticized the new Wicomico County Council for not backing a TIF bond for the old Salisbury Mall project. Last year Mackes attempted to ignore a request by the same Councilman Holloway to investigate repair, rather than replacement, of the civic center roof. Now the troops are rallying to defend the Tourism office giving Christmas gifts to elected officials.

This affair is reminiscent of Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman spending $2,500 on stadium cups. People like Tourism Advisory Board members Wayne Strausburg and Michael Getzey just don't get. They are dealing with tax dollars. When the county is over $10 million behind in necessary road repairs, should the county be spending money on overpriced pens? To add insult to injury, shouldn't the pens have at least shown that they were from Wicomico County Tourism.

Holloway is correct:
"There's only one way to control how much money the government spends, and that is to control how much you give it," said Holloway, who is returning his pen. "People are amazed our money would be spent like that."
I can only hope that the Wicomico County Council spends an adequate amount of time in determining how to restrain costs in Wicomico County.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Bob said...

Agreed! No matter where the money came from, one thing's for didn't come out of Mackes pocket. Where I come from thats stealing. He has run unbridled and unchecked for too long. Joe is right for calling this AND the roof of the civic center to everyones attention. It's time for change. Not more of the same wasteful spending. No $23.00 pens. No purchasing unecessary land. No roof replacement when it isn't needed. No Gary Mackes. He is part of the old regime and we need a new way. Accountability.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think that Joe Holloway looks like a bum? His run down store looked dilapidated when he had it. He was smart enough to unload it on some foriegners.

Anonymous said...

I for one will be glad to see the back of Mackes for the last time.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you ask Mr. Holloway what he was given last year as a gift from Gary Mackes and if he returned that? Stevie also. In fact, ask the whole council.

Anonymous said...

The gift of pens may be in order to thank the volunteers for their time but they should not have been given to the County Council, etc.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think that Joe Holloway looks like a bum?

Careful, you're showing your true colors there. Judging a book by it's cover is so not PC. What he looks like, how he dresses, his manner of speech has nothing whatsoever to do with the way he handles his job as county councilman. He is an easternshoreman which means he doesn't give a rats ass what you think about his looks, he is what he is and he says what he thinks. Don't like it? Go find someone to sugarcoat the reality of government in this county for you. Joe, ain't the one.

Been here, gonna stay here, like it or don't.

joe albero said...

Anonymous 2:15,

GREAT comment! Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous 12:44,

You're not only a bum, you're a pussy for making such statements without being man enough to use your name.

I personally believe Joe Holloway is one hell of an honorable man, he's a friend and representative of everyone in his district. Heck, I know Joe cares about the entire County, not just his district. I'll add, he earned his seat on the Council, which is more than you can say.

That being said, although "I" believe the amount of money is small, it's the point behind it and accountability is very important. Why bash those who are looking out for YOU?

Anonymous said...

HaHaHa! You people are missing the boat. A good investigation would have found out that last year, Mr. Holloway received ____ from Mackes that actually cost more than the pens and he kept that. So why the problem this year with the gift? Is it because it is less than what he got last year? All of a sudden this year he obtained some ethics? What's going on? What is the real story? Just the surface is being scratched.

Anonymous said...

A-mice @ 12:50 & 2:35:

If you know of something significant, why don't you state the facts and leave the innuendo out of your comment?

Or are you full of BS?

Anonymous said...

Let this be a lesson to the new County Exec, his staff, who are mostly hold overs from the old system, and the Council.
Please, please, please, resist taking gifts from ANY one no matter how large or small. Cops, learned along time ago there is no such thing as a free cup of coffee, you will always pay for it in one form or the other. As in this incident was the $23.00 pen worth giving or receiving, I doubt it.
Too the volunteers at Tourism thank you for caring and donating your time, however to volunteer is to give freely without expecting any gratituty. I blame Mackes for his un-bridled attitude and free wheeling demeanor, obviously he is out of control. The County Exec and his staff as well as the Council are not with out responsibiliy for taking the pens in the first place. We are now almost a month after Christmas and had Mr. Holloway not disclosed this situation it does not appear any one else was.
Oh! by the way what was last years gift that and earlier anon blogger mentioned? Joe, please find out for your fans. You are the Man!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Gary Mackes mess dates from the time when Henry Parker and Vic Laws ran things in Wicomico County under the aegis of the then County Administrator, Matthew Creamer, who is now the executive secretary to the County Council. The form of government has changed but not how it operates.

Anonymous said...

I thought at the time, perhaps the Beer & Pen gate incidents might have been a smoke screen to divert attention from the real gate...the binding arbitration vote by the council. Much like Bethany gate and the (what) audit.
The beer sales aren't illegal & apparently, the gifts (pens) are SOP.
But, we all are most interested in cutting spending by government, accountability and looking out for the little guy. (small businesses are taxpayers,too.)
So to that end, the diversion (if that's what it is) is worth it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to both Joes' for bringing the pen incident to the attention of the citizens of wonderful Wicomico. Unfortunately, those in the know are well awae of the untouchable Mr. Mackes, a/k/a as Henry Parker's GOLDEN BOY who could/would do no wrong whatsoever. Some of the old line democratic council still think Mackes can walk on water, and even turn water into wine. Unfortunately, they have a fox in the hen house in the form of Mackes, and any excuse he can produce will be deemed law by the "old guard." If you really want to know who is in charge of the Wicomico County Council, just review some of the tapes when Henry Parker is present in the room, with his hand signals to guide his current democratic cronies. It was especially noticable at during the previous council meetings toward Chip Dashiell. The Sainted Mr. Henry was once quoted as saying something along the lines of, "Gary is just like the son we never had." Again, THANK YOU JOE A. AND JOE H. for bringing some of the real truth to the taxpayers of Wicomico County. It is long overdue!!