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Friday, December 14, 2007

SPD, Butts Or Fags?

"I would like to add that my family and I were traveling down Pemerton Drive the 17 of November to take our children to go see their grandparents.

There was a police officer riding my A** while I have two small children in the back seat. I knew he was waiting for me to do something so he could pull me over , and he did for throwing out a cigarette.

As he turned his lights on I drove maybe a 1/2 mile to get to a safe place to pull over. When I pulled over he wanted to tell me that I didn't pull over fast enough and I explained I waited to pull over at a safe location I don't want someone to hit us and he replied that never happens. I asked him yes I asked him why I was pulled over I wasn't speeding and he replied my passenger ( my husband) throw out a cigarette.

So he takes my license and takes FOREVER and finally comes back with a $140.00 fine for a cigarette are you serious, he gives my husband the fine and told him to sign and by signing he is admitting his guilt. My husband said no he threaded to arrest my husband in front of our five and two year old. My husband said he was not signing saying he was guilty then the officer corrected his self and said by not signing you are guilty. My husband then wanted to read the ticket of course to see what he was signing the officer told him to give his ticket book back and my husband said I am reading the ticket. He keep repeating give me my ticket book and my husband asked him for his name and ID number and he refused to give that information.

Then the officer told my husband he had to the count of three to give him his ticket book or he was going to arrest him for theft are you serious so the officer counted and it reminded me of the tootsie pop commercial were the owl count to three yes I laughed which pissed him off even more so at the count of three my husband gave the little boy his ticket book back. Then he wanted to keep shining his light in my babies eyes and I asked him to lower his flashlight which he did. I had a five and two year old back there scared that there father was going to get arrested and at the same time blinded.

Needless to say we were pissed when we finally left and called the Salisbury police department to file a complaint and they acted like someone called and asked for president Bushes number it was ridiculous and everyone was busy and could not take the complaint. So our nice evening with the in-laws turned out great. Get pulled over, get threatened, and get a $140.00 fine a week before the holidays. We are not planning to pay the fine we plan to fight it out in court and take that pigs job while we are at it."

In America we call it a Butt. In England they call them Fags. In Salisbury I'd call this guy an asshole.


Anonymous said...

Disgusting, littering self entitled jerks using the highways as their ash trays. The officer should have tased hubby, and the wife for good measure.

Anonymous said...

Well, by the tone of your comments, I can imagine that neither you nor you husband were polite or respectful to the officer. Your problem needs to be taken care of by the District Court of Maryland, not by the Salisbury Police Department. And by the way, a cigarette butt is still "trash" regardless of it's size or how many others throw them out the window.

Anonymous said...

yJoe why do you hate the people who serve the city of salisbury seriously why???? dont you live in delmar now in your paradise?? why do you voluntarily come out of that if it is perfect for you??? it is not like you do so much to help the community???? viewers beware if he lets this get on here comes the fake bragging

Anonymous said...

anon your as much as an asshole as the cop was.......

Anonymous said...

well, it is against the law to throw out cigarettes and you did state that you thought he was looking for a reason to pull you over why would you give him one?

Anonymous said...

So dont litter and you wont have this problem.

Chimera said...

First of all,before I say anything else-it was totally WRONG to toss out a cigarette butt,ESPECIALLY with a cop on your tail.That being said,what a butthole!You have the right to read anything before you sign it,and while the judge probably will not drop the fine,because it IS littering I think this cop was overzealous in his methods of operation.Furthermore,where does he get the idea "that never happens" referring to your fear of being hit by not stopping in a safe place.Apparently he has never watched the police video shows on Courtv or he would know it happens ALL THE TIME!Hello?A state tropper in our area was killed on the shoulder of a highway by a motorist so dont tell me it doesnt happen.What a maroon

Anonymous said...

"he gives my husband the fine and told him to sign and by signing he is admitting his guilt."
You are a liar. ALL officers are trined to state the exact opposite. By signing, it is not an admission of guilt.
Pay your ticket that you deserve and quit you whining!

Anonymous said...

Your husband diserves the fine for littering and making the roads around here look horrible. He also diserves something for forcing your children to breath second hand smoke which is far worse than an spd officer shining a light at them. STOP KILLING YOUR CHILDREN SLOWLY.

Anonymous said...

Anon-You are exactly right!Littering if I heard correctly it is a 1,000 dollar fine!They got of easy!What if that butt would have caught the field or woods on fire and threaten homes near bye!I hope the judge throws the book at him!!

dan said...

Whether the cop was over the line is one thing, but what type of grammactical style is the author employing here?

Anonymous said...

Yup, I don't believe one minute of this whole story... selective memory... selective details.

Yes, this story is very similar to the 'poor' guy who was refusing to follow the officers directions, and got tazed. This guy deserved the same treatment.

Don't argue with a man with a gun. Respectfully document everything, and take it to court.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe a damn thing this woman is saying. The Officer told her/him that signing the ticket is admitting guilt? Bullshit. Lady, let me know what your court date turns out to be cause I need a good laugh. He shoulda tazed both the husband and wife...and these are the type of people driving these days...tsk...tsk...

Anonymous said...

LAUREL — The Delaware State Police arrested seven people on assorted charges and shut down a drug ring operating out of a Laurel apartment complex........
Arrested on various drug and weapons charges were......Ciara M. Smack, 18,

Smack arrested on drug charges!! LOLOL!!

Anonymous said...

The officer should have done all the above and kidnapped the kids and fed them ice cream for having such idiot parents. Keep up the good work SPD! Kudos to Chief Webster! I hate cigarette smoke anyway! Just disgusting! That's Keepin it Real! I like sherbet by the way.

Anonymous said...

smoking in the car with a five year old and a two year old. Not only should you get the ticket for littering, but you should also get the "Parents of the Year" award as well for smoking in the vehicle with small children. Obviously you dont care about your childrens health.

Anonymous said...

Littering. Didn't you go to elementary school where they taught the definition and taught that it's illegal. Do you throw your butts on your floor at your home? It's ignorant, the street is not your private trash can. And what an example you're setting for the children.

Anonymous said...

Ticket amount: $140.00
Lawyer fees: $500.00
Court Cost: $50.00

Being found guilty and the "PIG" receiving Overtime Pay: PRICELESS!!!

Anonymous said...

I’m not defending some of the young city cops. There are a couple that are complete assholes and should not be policeman in Salisbury or anywhere else. (Thank God it’s only a few) Sometimes it’s the driver sets the tone of the whole incident.

Littering...... smoking with small children in the car. I didn't know there were any trailers on Pemberton Drive. Oh, visiting the in-laws, that's right. Please let us know the court date. I want to watch this one. I witnessed a MSP trooper give a kid a $100 ticket for a cigarette butt 25 years ago. It should be at least a $1,000 fine now. You got off easy. It’s a shame that you put your children through this by breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

If you have the money to blow $50++ a week on cigs you can afford the ticket. You know how many mulch fire calls a week the fire department gets during the summer from idiots like you throwing out their butts? Maybe everyone is tired of you people throwing your butts everywhere making sidewalks/parking lots look horrible. If you were polite and co-operative you could have been done in less than 5 minutes. Along side the road is no place to argue a ticket.

Anonymous said...

littering's a serious crime! haven't any of you ever heard Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Resturaunt"????

Anonymous said...

ovI’m not defending some of the young city cops. There are a couple that are complete assholes and should not be policeman in Salisbury or anywhere else. (Thank God it’s only a few) Sometimes it’s the driver sets the tone of the whole incident.

Littering...... smoking with small children in the car. I didn't know there were any trailers on Pemberton Drive. Oh, visiting the in-laws, that's right. Please let us know the court date. I want to watch this one. I witnessed a MSP trooper give a kid a $100 ticket for a cigarette butt 25 years ago. It should be at least a $1,000 fine now. You got off easy. It’s a shame that you put your children through this by breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

Do you think no one on Pemberton Drive smokes? Think again, dude. They should not have been smoking in the car, with the windows up, with children in the car. Give them a break for goodness sake.

As for littering, yes, it is littering. How about catching some of these fine folks hauling trash, leaves, limbs, branches etc. They don't cover their load and it is flying out all over town.

Anonymous said...

They should not have been smoking in the car, with the windows up, with children in the car. Give them a break for goodness sake.

Before you all jump down my throat, I meant GIVE THE KIDS A BREAK, not the parents.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
They should not have been smoking in the car, with the windows up, with children in the car. Give them a break for goodness sake.

Before you all jump down my throat, I meant GIVE THE KIDS A BREAK, not the parents.

10:14 PM

You @sshole!!! Just kidding, we are all human and make mistakes. The idiots smoking around children are the mistake.

Anonymous said...

You know that little pullout tray on the dashboard? It's called an ashtray and was specifically designed for disposal of ashes and cigarette butts. Use it, then when you get home, take it out and throw the butts away in your own trash, not in my front yard.

And don't you love people who use their ashtrays? I have seen some that open their doors at stoplights and dump a week's worth of cigarette butts on the ground. Classy!

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I'd give the cop a commendation! I'm so sick of seeing people toss cigarette butts on the ground, like that somehow isn't litter! Each time you prepare to toss a butt out, imagine it as a dirty diaper. Would you just throw that on the ground? On second thought, maybe these folks would . . .

Final Frontier

Anonymous said...

You Should get a fine for SMOKING in a car with kids

Anonymous said...

I Would like to say first of all we DO NOT smoke in the car with our children it was a old cigarette butt from a previous stop that was not lite. I never said that we didn't deserve the fine. The whole point was that the officer was riding my butt for four miles to the point I could not see his headlights, and that I treated the officer with respect and he did not treat me with respect. We love our children and would NEVER risk there health.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. I don't believe for one second that your husband held onto an old cigarette butt for at least 4 miles (which you say the cop was tailing you) and chose to finally throw it out. If it was from a previous stop, wouldn't it had been thrown out before you got back into the car?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Anon 3:20pm. Lady, I hope the Judge imposes an increased fine of $500 to you, which can happen for your information. And that doesn't include the added court cost. I agree with most of the writers that the cop did his job. Lady if you have a problem with the Maryland Traffic Law, take it up with the Maryland Legislature! I just can't believe people play the "Oh Poor Me" act. You get what you deserve, and if you do refuse to sign the citation, you will be warned again, before being placed under arrest. Praise to the Officer!! Lord help you to the parents who do not care about their children's health. And as to you throwing "old cigarettes" out the window with a cop behind you...Bull Hockey!! It is a reflex of your husband to throw a lighted cigarette out the window, as he has done so many times before, I'm sure. So it really did not matter that a police officer was behind you. Kudos to the cop, need I say that enough...their Chief is not the greatest, but some of the Officers are.

Anonymous said...

Ok, it's still littering regardless of if it was LIT or not. (Notice the spelling... actually I'm assuming you DID miss the elementary school class where they taught littering was illegal. It looks like you missed second grade spelling class, too!) If you smoke, you are exposing your children to secondhand smoke. And I also find it hard to believe that you are a smoker and you NEVER smoke around your children. Saying that you don't risk their health makes you a liar. Therefore, I cannot believe anything else that you've said in your letter. For all I know, they are all lies, too. Lady, you deserve everything the judge slaps on you and then some. For the sake of your kids, how about learning some morals.

Anonymous said...

I hate cigarettes and chucking then out of the window ranks right up there with parking in a handicapped space when you are perfestly fine--that being said I am speechless at the amount of posts over this incident and yet the mayor and 3/5 of city council breaks the zoning and charter laws practically every day and no one seems bothered at all. Where is the moral outrage about your hard earned taxdollars being given to rich landlords and developers for Gosh sakes? Come on people we must rise up and get rid of this regime or we are done for!! Oh yeah, did youknow that Laura Bush is a chain smoker?

joe albero said...

If you think that's bad, try owning this Blog and watching up to 69,000 people in one day visit this Blog and very few comments, (compared to the volume) come through.

It's like that every day though. My friends and I crack up at the following. Just when I put up the most damaging or informative article I could ever do, I put up something completely stupid and the good article gets 3 comments and the stupid one gets 40! GO FIGURE?

It doesn't matter though, the people are coming and they're seeing another side of what's going on out there. Like it or not, believe it or not, it's the other side.

I can't argue your point as well. It doesn't make any sense.

Chimera said...

C'mon lighten up about the smoking....most people in my generation had parents who snoked in the house and yes,even mothers who smoked when they were pregnant-they didnt know any better then but did it kill any of us who are in our 30's and 40's now?NO!And yet more kids today despite smoke free homes have allergies than they did 30 years ago.
Most new cars dont even have ashtrays but you can buy ashtrays that fit in the cupholders and there is NO excuse for littering-period.They should pay the ticket-but if they smoke or not is THEIR business and not a crime!

Anonymous said...

Cigarette smokers are the nastiest people on earth. I'm so tired of you using my world as an ash tray.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care if you smoke or not, not my decision, just have some common courtesy when doing not throwing your butts onto the road. Secondly, again, I don't buy the author's story. Lady, if you're reading this, get a fu*king life. Most of us don't buy your bs sob story, find a new blog and tell your bs lies there. Joe's running a respectable show here, not a story telling article. Enough of your husband and you. Smoke all you want. AND IF your "story" actually DID deserve EVERYTHING you're gonna get. Go to hell

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty disappointed you posted this story as an attack on the Salisbury PD. I too think there are some real jerks there, but this story is so slanted in the telling and the lady seems to feel no responsibility at all, it's all about how everything is the officer's fault. Yeah, shame on him for forcing them to litter. He should be suspended. Without pay. And better yet. HE should have to pay their fine.
