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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Congressional Candidate John Leo Walter Withdraws And Endorses Andy Harris

Congressional Candidate John Leo Walter Endorses Andy Harris
Endorsement unites conservatives behind single candidate

Annapolis - Today, first congressional district candidate John Leo Walter announced his withdraw from the race and endorsement of State Senator Andy Harris in his campaign to unseat Wayne Gilchrest.

John had been traveling the district spreading his conservative message to people throughout the district for the last several months. At his announcement today, John said "Andy Harris embodies the Eastern Shore values that we all hold dear. He embodies the Reagan principles of clarity, conviction and conservative values that we all so desperately desire of our Representative. Andy Harris is strong on defense - committed to lower taxes - and determined to end illegal immigration."

"I am humbled to receive John's endorsement," said Andy Harris. "I have a great deal of respect for John's decision to stand up for his principles by removing his name from the ballot."

Governor Robert L. Ehrlich said, "John represents the future of the Republican Party in Maryland. He is steadfast in his convictions and conservative on the issues. The Republican Party needs a solid farm team to be successful in the future and John is one of the brightest members of that team."

"John's decision will unite the conservative voters behind a single candidate, Andy Harris," said Chris Meekins, Campaign Manager for Andy Harris for Congress.

John Leo Walter joins a long list of endorsements Andy Harris has received that includes: former Republican Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, 7 of the 8 State Senators who represent parts of the district, and numerous other local elected officials from all levels of government.


Anonymous said...

While Harris and Walters consolidate the conservative base. Pipkin and Gilchrist keep splitting the Liberal tax and spend base. couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of guys.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that should give a clue, Chris. If "Liberals" like Pipkin and Gilchrest can get elected on the Eastern Shore then perhaps the Eastern Shore isn't as Conservative as you would like to think.

Anonymous said...

Well, we know Wayne keeps winning because he always makes sure to lie to the voters every two years and he flip flops on his positions.