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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fire Truck Runs Red Light & Kills 3 People

It took less than 4 days to get the results of a fatal accident involving a piece of Fire Apparatus in Baltimore City. How long has it been here?? Maybe we need to call the Baltimore City Police Department to investigate the Hebron accident.

Word has it the Hebron Accident will find fault on BOTH drivers. Talk about ass kissin politics!

GO HERE for the official Baltimore Sun Article.

Firetruck's driver sped through red light, investigation shows

Truck was traveling at 47 mph when it hit SUV on Sunday, killing 3 occupants
By Gus G. Sentementes | Sun reporter
12:05 PM EST, December 13, 2007

GO HERE to view WBAL's version as well.


Anonymous said...

The Hebron accident obviously had contributory negkligence on both sides. The deceased woman should have been paying more attention, and her "evasive action" put her right in the path of the emergency vehicle. The emergency vehicle possibly should not have been responding L&S to this incident. Fault is 50/50, so it's a wash. Im sure youd love to blame those firefighters that you hate so much more than that.

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely ridiculous that the Hebron accident is still under investigation. I wonder when the last time whoever is "investigating" it even thought about it. They deserve to be fired and held legally accountable for their insolence.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...
The Hebron accident obviously had contributory negkligence on both sides. The deceased woman should have been paying more attention, and her "evasive action" put her right in the path of the emergency vehicle. The emergency vehicle possibly should not have been responding L&S to this incident. Fault is 50/50, so it's a wash. Im sure youd love to blame those firefighters that you hate so much more than that.

7:02 PM

No my friend it was no wash what so ever. The F**king idiot from Hebron was told numerous times not to take that vehicle on calls. I have know the members and they confirmed this. It is a damn cover up and the fire department is 100% at fault. The poor deceased woman wouldn't have to perform the "evasive action" into the path of the emergency vehicle if the renegade volunteer wasn't on the road. That vehicle was bought as a chase vehicle for the Paramedic to respond to calls in and not for this renegade basic EMT to committ murder with. Yes, there needs to be criminal charges in this case. What the hell do you expect when they elect a criminal to be their fire chief.

Anonymous said...

I'm not taking sides on the Hebron crash.

But I have to say, the use of "so it's a wash" is just about the most disrespectful thing I've heard when a life was lost.

You are so worried about blame and defending the "honor of firefighters," you have shown a disgusting insensitivity and disrespect to the deceased's family.

SHAME on you! And that's coming from someone who is NOT against firefighters.

Anonymous said...

However, the Baltimore incident is more cut and dry. They went thru a red light. The hebron incident contributory factors of both parties..

Anonymous said...

Cops say the driver of the SUV, Iryna Petrov, 49, had a blood-alcohol content level of .06, just below the legal limit of .08. The cops have not yet decided if charges will be filed against the Fire Apparatus Operator.

Anonymous said...

The it's a wash simply means that both parties were equally at fault. Actually, Im giving the deceased woman some benefit of the doubt on this. The Hebron FF had the authority to drive that vehicle. If the woman had been paying better attention she wouldnt have pulled in front of him. A tragedy, yes, but the deceased is clearly equally at fault, at a minumum. No disrespect or incensititivy, just the facts.

Anonymous said...

Please don't lose sight that families have lost loved ones.

Anonymous said...

there was video and multiple witnesses to the Balt crash, but not in Hebron. I think it's pretty obvious that BOTH parties in the Hebron crash should have been paying more attention to their driving.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
However, the Baltimore incident is more cut and dry. They went thru a red light. The hebron incident contributory factors of both parties..

8:38 PM

The Baltimore incident isn't more cut and dry. The Hebron incident was uncalled for. The Explorer wasn't due on the Box and shouldn't have been responding in an excessive speed. This is a prime example or renegades gone wild and no accountability to the citizens. If the 7 dwarfs on the council and the 800lb gorilla had any balls they would do something about the volunteer fire service in this county. We the tax payers voted them in office to make responsible decisions for us and this is negligence on the County's part.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Cops say the driver of the SUV, Iryna Petrov, 49, had a blood-alcohol content level of .06, just below the legal limit of .08. The cops have not yet decided if charges will be filed against the Fire Apparatus Operator.

9:47 PM

Way to go trying to place blame on the driver. She was driving legally. What about your Chief Bushy... how many times have you all allowed him to drive your apparatus drunk? How many times have you allowed him to control the fire ground intoxicated?? Numerous times.

Guess what? There are going to be criminal charges against the truck driver as well as civil charges against everyone connected to the BFD.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
there was video and multiple witnesses to the Balt crash, but not in Hebron. I think it's pretty obvious that BOTH parties in the Hebron crash should have been paying more attention to their driving.

9:54 PM

WRONG!!! The poor deceased woman was driving her new car on a lonely back road that she always drives on when this raving idiot comes flying around the bend at speeds in excess of 100 mph lights and sirens blaring and it probably scared the sh!t out of her and she panicked.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The it's a wash simply means that both parties were equally at fault. Actually, Im giving the deceased woman some benefit of the doubt on this. The Hebron FF had the authority to drive that vehicle. If the woman had been paying better attention she wouldnt have pulled in front of him. A tragedy, yes, but the deceased is clearly equally at fault, at a minumum. No disrespect or incensititivy, just the facts.

9:49 PM

This is a major lie, this guy was told not to drive this vehicle. It was a Paramedic Chase vehicle, not his toy. Quit defending this idiot.

Anonymous said...

Baltimore City has a policy of apparatus stopping at ALL red lights even when responding. What kind of policy does our local departments have espically Delmar Salisbury and Fruitland which are all 3 traffic congested. Stopping for red lights would create a safer enviroment for the citizens.

Anonymous said...

If impairment can be demonstrated at .06, charges can be filed.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:52:

You have to have a box alarm system in order to be due on a box... In wicomico county its more or less bring what you one until cancelled.

Anonymous said...

Baltimore's policy is the same as state law... Stop, then procede with due regard.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The it's a wash simply means that both parties were equally at fault. Actually, Im giving the deceased woman some benefit of the doubt on this. The Hebron FF had the authority to drive that vehicle. If the woman had been paying better attention she wouldnt have pulled in front of him. A tragedy, yes, but the deceased is clearly equally at fault, at a minumum. No disrespect or incensititivy, just the facts.

9:49 PM

Let's see, if the woman was "equally at fault", I would think Hebron Fire Department would come out and say that. People would be upset about an Emergancy Vehicle contributing to an accident, but if Hebron wanted to avoid any appearance of a "cover up" They would come out with that and use it as an opportunity for community education on what to do when you see an emergency vehicle coming. No, there is something deeper and more sinister going on, and the woman's family and the community deserve to know the truth!

Anonymous said...

Who, in their right mind, would comment on anything, esp. admit any fault, while an investigation is ongoing???? duh!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can speak for the Salisbury Fire Department in the fact their Standard Operating Procedure for emergency responses mirrors the Maryland State Law. The driver shall come to a complete stop at the red light, check all directions for traffic, and proceed. This shall be done with full emergency lights and audible siren in operation. Federal 'Q' and air horns are not considered audible warning devices. Only electronic sirens.

The SFD also has a 'Hot' and 'Cold' policy for ambulance transports to the ER. If the most advanced level provider deems the transport to be non-emergent, then the driver/operator shall turn off all emergency lights and audible warning devices and proceed, following all Maryland State traffic laws.

Rob Frampton

Anonymous said...

Rob, that mirrors what I see when I see Emergancy vehicles coming through crowded areas of town. Thanks for the clarification.

Anonymous said...

This exact same topic comes once a month. You would think that the author of this blog would let the family of the diseased try to move on with their lives after their tragic lost. But how many "hits" would that get.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

9:44 AM

the bottom line is that wannabe volunteer fireman had absolutely no business responding to the call the way he did and he as well as the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department are at fault for negligence. If you remember previous statements from people in the know it was clear that he could have gone straight to the scene in his personal vehicle as he was on Rt. 50 returning from a class. The idiot thought he would get a thrill by going to the firehouse to pick up the "PARAMEDIC CHASE VEHICLE" so he could get his rocks off by driving fast and running with his lights and siren on.

Here is a question that needs to be answered. Did the driver of the Ford Explorer check up on the air to Wicomico Central and get acknowledgement for his response?

Anonymous said...

Rob several times I have scene Salisbury rigs blow through red lights without slowing down. You may have a policy but it isnt enforced and it isnt only volunteers doing it.

Anonymous said...

If this woman would get so flustered at the sight and sound of an emergency vehicle that she would lose control of her vehicle, she had no business on the road AT ALL.

Anonymous said...

Hebron is not going to say anything until any and all legal action is settled. The is the right thing to do. CYA!!!!!Remember the a'hole who sued them because he tripped at the carnival? Someone is going to try to milk this tragedy for some money for themselves, even though the deceased woman was at least 50% at fault.

Anonymous said...

If the driver in baltimore had not been drinking and driving, the accident probably wouldnt have happened. Oh but Joes Firefighter Hater Club always loves to blame the ff no matter what the situation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
anon 10:52:

You have to have a box alarm system in order to be due on a box... In wicomico county its more or less bring what you one until cancelled.

7:41 AM

A box which was stated in the previous post was a figure of speech where an inteligent firefighter would know the lingo. You hillbilly firefighter wannabe's refer to a fire engine as a wagon, get a grip.

If the county wasn't so damn backwards they wouldn't let the renegade fireman run wild and they would take control so the county could have a real fire department.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If the driver in baltimore had not been drinking and driving, the accident probably wouldnt have happened. Oh but Joes Firefighter Hater Club always loves to blame the ff no matter what the situation.

6:32 PM

Don't be so quick to blame the innocent. The citizens have a right to be on the road anytime they wish. This is not a communist country with curfews.

Much of the blame goes on the fire department for sending all of that apparatus to a smoke scare, basically a false alarm. Overkill as Joe has described in previous posts.

The bottom line is that fire apparatus, police cars, or ambulances don't have the right to run red lights. Policy or not it is the state law. You must stop at all red lights.

Anonymous said...

I have been driving for many years. I am always aware of any emergancy vehicles, but I have to say, that when those guys blow their horns right behind you, even when you are pulled over out of the way, it still scares the shit out of you. They don't sound like normal horns, nor should they, but I think that the people driving the apparatus should be a little more careful when choosing to blast the horn.

Another thing they could try is to do what they do in Great Britian--since sometimes it is hard to directionalize those sirens, as they sound like they come from everywhere, Britian inserts a bit of "white noise" in between blasts of siren so people can get a handle on where the noise is coming from.