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Friday, November 30, 2007

Vandalism On Virginia Ave & Pennsylvania Ave!

The vandalism wasn't just on Pennsylvania Ave. today. It also spread out to surrounding blocks including Virginia Ave. At least 12 vehicles had all their tires slashed on one block alone and one home had planters thrown through the windows. The Police refused to write that us as an attempted breaking and entering and instead called it vandalism. Want those numbers in certain categories down Chiefy? The Police admitted there were far more than the 12 vehicles vandalized on other surrounding streets.

Nevertheless, pictures will be coming soon. So to the Idiot who keeps sending in comments stating I am wrong, BITE ME! Must be The Daily Times because they never caught on to the story in the first place. LOL


Anonymous said...

Planters thrown through windows?

Man, that doesn't sound like just vandalism to me.

I'd be freakin'!

Anonymous said...

If this was done by SU students good ole Dr. Neufeldts' high standards of conduct just flew the coop. I know the GHO is praying it was just a bunch of street thugs and not her students. If the vandals are students will it be publicized or white washed?


Chimera said...

What kind of neighborhood is it?If its in Camden like I think it is-it might be college kids but it could just as well be street thugs too.And "white" washed is the correct term,because if its lily white college kids it will be glossed over and given little notice-such is life in Smallsbury!Not to say they will do anything to the perps regardless of race-remember,there are NO gangs!

Anonymous said...

The SPD used to do this kind of crap and then ticket the vehicles the next day. Just to try an show area residents who's boss.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:40 -- are you serious??? Got more details?

Besides, that car's in a driveway! Can't ticket that one.

Yep, that's Camden -- I recognize the street names.

I'm betting it's not students, though. They like to destroy things with bare hands, i.e., don't carry weapons.

So I find this scarier!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The SPD used to do this kind of crap and then ticket the vehicles the next day. Just to try an show area residents who's boss.

7:40 PM

Good grief. You really need to get a life.

Anonymous said...

Every a.m. @ around 4, my dog barks & runs to the door. I turn on all the outside lights but have yet to see anything. But found that someone "keyed" my car which was parked in the driveway, right next to the house.
Would love to know who is out there. I'd say an o'possum, but they don't carry keys.

Anonymous said...

A MDOP (vandalizm) is a part II crime (less serious) than a burglary which is a part I crime. All of these crimes and numbers are analized and scruitinzed by the FEDS and the ADMIN at SPD thats why I'm pretty sure it was classified a MDOP. Either type of report is the same amount of work for the officer, so who is calling the shots on which type of report to file?