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Thursday, November 22, 2007

This Is A Must See!

GO HERE to see the video! A man with pregnant wife is driving in a construction zone, refused to sign the ticket, gets ordered out of the car and gets tazed within seconds.

It was posted a couple of days ago and it already has 411,000 hits with comments, most of them against the cop, piling up unbelievably fast. It actually made CNN.


Anonymous said...

DAM that is a good video of idiots who dont know how to follow orders

Anonymous said...

Notice passing the 40mph construction zone sign at video start. It is white, so it is regulatory. Later in the video, cop explains guy sped by sign
slowing to 40 mph, then passed a 2nd 40mph sign, that is when he pulled driver over.

Cop explains to him he was going a little fast, need to see license/registration. Driver fails to comply, starts whining. Then tries to give excuse that it's ok for him to speed b/c wife pregnant. Cop asks if she's
going into labor right now? Well no...
Cop asks for license and registration again, driver fails to comply. Cops says I will be happy to explain further, but first
I need to see your drivers license and registration. Guy admits he was going 68, which is speeding on any federally funded highway. (max speed limit is 65) A few states have a 70mph zone...

This was a 40mph contruction zone, so 28mph over + construction zone.
Guy's lucky not charged with reckless driving at this point.

Driver whines and whines i didn't know law applies to me Driver whines and whines. Refused to sign ticket. Signed acknowledges receipt, not agreeing to anything else.

He is asked to step out of vechicle. When he does, he comes
out beligerently, and while walking to officer has his right
hand in pocket. Then he walks past cop, again with hand in
pocket. Officer asks him to turn around and place hands behind back. Driver refuses. Driver walks back to vehicle again with hand in pocket. Then passenger exits vechicle now cop has 2 people to contend with. If officer saw anything in her hands, she lucky she didn't get shot.

I could go on and on about the mistakes the driver made, but suffice it to say. He admitted to speeding. He refused to sign ticket. He refused to follow the lawful orders of a police officer. He is lucky all he got was tazered.

Anonymous said...

Ok, let's keep in mind, remember when you signed the screen at the DMV (or as idiotic MD calls it the MVA) well, you signed away many of your rights. As long as you are on a state owned, or federally owned highway, you'd better follow their rules. Don't like it? Either don't get a drivers license, or drive only on private roads.

If you get pulled over: pull over as soon as possible in a safe location, put on parking lights or hazards, put your hands on the steering wheel, when officer approches window, roll it down. Say hello, when asked why you think you were pulled over, answer vaguely, "i'm not exactly sure...." Produce license/registration. Cop will explain why you were stopped, will be right back. He runs you, no warrants, writes you a ticket, you sign it (not acknowleging guilt, if you believe cop is wrong, you have your day in court. you are never going to win an argument on side of road with a cop) Cop hands you a copy and you drive off. Whole process about 5 minutes.

Or you can act like this idiot, take 10+ minutes, get tazered, and get carried off to jail.

Face it, we all speed, you know you were speeding. Suppose you weren't, well, remember the 10,000 you were and didn't get caught.

Anonymous said...

How much you wanna bet dude's mommy is going to pay for lawyer and try to sue for a $1mil.

Anonymous said...

Idiot got what he deserved.

when a cop tells you to do something you do it and ask questions later.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with everyone. First off, when he tasered the man, the female was still in the car. You are only suppose to use a taser when all attempts to calm the suspect have been used. If I was trying to explain something and the cop pulled out a taser I would have started walking away too out of fear. I think this cop got a little taser happy with his new toy and should be punished accordingly. I would hardly call that suspect beligerent to the point where a taser was necessary. If that were any of you in the same situation, you may have re-acted the same way in the heat of the moment if you thought you were right.

Anonymous said...

You have a retarded cop, and a retarded civilian. Not a good combo.

The people handling skills of this police officer were non-existent, and he was so fast in applying the taser to a scenario that could have been easily handled just using a little common sense, it's likely (in fact it's almost a certain) he's going to lose his job, and deservedly so. A police office that trigger happy is a walking lawsuit for the department.

The civilian was the typical whiny, "I'm special", argumentative middle class jerk you run it every day, but he was in no way a real world threat to the officer at any point in the traffic stop. The officer tased him because the policeman freaked out that the man wasn't instantaneously obeying him. If you have ever watched an episode of "Cops", or seen a real world traffic stop, there is way a professional policeman can handle non-threatening, hard of hearing types without immediately whipping a taser on them.

People huffing and puffing about shooting the civilian need to put down the crack pipe they are nursing and use what few brain cells thay have in thinking about what the job of effective policing is all about. Law enforcement personnel that have giant AUTHORITAY chip on their shoulders are liabilities to their municipalities, and a threat to the public.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the cop!
Just another man-boy who has never, in his life done anything an authority figure has said he has to do. His wife, the same.
All he had to do was what the cop said!
The roadside was NOT the place for the dispute!
If you think you're right, you can take pictures & go to court, offer them into evidence, and let the judge decide. You don't have to have a lawyer, but if you can afford one it wouldn't hurt.
He could have been a man & appeared with the officer in front of the judge to argue his case.
There's nothing like it when that gavel goes down!
It's over!

Anonymous said...

that's gotta be a first..."You can't give me a ticket cause my wifew's pregnant...not in labor!"

Anonymous said...

This was best explained by one of the first posters on that site:

Let's count some of the officer's mistakes:

1. Failing to notify driver signing is a legal requirement and not an admission of guilt.
2. Failing to warn driver arrest was impending.
3. Failing to notify driver he was under arrest.
4. Failing to give driver reasonable time to comply with order.
5. Threatening use of force to escalate a situation.
6. Unwarranted use of force when other options existed.

If the arrestee was a minority, that cop would already be under suspension.

Anonymous said...

Typical of the salisbury police and the wicomico county sheriff where the minimum job requirements are; working on your GED and a bad hair cut.