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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bill Duvall Needs To Deliver

Bill Duvall Said...


It will come as no surprise to readers that Jihad Joey Genovese launched a massive cheating campaign to rig the Turkey contests.

How do I know, you ask? Because he bragged about it in an email.

A revised, more or less secure contest will commence shortly."

Oh, come on Billy, you can do better than that. Produce the e-mail. Don't pull a BT and suggest something. Deliver the goods. Prove to everyone Joe Albero is a cheat. If you really want some credibility, (Mr. COEIU) show us the goods.

If you can't, you're a washed up Grim Reaper who is obviously so desperate he'll say anything, even if it's a lie to get attention. I can't RIG your Poll, Idiot. You used a piece of crap Poll Company that jumps the numbers like mad.

So come on Billy, prove to everyone you're not a lying attorney that makes things up. Produce the e-mail I supposedly sent around. You can't because it never happened. Nice try Billy but once a LOSER, always a LOSER. Or should that be, once a LIAR, always a LIAR?


Anonymous said...

It makes you wonder just how many COEIU things he put out in the past were actually the truth?

joe albero said...

You know, that's a great point! If you want the answer to that question though, my suggestion is you go right to the alleged source, Paul Wilber. LOL

Chimera said...

Uh-lawyers are liars by profession....paid liars

Anonymous said...

"A revised, more or less secure contest will commence shortly."

This means he'll need to pay for a real poll. Snail mail for a payment. His check will then have to be processed. By the time they get the funds it will be past Thanksgiving anyway.

Anonymous said...

Listen up,you guys, Bill Duvall was the first to even attempt a blog locally, and he came under the heavy hammer of Barrie in the process. He deserves your respect for those two things alone.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it this blog owner that dubbed Mr. Duvall the Godfather of Blogs?

joe albero said...
