As you attempt to enter the front doors at the GOB there is a sign on the doors asking you to register at the Front Desk. What front desk? I have been visiting the GOB for many years now and not once have I ever seen someone at a Front Desk, let alone instructed to sign in?
Perhaps someone could take this sign down now? Some people inside already look dumb enough without the help of this sign. And for the other 98% of you working in that building, I'm sorry but you know who I'm talking about. Now get off your computers and stop laughing so hard, you might get caught being on my site.
I saw that sign when I went to the work session Monday 9/17. I just walked in like I owned the place, I do, a small portion my taxes pay for. I have sure put out more than the $1 it cost the city~!
The only person I saw was the custodian that sits at the desk at night during work session and council meetings waiting to lock up I guess. Same guy that is always there, I really should ask him what his name is, he's always been very cordial with me.
I guess I should tell him I'm a member of the Dirty Dozen, I don't want to get the poor guy in trouble.
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