The O'Reilly Factor just featured the Christy Freeman case in which he had two attorneys debating the fact that the Maryland Law Sucks on this issue and they actually had nothing on her.
It is also rumored that there allegedly is a sexual harassment case forthcoming against Worcester County States Attorney Joel Todd by a former attorney working for that same Office.
Like I said, the Eastern Shore is no longer that sleeper neighborhood any more. We've hit the Big Time!
Apparently if I am pregnant and someone beats me or kills me and causes the death of my unborn child,they can be prosecuted but if I cause the fetal death myself I am absolved in the eyes of the current law.It makes no sense to me and it tells me perhaps its time to push legislature to make revisions to those laws.In the PC effort to push a pro-choice agenda and protect womens "rights" we have devalued human life to the point that we have theoretically legalized 3rd trimester abortion.
O'Reillys guests also pointed out that they cant even charge her with reckless endangerment for the cocaine use during pregnancy and referred to a Maryland case in 2006 where the Supreme Court ruled that the state could not charge a woman with reckless endangerment when she delivered a child at the hospital with large traces of cocaine in its system.
Third trimester abortions are already legal. They were declared such in Doe v Bolton (the companion case to Roe v Wade) and were re-affirmed in Planned Parenthood v Casey.
States may place tighter restrictions on them, but nearly every restriction is trumped by the "health" exception outlined in Doe, and reaffirmed in both Thornburgh and Casey.
The Maryland arguments from 2006 were rejected by SCOTUS because the statute was (deliberately) vague on what constituted reckless endangerment.
The legislature of this state will NEVER move to restrict abortion in any way, shape, or form-- and certainly not while such "great men" as Guvnah O'malley sit in the statehouse.
Amazing the lengths some will go to in order to appease pro choice voters.I didnt realize MD law on late abortions was so liberal,thanks for cluing me in.
Thank the liberal majority that sit in Annapolis. They don't have time to worry about whats right or wrong, just as long as they protect the green bag they pick up every month.
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