As we were walking along the Plaza numerous times last night I noticed this young couple hanging out by the fountain. They seemed very nice but after a few trips we started to notice his sleeves rolled up to his shoulders as he was reaching into the fountains and collecting all the cash he could get. Then they'd move to the next fountain and do the same thing. Times are tougher than we thought!
Damn shame. Back in my day, coins from fountains were collected fer charity.
Sorry state o' affairs.
can I ask why you didn't drop off a copy of the photo off at the police station? the guy is obviously a thief.
They have it now. Trust me, the Salisbury Police are watching this Blog like hawks. Wazup Guys! LOL
now thats ashame, dude needs to get a job slingin pizza or breakin down those boxes in the alley behind flava of itiotly.
sheezze anyone whos anyone knows albero is there with trusty camera in tow to snap that pillaging incriminating photo. If dude had a job that paid the bills, he wouldn't be out scraping up change for another bag of h. Of course life would be better if he didn't need the h. its a give and take.
I think an inrease in the minimum wage is an insult to every working person in the country. It IS an entitlement. You are ENTITLED to make a certain amount of money an hour even if you're not worth it. A job, and the conditions of the job should be an agreement between an employee and an employer, with the exception of matters relating to health and safety. To mandate a minimum wage is telling people that it's OK not to better yourself, not to further your education, or not to strive to to a better job because the Government will take care of you. Greed and the attempts of politicians to keep thier jobs by making the lower income people feel like the Government has to do everything for them will only perpetuate the mindset which keeps the have nots as have nots. No one forces people earning minimum wage to stay at a dead end - low paying job.....it's a choice. Good employees simply will not work for minimum wage. My daughter works in my office and makes $9.00 an hour. When she shows me initiative she'll make more. My laborers make $10.00 to start. I have NO minimum wage employees simply because you get what you pay for. But I do not believe it is the place of the government to dictate what you must pay your employees in the same way that it is not the place of the government to mandate an amount of money employers pay toward health care. If you do not like the pay and benefits go work somewhere else or better yourself to become a more valuable employee.
Just so that you know....the illegals are getting smarter. Many are starting thier own companies as sub-contractors and they won't work for less than $12.00 per hour in the construction field.
Pretty Good Point About Time!
Iyeska....what license? I'm speaking of the illegals. They are jacklegging. They are charging mostly by the piece - like roofing by the square - and charge just under what legitimate companies charge. They live ten or fifteen to a house and send most of the money back to the countries of thier origin. I don't hire any of them...I have too many friends in the building trades who actually pay workers comp., taxes, etc. It's the right thing to do. What you're talking about does happen a lot but I was referring to the fact that even the illegals are learning that they can hold out for more than the minimum wage. And if they can do it, any citizen can do it with out further intrusion from the Government.
And About time....you're right. I'm afraid that soon you will see that SPD won't have enough windows and doors for thier officers to bail out of. As soon as July rolls around many local agencies will receive new positions in thier budgets. These agencies will fill these slots with certified applicants (from SPD) leaving SPD dry again.
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