Some have already said that Bubba, (Gary Comegys) is breaking the law but IMO I don't think he is. I wish Mike Dunn would come out of the closet so we can poke a little fun at him too.
Speaking of Michael Day, word on the street has it the Mayor is pushing to have him appointed to run Urban Salisbury. Boy, this guy has no loyalty to what he's doing whatsoever. He'll change jobs like the direction of the wind and he has no real experience to handle such a position.
Once Barrie Tilghman is gone, Michael Day will become a name of the past because without her he can't hold onto anything for himself. Nice guy, just useless in business. That is, unless you like the weekend flea market?
I'm seeing the patern more and more between department heads and Barrie Tilghman. Similar for the 50 to 75 "professional Zookeepers" that apply for a job at the Zoo and Rapp hires a much younger friend of the family or bar stool buddy rather than the professional so as Jim can control them throughout their career. This is exactly what Barrie does. She hires and places individuals that will listen to whatever she wants and controls each and every department and they're all falling apart, just like the Zoo.
Why don't you offer positive comments. Mike Day actually cared and honestly tried to help this city. Why don't some of you people try running for office rather than simply make mean, nasty comments that serve no meaningful purpose.
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