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Friday, October 13, 2006

The Pittsville Debate

Joe Ollinger, simply put, is an idiot! This representative of the failing Alessi Campaign was listening to Charles Jannace state that it seemed ironic that he was excluded from the PACE Debate because the Alessi Campaign influenced PACE and came up with a ruling to this day still could not be produced to Mr. Jannace after all this time. Joe Ollinger SHOUTED out, "THAT'S A LIE, THAT'S NOT TRUE!"

Mr. Jannace quickly said, now I didn't interrupt you when you were up here speaking. The entire crowd realized this guy was a complete idiot and it once again proved that everyone involved in that campaign is aggressive and will go on the attack at any given moment. Alessi can claim all he wants that they are gentlemen and they like to handle things civilly but as we will clearly point out each and every day, they cannot control themselves and they're out of control.

I personally told the man to shut his mouth after he tried to continue speaking and he immediately shut up. You're NOT going to bully me Ollinger, haven't you learned that yet?

I was personally VERY disappointed in last nights turn out! Considering this was a Fire Department Related Debate, where the hell were the Fire Fighters? They want to ask a million and one fire related questions and there was maybe a hand full of Fire Fighters there. It's no wonder the Eastern Shore is labeled the way it is. An 18% turn out at the Polls simply shows how there's about 18% of the Eastern Shore that is edumicated and the rest can't even spell that word. LOL

Seriously though Folks, what the hell is wrong with you people? You complain left and right about how badly things suck around here and now you have a grand opportunity to truly make a difference and I guess 82% of you are edumicated by yard signs. Guess what there Earl, that there signs a perty lookin sign, I'ma gonna vote for that there fella! Glee, Glee, Glee!

I guess we'll be able to tell the amount of Eastern Shore Idiots by the amount of Alessi votes. This should get VERY interesting! By the way Ron, I'd be afraid to show up and compete against Charles Jannace if I were you too. Don't feel bad for hiding from competition last night, Ollinger was just as big an idiot as you are and read from the same script as you do. However, he read it much more easily than you do because he writes everything you read anyway. You just can't flow through it as easy as he can.

1 comment:

DrvCrAsH said...

I like to call these people the Sheeple. They dont really care about anything as long as it doesnt interfer with them watching American Idol or one of the other 20 crap fake reality shows