I personally believe that if you're going to own and run a Blog Site and you have an opinion, that's one thing. However, if you have a Blog site and you want to use your own opinion as an advantage point to possibly win a political race, that's out of line, crossing the line or whatever else you want to call it.
You have not ever seen me go on the attack against Rick Pollitt or his Family, nor have I ever challenged Ron Alessi's Family. Ron Alessi, well he's just a glutton for punishment because he's an Idiot with no thought of his own.
However, Rick Pollitt is a decent man running for an office that is VERY important for this County/Community. I personally think if Charles Jannace wants to use his Website to make certain statements, that's one thing. However, to use a personal Blog Site is no different from the Daily Times bashing Charles Jannace and printing only favorable things about Rick Pollitt.
Charles, win this thing because you deserve it, not because you have more of a following than Rick does. Learn to hold your head high because you're a champion, not a cheater. To me, this is no different than hitting below the belt several times. Send your information off to Bill Duvall and myself if you have something to say. If it's news worthy, we'll print it. If it's a dirt road and shitty pictures, forget it, it's not news worthy.
A good photo is something like Barrie Tilghman going on TV without a bra. It's photos of a WWTP breaking all sorts of laws. Capped pipes at the Zoo because Rapp illegally opened the drain as soon as the MDE left or a picture of Jim Rapp popping out of some bushes obviously stalking me. A dirt/gravel road, Dee, Dee, Deeeee! You need a new photographer. LOL
We're at the tail end of this thing guys, play fair or be prepared to get blasted yourself by other Blog Sites. If Rick Pollitt were an Idiot like Alessi I might have to give in Charles but he's a respectable man who deserves a fair shot with the Voters who count. Bring him down if he's broken the law. Bring him down if he gave out $20,000,000.00 TIF's or refused to bring down a Mall.
Other wise, call the man and ask him why he hasn't paved that road and I can assure you he'll have an honorable answer. Your Blog Site is slipping Charles. If you go, go out with some class and dignity, OK?
Now let's all be friends and come out fighting fairly!
what the heck are you trying to say here Joe, that CJ sould not use his blog site as a political tool? Or is he defaming RP's family.....I'm missing something. But I disagree that he should not use his blog site to forward his political agenda. RP has the same ability to for his own site and do the same thing, assuming he has a computer and a certain amount of brain power. And forwarding a politcal agenda, is that not what you are doing with this site???
What gives? Animosity?
Rut Row,
Family Disharmony? Husband always loses to Daddy, at least in this familias Italian run Democracy.
What the hell is going on around here?
As the stomach turns. LOL
chasing Sam again Joe?
I have been blogging for three+ years and am completely blown away by your statement that blogs are not suitable for political candidates. Such a statement is not only ridiculous but completely outdated. The New York Times and other respected media attributed Howard Dean's temporary lead during the Democratic primary for '04 to his blog and website.
I have no idea who Rick Pollitt, Ron Alessi, or Charles Jannace are but to suggest they refrain from using blogs to win their respective upcoming elections is incredibly backwater.
Back woods, Say back woods, the back water around here ain't a hiffen to drunk!
Since you're such a Dee, Dee, Deeeee when it comes to who the players are, Charles Jannace owns the Blog Site Justice For All, the one I'm complaining about.
He's on his own personal attack against his own opponent by using his own Blog Site to do so. Hopefully this helps you better understand what's going on?
Hey Joe,
I spent the better part of an hour figuring out how to get a picture next to my name so I could be JUST LIKE YOU. how come your site doesn't show the pics.
Let me have my IT guy look into that. Keep posting and we'll see if we can't clear it up shortly.
uh..houston we have a problem....roger that..we have a positive confirmation on the negative trajectory....
Boy Joe,
when you get into the public eye everyone is taking pot shots!
Yeah, it's pretty funny, isn't it SRR? It seems to be hitting the fan, doesn't it? LMAO!
Ohhhh boy,
this should get real interesting!
I'm glad I'm just an anonymous X.
geeeez i'm busting a gut!
grassroots said...
Caught you posting under another name over on "Maryland Townie" website Joe.
Actually you were posing as Jimmy Tragle talking about Jennifer's back injury. Too bad you got wrapped up in your words and your rolled right into talking about why you wife worked at Jannace's office. Here are the exact words that were posted under a post that was suppose to be Jimmy Tragle.
"My wife doesn't need to work (I'm not implying vast wealth here, that would be a misleading) yet she does so because she wants to. No pre-nup is present, what is mine is hers. She's worked all her adult life and would probably crawl out of her skin if she didn't have a job. I know a few people that fit into that category. Jennifer is one of them."
Game, set, match.
Just in case you try to delete your comment, it's now up here for good. Have at it Tragle!
You da Man!
I still say your picture should be submitted to the Postal Service. Good Candidate for a commemorative Stamp! I'd buy a couple sheets just to send post cards to Doody & Mare every couple weeks for the next 10 years. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It sounds like you are opposed to muck-raking attacks against individuals, not so much opposed to blogs as a campaign medium, correct?
Yes Joy, that's correct.
Excellent decision nosweat! Charles Jannis' platform out performs any of them and that's what I'm truly trying to express here. Charles should be recognized for that and NOT from pointing out roads not up to par and so forth.
Mr. A., I don't think Mr. B. attacked Rick Pollitt. I think he called him on his record. Potential cronyism (the stuff we hate 'bout the Mayor's administration), poor maintenance and plannin' priorities...that sorta thing.
Mr. Pollitt's in public office now, so his record in Fruitland is just as fair game as if'n he 'twere an incumbent in the Exec seat.
That's how I look at it. He's even got the "authority" line on his blog, so it's rightly that he use it as part o' his campaign.
Stop laughin'. Even the ole dog knows 'bout "authority" lines. Seen enuf damn signs o'er the years, I oughta!
Personally I thought what CJ put up was pertinent as far as opinion goes but he didn't tell the whole story. However, I'm hoping that people look more at the balance of what CJ's said on his blog than one particular article.
Actually, I suggested when CJ jumped into the race that he put the authority statement on because I didn't want to see him get tripped up by election law (I asked that question when I ran for Central Committee so I had an authority statement on monoblogue for about 3 months.) It resolves any question in a reader's mind.
As it turns out, when Rick Pollitt thought I made a misstatement about what he said at the Pittsville forum, he was kind enough to send a clarification, of which I posted the pertinent portions. There's nothing that says you can't ask the question of Rick Pollitt about what (if anything) will be done with that street after the development is completed.
Mr. Swartz, I read that letter on yer blog. I ain't got nothin' against Mr. Pollitt and I give him lotsa credit fer bein' responsive t'questions.
Guess my point was simply that he's holdin' public office so discussin' things observed (he told us to go look) on a blog is hardly an unfair approach.
Some may look at that stuff and say, "Oh, my," and other might say, "Big deal." I guess I just like seein' it so I can make up my own mind.
Ya seem like a fair and balanced fella yerself. I don't always agree with ya, sometimes even think ya cut some oaf-fish-uls a little too much slack. But I like yer approach.
Look at the comments Iyeska. I know first hand he's not having to censor his Blog any more so the comment that you see there are very few and far between.
I have received multiple personal e-mail messages of even supporters of the Jannace Campaign that agree that he shouldn't use his Blog for such matters as a campaign. If it's news worthy, get it to Duvall and or myself and we'll print it.
Don't make me blast the Jannace Campaign with Rick Pollitts answers to WHY the road hasn't been paved. Oh, and by the way, that trailer park you keep mentioning on that road, it's NOT even in Fruitland!
So ALL of you need to be careful in what you say, especially Jannace. Don't hurt the campaign even more than it already has been.
Use his Website for blasting Pollitt, not his Blog. Make sure you get the other side of the story first as well before he looks like an idiot again too.
Do also note, most of the comments on his Blog site come from people that are on his campaign too.
Forgive me for being so blunt Iyeska but I am right. I was also right about asking Rick Pollitt first about the roads and everything else. Rick and I have spoken and there are 100% legitimate reasons as to why things are being done the way they are right now and they are completely acceptable and logical answers. Charles went over the line and I tried warning him and he just kept pushing the envelope. Play fair or get slammed, that's all there is to it.
Charles, you've been punked. LOL
Its not to clear and the summary of events doesn't clear up to much eaither. What did just happen?
Now, if'n his charges are off in left field, then he needs t'correct 'em. But I don't think usin' his blog t'call matters up is wrong.
What's kinda neat 'bout this is, bloggers keepin' each other straight. I know commenters have corrected ya here, Mr. A.
But see, that's what great 'bout these. It ain't no crime t'make mistakes. It's another thing not t'say, "Ooops."
Like the Mayor blamin' the Maulers fer the mall still standin'. If'n she couldn't say "sorry," leastways she coulda said "oooops."
And Mr. B.'s seemed a lot moruva "oops" than a smear...unlike the Mayor's.
Bohnak is in Fruitland. It's not in the city limits but the residents have Fruitland addressess. Their children attend Fruitland schools and high schools in Wicomico County.
NoName, sorry it bothers ya. I ain't tryin' t'be a pain. Just type like I talk.
Could be worse. If'n I spoke the true language o' the Shore, ya'd have t'decipher stuff like "oot" fer "out."
Guess I'd be callin' myself an "old doag," too.
Like Popeye, "I yam what I yam."
Tell ya what, though. I'll try to drop an apostrophe here and there from time to time.
Like I just did.
Don't mean to be a pain. Thing is, it's actually easier on the ole fingers to use the ' than some o' the letters.
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