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Thursday, October 05, 2006

I Posted This As A Comment On Duvafiles

At the PACE Forum Ron Alessi kept stating that he was the man for the job because of his 30 years of business experience. OK Ron, I've been in business for myself for 25 years now and obviously I've been pretty darned successful. Certainly more successful than you, that's for sure.

Nevertheless, I have been going to City Council Meetings for a good 2 years now and I've never once seen you even visit a Council Meeting other than Zoo related pat me on the back issues. If You were to take this job seriously you'd at least visit the City & County Council Meetings and I've never seen you there.

I have more experience at 44 years old than you have and I'd never state I'm in a position where I'd like to be running the entire County! Ladies & Gentlemen, if you vote for Ron Alessi, I hope each and every one of you get exactly what's coming to you. If you're that stupid to hire someone with no experience and Judgments against them from a HUGE lawsuit, then you people are the biggest fools I have ever seen.

This is of course my opinion but come on now, how dumb can an entire County be? Go visit and see what it truly takes to deliver what the Citizens truly need in Wicomico County.

***I'll add, there was not one Zoo Employee at PACE there to support Ron Alessi. There was no Friends of the Salisbury Zoo Members there. There were NO Boyscout Troops there either! Heck, we know there weren't any animals there because there's next to none left! He has lost ALL momentum and now that Charles Jannace is in the race, these guys are forced to actually talk about issues and as soon as Ron opened his mouth about immigration and told everyone in anger that these people make all their money here and send it back home to their country, Say Goodnight Gracie! You just proved who you are Ronnie and I can't thank you enough!

It's now a race between Rick Pollitt and Charles Jannace and the REPUBLICANS know it. ALL of you should be angry at the committee too. They gave you a guy that just couldn't win and they failed all of you. Charles Jannace is a Republican and your vote will still stay within the party but this time it will be for the right guy.

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