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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'll Give You The Key To My Club, I Mean Heart, I Mean City!

Now how come you don't come sit next to me Mikey and get all warm and fuzzy?

Are you proud of yourself Daily Times?

Some women have no self respect! If a man with the arrogance of Mike Dunn aproached this woman as a married man, (as he is) and flirted like Mike was doing last evening, she'd tell him she was there to do her job and ask Mike Dunn to respectfully do the same. The KEY here is, Mike doesn't live by those rules, nor does his wife.

I guess what makes it right is that the Pac 14 cameras weren't rolling yet. MINE WERE THOUGH!


Anonymous said...

If you had flowing long multi colored hair hanging softly over your black cartigan sweater that meandered down your soft silky shoulders ending at your beautifully manicured fingers Mikey might like you too......
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not really!

Anonymous said...

A beautician I am not.
thank you for the correction.