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Thursday, August 06, 2020


Get woke go broke!

As the NBA and MLB return from their coronavirus-imposed hiatus, it appears TV viewers are not interested in what the increasingly woke leagues have to offer.

With both baseball and basketball draped in all sorts of Black Lives Matter and social justice symbolism for their opening games, a substantially smaller number of fans tuned-in to the rest of the week’s games.

According to, neither league did well.

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Anonymous said...

Yep ..not watching these fools. Cant wait till they go bankrupt and the spoiled bit**es will have to get a regular job. F blm-nfl- mlb..losers- thugs

Anonymous said...

All the viewers were out collecting money for the Biden campaign.

Anonymous said...

This won't hurt the leagues. They'll bounce back. Remember, rich people own these things. They're just showing their a$$ by kneeling, and the American people won't forget.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, get back to playing ball. That's what they are paid to do, not kneel and protest and BS. Just play ball, then go home.

anonymous said...

If they keep kneeling it is only going to get worse. We should also boycott any of their sponsors. Maybe then they will get the message they are not as important as they think they are. It is a shame they have ruined such great sports!

Anonymous said...

Get woke. Go broke!

Anonymous said...

Don't watch, don't care,to many good things in life to worry about such a non issue
Big Mike

Anonymous said...

Maybe, and I mean maybe, they will understand that most Americans don't care about what they are protesting when it interferes with our patronage to the American Flag and National Anthem. If I acted that way at my job I would get fired. They need to protest on their own time.

Anonymous said...

Politicians will bail them out with our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

You're correct 1:42, I won't forget.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Today's rainfall pales in comparison to my crocodile tears shed for the millionaire jocks and the owners who are permitting them to show disrespect.

Owners can write off some of their losses but former jocks will be sacking groceries, taking fries orders and dealing contraband. Poor choices.

Just completely done with them. God, family, country are way, way ahead of pro sports.

Help!! said...

Yea get lost pro sports

Anonymous said...

Anyone who is White that watches any sport. Enjoy being disrespected for being White. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed?? What if they KNEEL against BLM?? We'd be called RACIST. AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Let them go to china to play and learn to say "yes suh, Mr. Boss Man".

Slavery said...

Footballs resemble Watermelons

need I say anymore???

Anonymous said...

When are they going to mow BLM on the greens and fairways in PGA tournaments?

Anonymous said...

Biden is way behind in campaign funds - so yes it's best they try to collect monies not there than watch losers play an overrated overpaid sports games. 😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

Most Americans are not protesting. Most Americans love our country. It is a few that have forgotten that freedom is earned not demanded.

Anonymous said...

It's coming.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right,they hate whitey,Cant wait til the liberal cucks wake up and realize it...