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Thursday, August 27, 2020


"The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to limit what the federal government could do. Any interpretation of a provision of the Bill of Rights as a grant of federal power is ipso facto wrong."

-- L. A. Powe, Jr.

Centennial Professor of Law at The University of Texas
Source: Guns, Words, And Constitutional Interpretation, 38 William & Mary L. R. 1311, 1341-42 (1997).


Anonymous said...

Rights granted to Mankind by God are immutable. Those who would deny any of them using governments as cover are committing an act against God and Mankind in order to control and perpetuate control.

Anonymous said...

So to rebel against GOD is luciferian. The answer is very easy.

Anonymous said...

The Constitution as a whole is a limitation on the Federal Government. It intention was to empower the people. Not to control them. The second was added to give the people a tool against a tyranical out of control Government. It was never about hunting. FREEDOM and POWER to the people.

lmclain said...

Democrats (leading, supposedly smart and highly educated) have claimed the Bill of Rights is outdated and further and even more alarming, they claim the Constitution itself is a worthless document that has no place in modern world.

Voting for them is like voting to get to the head of the execution line.

They absolutely intend on changing this great country into a socialist
They just can't explain the details.
Because there aren't any.

We need to start the hanging.

Anonymous said...

Obummer is quoted and saying he thought the constitution is a deeply flawed document.

Mr. obummer supposed law professor has no clue!

The constitution is the agreement that the government must obey for the people to be governed.

The government cannot grant any right to people that they haven't first taken away.