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Tuesday, August 06, 2019

22% Of Millennials Say They Have No Friends

A staggering 22% of millennials (aged 23 - 38) surveyed by YouGov say they have no friends, while less than 1/3 say they have at least 10 friends.

Meanwhile 30% of Millennials say they 'always or often feel lonely.'



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Definition of a friend please.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the irony. A friend can be defined as someone who does care.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they could put away their phones, tablets, and video games and go do something.

Anonymous said...

And we wonder why young men are shooting people? They feel isolated, outcast and the only endorphins they get is from playing violent video games online with the only "friends" they have.

Anonymous said...

They were never taught to be alone. Their parents always made sure their were play dates, friends on vacations etc. Now they are in the real world they are lonely because they do not have the skills to make genuine friends on their own. It is sad. As a gen x'er( or latch key kid) our parents were to busy to create play groups etc. We learned to make friends and to enjoy being alone at times.

Anonymous said...

Well, it is very easy to understand. Millennials are the victims of the lost art of parenting, number 1. Number two, they have never been taught respect, they have been given accolades when not earned and do not understand the concept of fair play. Third, because they have been given everything unearned they feel everything should be free and do not know how to achieve anything. Finally, they are competing for these things against their peers and see them as the enemy and therefore could not see them as a friend.

Anonymous said...

We need to 214....they will be large and in charge soon enough. Hopefully their mindsets will change from me me me to us us us. If not I don't think God will be able to help.

Anonymous said...

I guess they don't have any friends because they don't know how to interact with each other on a one on one basis. They are mean to each other and always wrongly react to comments because of only texting conversations which are hard to interpret feelings or intent of the comments.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You have followers on FB but no friends.

You all need friends without a video screen in between.

Be organic. Meet people face to face. You might get bummed out but there are some real people worth knowing.

Mr Bob

Anonymous said...

6:46 Spot on!