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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Omar Blames U.S. For Devastation In Venezuela


Anonymous said...

This loudmouth loves starting crap and here she goes again. Quit giving her the damn microphone, as if she needed one. She's nothing more than a rebel rouser.

Anonymous said...

Socialist refusing to admit Socialism will not work
When you run out of money and no one works it collapses.
No rocket science there. Of course she couldn't figure her way out of a wet paper bag. So there you go. Just another idiot with a big mouth.

Anonymous said...

A rabble-rouser, too!

Anonymous said...

Imagine her with even greater government responsibility. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

She really needs to see a psychiatrist

Anonymous said...

I guess it really is the fault of the United States because we didn't take out Hugo Chavez when we should have. If we had done that there probably would be peace and prosperity in Venezuela right now.

Anonymous said...

She's brain dead why does anyone listen? The fact that the media posts every utterance from her mouth is baffling if no one listened maybe she'd go away and shut up. Thank God the Jake mouth will end in November we will have a real Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Lets send this bitch back to Somalia where she belongs!

Anonymous said...

Another Dem "leader".

Anonymous said...

Throw her back to that sh$$hole somalia. Get her sorrya$$ out of office.

Anonymous said...

This bitch is wearing thin.